Author Topic: Strike Multipad Memory Malfunction  (Read 5598 times)

Strike Multipad Memory Malfunction
« on: January 10, 2023, 09:12:01 AM »
Hi, everyone!

I'm looking for people, who faced the problem with inner memory of SMP. Such as freezing on a welcome screen, stopping playing and so on. For people, who solved this problem by replacing the SD card, that installed in the device, and whose module is now working good.

Because mine is not ...   :'(

Offline Chaser

Re: Strike Multipad Memory Malfunction
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2023, 04:48:46 PM »
Hi, everyone!

I'm looking for people, who faced the problem with inner memory of SMP. Such as freezing on a welcome screen, stopping playing and so on. For people, who solved this problem by replacing the SD card, that installed in the device, and whose module is now working good.

Because mine is not ...   :'(

Welcome to the Forum !..

Did the issue start recently..on it's own? as in was it working fine then started acting up..or did you upload a file/bank and the bad behavior started?
Uploading or deleting multiple files..including bad file(s)..especially if large in size corrupts the file system on the micro SD Card.
The same will happen if you backup the user banks as you have to backup the full bank , not just one kit so if you import a corrupt bank you have the same issue(s)
There aren't many here with the SMP other than myself as there was a private group on Facebook and the majority it seems chose there.

I don't belong to any Social media so you can check the Strike Multipad group on Facebook and see if anyone has had similar problem(s) or if it is out of warranty, disassemble and replace the SD Card yourself.The micro SD Card is hot glued in a locking holder on the board , so you will need to remove the glue and careful open the locking system.
This video Alesis Strike Multipad SD Card Replacement  was posted on youtube a couple months ago with similar warnings about file size etc etc I have posted in this forum.
The main thing you may have trouble with is if your card has a corrupted file system , copying over the current SD Card to a New card may result in the same behavior and you'll be back to square one so it's important to have an idea when the issues started.If it started with a corrupt file(s) you can try and systematically go through and delete user samples (restart/reboot after each delete), if it's a corrupt user bank you could load a different bank you know works or the original user bank if you made a backup and see if either of the two fix it.
Alesis will not supply anyone with a download link to replace the File System/Database as it is considered Intellectual property and the SMP will need to be serviced by an Authorized Service Center..
You can check with those on the Facebook Group and see how that part is dealt with.Someone may have supplied a link as it is a Private Group..

Personally I went thru this when the SMP first came out and I pre-ordered/received Dec 2018 so the SD Card and it's contents hadn't been altered/modified , it was a bad San disk card that Windows and other software couldn't fix , however I was able to copy the contents and make a backup.
I did some advanced modifications so I wouldn't have to deal with it again,including making the system external with eject so now I build sets and just pop in what I need and if a card gets screwed up from a corrupt file or bank and while I was at it machined it for Pad control and removed/replaced the reflection plate tech on the top 3 pads so they respond as well as the others,replaced all main piezos (which were solid mounted) and added decouplers.
I haven't posted the "How to" as this is a public forum and the odds are high the SMP will be ruined without the proper tools for some of the modifications as the tolerances are extremely tight and bore/counter bore is required along with specialized pots..there is very little room in the SMP and all the wiring is color coded Blue..

« Last Edit: January 11, 2023, 06:30:23 PM by Chaser »

Re: Strike Multipad Memory Malfunction
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2023, 07:45:41 AM »
Thanks, Chaser.

    So, I bought my SMP in 2021. Upgraded it to ver. 1.3 and it was OK almost for a year. I was modifying factory sounds, importing my own sounds, playbacks, click tracks (not very large, 40-60 Mbs), and everything was working very well.
    Last summer it started, sometimes, not loading the system. Freeze on welcome screen and stuck, no reaction to any buttons, even to power switch. Unplug / plug back into power source - and everything is OK, everything is working, playing and the device feeling good. I thought, it was a single error and will never happen again, because such devices are usually more stable (as I thought), then PCs with a VSTi on it.
    But it started to happen more and more frequently, sometimes it required 3 or 5 times to unplug/plug power to make SMP pass the welcome screen, load the system and work normally. And then, one day, it hung right in the middle of playback.
    I found videos on Youtube about this problem, and how to fix it, so I did. There was no errors of filesystem or something like that in the Sandisc SD card, that I ejected from the SMP. All files was readable, and I copied entire Sd card to a new one, inserted it into the device, and all started working good. Sounds were sounding, playbacks were playing, clicks were clicking and I was quite happy. But not for a long time...
   A month or two passed and it all started from the beginning. I erased all user sounds, Reset it to Factory settings, even found firmware 1.1 and 1.2 and doungraded device to version 1.2. But all was the same... Now I bought another SD card, 16 Gb instead of factory 32, and a little slower, than previous. Copied the original SD to a new one. Now everything is working good, but for how long...

Offline Chaser

Re: Strike Multipad Memory Malfunction
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2023, 11:06:19 AM »
Thanks, Chaser.

    So, I bought my SMP in 2021. Upgraded it to ver. 1.3 and it was OK almost for a year. I was modifying factory sounds, importing my own sounds, playbacks, click tracks (not very large, 40-60 Mbs), and everything was working very well.
    Last summer it started, sometimes, not loading the system. Freeze on welcome screen and stuck, no reaction to any buttons, even to power switch. Unplug / plug back into power source - and everything is OK, everything is working, playing and the device feeling good. I thought, it was a single error and will never happen again, because such devices are usually more stable (as I thought), then PCs with a VSTi on it.
    But it started to happen more and more frequently, sometimes it required 3 or 5 times to unplug/plug power to make SMP pass the welcome screen, load the system and work normally. And then, one day, it hung right in the middle of playback.
    I found videos on Youtube about this problem, and how to fix it, so I did. There was no errors of filesystem or something like that in the Sandisc SD card, that I ejected from the SMP. All files was readable, and I copied entire Sd card to a new one, inserted it into the device, and all started working good. Sounds were sounding, playbacks were playing, clicks were clicking and I was quite happy. But not for a long time...
   A month or two passed and it all started from the beginning. I erased all user sounds, Reset it to Factory settings, even found firmware 1.1 and 1.2 and doungraded device to version 1.2. But all was the same... Now I bought another SD card, 16 Gb instead of factory 32, and a little slower, than previous. Copied the original SD to a new one. Now everything is working good, but for how long...

micro SD Cars were originally designed for cell phones/cameras for Storage and under product descriptions you'll typically see a Read/Write Cycle of 10,000.(not always accurate..not always true)
Consumer products using SD Cards these days have a manufacturer recommendation..size and write speed..they leave out there are different cell types of memory for SD Cards..(attached)

Every SD Card in the market has a limited number of write cycles. This is a measure of the cards hardware lifespan.
Writing and deleting is done by current that it is transferred through the SD Card cells, which gradually causes them to wear out.
The lower the voltage required the greater the life expectancy of the SD Card.

SLC require lower voltage levels compared to the other types. But even those are going eventually to fail.
To give you some rough numbers, SLCs are estimated to have around 100,000 write cycles. Where MLCs range around 40,000 and NAND/ TLC as low as 1500.Samsung and Micron have used a larger cell sizes in their TLC 3D NAND chips (up to 48 layers), and a life of maybe 20,000 cycles.

If you have two SD Cards of the same type ,example one is a 32GB and the other 64GB, it will take twice as long for 64GB card to reach the write cycle limit resulting in a longer life going to 16GB you actually reduced usage/lifespan in 1/2..

You will get the longest lifespan and be more secure with a higher grade SLC card.

The SMP streams from the SD loads files from the USB Flash Drive into the system which is on the SD Card.
I don't know exactly if the SMP OS considers a loading a sample as a Read and a live edit as a write or not or the only Read is when powering on/loading the OS and the only write to the card is when powering down and you'll see the "Saving Data" prompt.There are multiple sorting listings involved and I believe this is usually if/when any corruption occurs.
Over the testing I have done I found the SMP auto saves or stores as you can adjust a setting/assign a sample..exit the kit..go into another kit etc and the settings stay in place..power down , power up and the setting change or pad/sample assignment remained.Whether or not this is actually the case in realtime I couldn't tell you for fact.If it's the latter (which is probably the case) and only Reads/Writes when powered on/off at 10,000 rating if you power on/off 25 times a day..the card will be done in a year...8 times/3 years...etc etc.I have had mine 5 years so the card would have failed long ago.
This is when an External Editor (one that does not require the hardware being attached) is needed especially if you are a heavy user or Touring/Gigging musician and do a lot of editing kit building.
Since there hasn't been an actual Alesis Support Forum (Get Satisfaction was shutdown years ago) and Alesis support is minimal at best I am afraid there isn't much information for those that use the SMP for touring/gigging and musician experiences for the lifespan (months..year(s) of heavy usage) for the cards.The STRIKE Module has been out for well over 5 years so I have been watching to see if reports of SD Card failure is beginning to increase,the difference between the SMP and the STRIKE Module is the STRIKE Modules internal SD Card is write protected and all edits are written to the external SD Card,while the SMP edits are written to a large amount of folders including sort lists on the internal SD Card.I also don't know how or if the STRIKE's internal SD Card being write protected affects the Read Cycle.

I have been using Samsung Pro Endurance Cards 32GB (Wearout: a durability test of 10,000 swipes)..they are rated for 24/7 recording "Hours" and can range from 20-30,000 hours to 150,000 hours (16 years),
but I am not a Touring or Gigging Musician and haven't put them to the test so I can't give you a comparison on all the Endurance cards out there.
That's why I did the mods.If the card starts going bad or fails..I eject and pop in a backup.

I forgot to mention you can use a 64 GB card..which will increase Read/Write but you'll see an odd amount under utilities.

« Last Edit: January 12, 2023, 01:48:04 PM by Chaser »

Offline AlanK

Re: Strike Multipad Memory Malfunction
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2023, 06:48:47 PM »
Chaser, you are such a source of information and experience. I don't have the Stike nor do too much fiddling but I read everything with amazement and truly appreciate learning all these details. Thanks for your dedication to this forum!  :)
DM10X with Addictive Drums 2, Pro X hi-hat, 4 crashes, foam cone conversion w Roland mesh heads, Laurin Drums snare and kick, Mapex P710W double kick pedal, Mapex 2 legged hi-hat, Behringer 8 channel USB mixer, Tascam 144MK AI, Samson Expedition Escape powered speakers

Offline Chaser

Re: Strike Multipad Memory Malfunction
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2023, 12:25:01 AM »
Chaser, you are such a source of information and experience. I don't have the Stike nor do too much fiddling but I read everything with amazement and truly appreciate learning all these details. Thanks for your dedication to this forum!  :)

Thanks Alan !!..
Hopefully it helps..too bad most STRIKE Owners went to Social Media...
The STRIKE Series/Product seems to be nearing an end , Zero Updates etc etc since the SE Kit..
InMusic acquired BFD..but it looks there's going to be a player version....nothing to do with the STRIKE Kit..
I have been working on a Major project for years and about done..I know you'll be interested..PM sent

Re: Strike Multipad Memory Malfunction
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2023, 01:57:43 AM »
Chaser, you are such a source of information and experience. I don't have the Stike nor do too much fiddling but I read everything with amazement and truly appreciate learning all these details. Thanks for your dedication to this forum!  :)

I second this! Although I do use both the SMP and strike module:-). Your information and explanations are great! Thanks for that!
Alesis Strike Pro SE, 2x expansion (tom/2 cymbals), 2nd Strike Module, Alesis Strike Multipad, Behringer eurorack 1804x, Antd Redfire 10

Re: Strike Multipad Memory Malfunction
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2023, 12:17:10 PM »
    Thank you, Chaser, for such detailed answers. I do not intend to use SMP every single day in a tours or something... (at least now) But I want to be sure, that the will be working as it should, especially in small places, where I don't have acoustic kit, and there is only Multipad. If it won't load or will stuck in the middle of the performance, that wil be a problem.
    So, changing the SD card to a smaller one only decreased the time of stable work. Just after 4-5 turn offs/ons it refused to load the system. My next (last) step will be installing 64 Gb SD card with no samples on it. Going to copy entire library to USB stick and load only what i need. Maybe I'll try to find Pro Endurance card. Will see...

Anyway, thanks for your help again!

Offline Chaser

Re: Strike Multipad Memory Malfunction
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2023, 12:47:36 PM »
    Thank you, Chaser, for such detailed answers. I do not intend to use SMP every single day in a tours or something... (at least now) But I want to be sure, that the will be working as it should, especially in small places, where I don't have acoustic kit, and there is only Multipad. If it won't load or will stuck in the middle of the performance, that wil be a problem.
    So, changing the SD card to a smaller one only decreased the time of stable work. Just after 4-5 turn offs/ons it refused to load the system. My next (last) step will be installing 64 Gb SD card with no samples on it. Going to copy entire library to USB stick and load only what i need. Maybe I'll try to find Pro Endurance card. Will see...

Anyway, thanks for your help again!

Check the Wav DATA folder and see if it matches the attached image..I have backups for all versions when released this is original v1.0.
If it does I can PM all the other files (under 8MB) that I know work in case you have some corruption etc  and you can replace and see if that helps.
There is a self check bin file and literally 100's of folders and Header files,multiple sort lists.I attempted an editor but if you are off by 1 single letter,number or punctuation , the OS/card corrupts...the majority of the card is 6GB Wav samples.
The Firmware will operate without the card..just all the data will be missing and everything will be "empty".
If it doesn't match the DATA Folder maybe a corrupt wav file couldn't be deleted or partially deleted and is causing a problem in one of the lists.
Check folder 80 as this is where the user samples first get imported to..when it runs out of space the imports then go to a new folder.
All Folders up to 79 have 100 files..except 00 which has 99 (who knows).Each .had file matches each sample and is used for sample location,similar to the STRIKE Module using .sin files.
The folders skip from 80 to 45 folders have been missing since SMP release or those are created when space runs out in Folder 80 and Folders are created in numerical order during future import.
If this is the case 45 x 100 samples plus filling 126 and 127 means the system can not import more than an additional 4,600-4,700 files.
Factory default there are 40.had files in Header Folder 80 and 40 samples in DATA Folder 80.
Folders 126 and 127 each have a handful of samples..126 ..percussion ..127 has test tones at 1KHZ..10KHZ and 440HZ.
All Folders  have a max capacity of 100 files.Imported files/samples are converted to numbered wav files..not named files.The sort lists maintains the name.
Folder file should be... Rolled SD Rim 1.
If you have a numbered wav above it is a user sample...1st user sample is wav 40.

I forgot to mention and since you have the SMP apart..there is a system info log that keeps track of the sessions in the LOG folder.
The SMP should have had the option or included the System info Log with the backup feature...then support could simply ask for a copy to help diagnose any issues.
You can open with Notepad and scroll to the bottom (last session) and see if shutdown was successful or not (attached both successful and no mention when card failed)..note the misspelling..
« Last Edit: January 19, 2023, 06:15:24 PM by Chaser »

Re: Strike Multipad Memory Malfunction
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2023, 06:49:53 AM »
What is the largest size and card that can be installed can I use my 128gb? also can you shoot me a list of how you made the whole situation external?

Re: Strike Multipad Memory Malfunction
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2023, 06:55:39 AM »

Can you send me a list of what needs to be to make the operation system or sd card external for the strike multipad???? Also can I use a 128gb card???? Or am I able to send you my pad and have the mods done you did?

    Thank you, Chaser, for such detailed answers. I do not intend to use SMP every single day in a tours or something... (at least now) But I want to be sure, that the will be working as it should, especially in small places, where I don't have acoustic kit, and there is only Multipad. If it won't load or will stuck in the middle of the performance, that wil be a problem.
    So, changing the SD card to a smaller one only decreased the time of stable work. Just after 4-5 turn offs/ons it refused to load the system. My next (last) step will be installing 64 Gb SD card with no samples on it. Going to copy entire library to USB stick and load only what i need. Maybe I'll try to find Pro Endurance card. Will see...

Anyway, thanks for your help again!

Check the Wav DATA folder and see if it matches the attached image..I have backups for all versions when released this is original v1.0.
If it does I can PM all the other files (under 8MB) that I know work in case you have some corruption etc  and you can replace and see if that helps.
There is a self check bin file and literally 100's of folders and Header files,multiple sort lists.I attempted an editor but if you are off by 1 single letter,number or punctuation , the OS/card corrupts...the majority of the card is 6GB Wav samples.
The Firmware will operate without the card..just all the data will be missing and everything will be "empty".
If it doesn't match the DATA Folder maybe a corrupt wav file couldn't be deleted or partially deleted and is causing a problem in one of the lists.
Check folder 80 as this is where the user samples first get imported to..when it runs out of space the imports then go to a new folder.
All Folders up to 79 have 100 files..except 00 which has 99 (who knows).Each .had file matches each sample and is used for sample location,similar to the STRIKE Module using .sin files.
The folders skip from 80 to 45 folders have been missing since SMP release or those are created when space runs out in Folder 80 and Folders are created in numerical order during future import.
If this is the case 45 x 100 samples plus filling 126 and 127 means the system can not import more than an additional 4,600-4,700 files.
Factory default there are 40.had files in Header Folder 80 and 40 samples in DATA Folder 80.
Folders 126 and 127 each have a handful of samples..126 ..percussion ..127 has test tones at 1KHZ..10KHZ and 440HZ.
All Folders  have a max capacity of 100 files.Imported files/samples are converted to numbered wav files..not named files.The sort lists maintains the name.
Folder file should be... Rolled SD Rim 1.
If you have a numbered wav above it is a user sample...1st user sample is wav 40.

I forgot to mention and since you have the SMP apart..there is a system info log that keeps track of the sessions in the LOG folder.
The SMP should have had the option or included the System info Log with the backup feature...then support could simply ask for a copy to help diagnose any issues.
You can open with Notepad and scroll to the bottom (last session) and see if shutdown was successful or not (attached both successful and no mention when card failed)..note the misspelling..

    Thank you, Chaser, for such detailed answers. I do not intend to use SMP every single day in a tours or something... (at least now) But I want to be sure, that the will be working as it should, especially in small places, where I don't have acoustic kit, and there is only Multipad. If it won't load or will stuck in the middle of the performance, that wil be a problem.
    So, changing the SD card to a smaller one only decreased the time of stable work. Just after 4-5 turn offs/ons it refused to load the system. My next (last) step will be installing 64 Gb SD card with no samples on it. Going to copy entire library to USB stick and load only what i need. Maybe I'll try to find Pro Endurance card. Will see...

Anyway, thanks for your help again!

Check the Wav DATA folder and see if it matches the attached image..I have backups for all versions when released this is original v1.0.
If it does I can PM all the other files (under 8MB) that I know work in case you have some corruption etc  and you can replace and see if that helps.
There is a self check bin file and literally 100's of folders and Header files,multiple sort lists.I attempted an editor but if you are off by 1 single letter,number or punctuation , the OS/card corrupts...the majority of the card is 6GB Wav samples.
The Firmware will operate without the card..just all the data will be missing and everything will be "empty".
If it doesn't match the DATA Folder maybe a corrupt wav file couldn't be deleted or partially deleted and is causing a problem in one of the lists.
Check folder 80 as this is where the user samples first get imported to..when it runs out of space the imports then go to a new folder.
All Folders up to 79 have 100 files..except 00 which has 99 (who knows).Each .had file matches each sample and is used for sample location,similar to the STRIKE Module using .sin files.
The folders skip from 80 to 45 folders have been missing since SMP release or those are created when space runs out in Folder 80 and Folders are created in numerical order during future import.
If this is the case 45 x 100 samples plus filling 126 and 127 means the system can not import more than an additional 4,600-4,700 files.
Factory default there are 40.had files in Header Folder 80 and 40 samples in DATA Folder 80.
Folders 126 and 127 each have a handful of samples..126 ..percussion ..127 has test tones at 1KHZ..10KHZ and 440HZ.
All Folders  have a max capacity of 100 files.Imported files/samples are converted to numbered wav files..not named files.The sort lists maintains the name.
Folder file should be... Rolled SD Rim 1.
If you have a numbered wav above it is a user sample...1st user sample is wav 40.

I forgot to mention and since you have the SMP apart..there is a system info log that keeps track of the sessions in the LOG folder.
The SMP should have had the option or included the System info Log with the backup feature...then support could simply ask for a copy to help diagnose any issues.
You can open with Notepad and scroll to the bottom (last session) and see if shutdown was successful or not (attached both successful and no mention when card failed)..note the misspelling..

Hi, everyone!

I'm looking for people, who faced the problem with inner memory of SMP. Such as freezing on a welcome screen, stopping playing and so on. For people, who solved this problem by replacing the SD card, that installed in the device, and whose module is now working good.

Because mine is not ...   :'(

Welcome to the Forum !..

Did the issue start recently..on it's own? as in was it working fine then started acting up..or did you upload a file/bank and the bad behavior started?
Uploading or deleting multiple files..including bad file(s)..especially if large in size corrupts the file system on the micro SD Card.
The same will happen if you backup the user banks as you have to backup the full bank , not just one kit so if you import a corrupt bank you have the same issue(s)
There aren't many here with the SMP other than myself as there was a private group on Facebook and the majority it seems chose there.

I don't belong to any Social media so you can check the Strike Multipad group on Facebook and see if anyone has had similar problem(s) or if it is out of warranty, disassemble and replace the SD Card yourself.The micro SD Card is hot glued in a locking holder on the board , so you will need to remove the glue and careful open the locking system.
This video Alesis Strike Multipad SD Card Replacement  was posted on youtube a couple months ago with similar warnings about file size etc etc I have posted in this forum.
The main thing you may have trouble with is if your card has a corrupted file system , copying over the current SD Card to a New card may result in the same behavior and you'll be back to square one so it's important to have an idea when the issues started.If it started with a corrupt file(s) you can try and systematically go through and delete user samples (restart/reboot after each delete), if it's a corrupt user bank you could load a different bank you know works or the original user bank if you made a backup and see if either of the two fix it.
Alesis will not supply anyone with a download link to replace the File System/Database as it is considered Intellectual property and the SMP will need to be serviced by an Authorized Service Center..
You can check with those on the Facebook Group and see how that part is dealt with.Someone may have supplied a link as it is a Private Group..

Personally I went thru this when the SMP first came out and I pre-ordered/received Dec 2018 so the SD Card and it's contents hadn't been altered/modified , it was a bad San disk card that Windows and other software couldn't fix , however I was able to copy the contents and make a backup.
I did some advanced modifications so I wouldn't have to deal with it again,including making the system external with eject so now I build sets and just pop in what I need and if a card gets screwed up from a corrupt file or bank and while I was at it machined it for Pad control and removed/replaced the reflection plate tech on the top 3 pads so they respond as well as the others,replaced all main piezos (which were solid mounted) and added decouplers.
I haven't posted the "How to" as this is a public forum and the odds are high the SMP will be ruined without the proper tools for some of the modifications as the tolerances are extremely tight and bore/counter bore is required along with specialized pots..there is very little room in the SMP and all the wiring is color coded Blue..


Re: Strike Multipad Memory Malfunction
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2024, 02:03:53 PM »
Hey guys! Im new in this forum  :)
I had kind of the same issues with my pad.
For me as a live musician I cant use it anymore. But the pad is so amazing when it is working...
It restarts every time i try to delete the samples. So i found an youtube video containing the original structure and files. In the comments you find an donwloadlink.
I replaced the micro sd with an SanDisk Ultra 32GB Card and replaced the files. The pad is much faster now and it feels like new.

also as CHASER I installed an external SD-Card slot. from this side:

The installation was very easy and now I can change and most importend Backup my card from outside. I drill a hole in to the bottom of the Pad an installed the hub there.

« Last Edit: December 06, 2024, 02:10:56 PM by LAZONE »