Author Topic: Drumless Tracks copyright  (Read 3606 times)

Drumless Tracks copyright
« on: November 07, 2020, 02:02:51 AM »
Hi folks, I tried searching here about drumless tracks recording and I can't find anything. I recorded myself playing along drumless tracks from YouTube. I posted the recording in Facebook for my friends to see and I got a notification from Facebook stating that my videos are muted because of copyright concerns. I honestly didn't even think about this copyright thing because I have seen so many youtube videos of people playing their drums using other artists songs. So my question is, are we really not allowed to use the drumless tracks in our social media parts of playing along with it on our drums?

Re: Drumless Tracks copyright
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2020, 04:44:49 AM »

As far as I know you can upload them to YouTube, but you can't earn with ads. I have no idea about FB.

Nice example here is Yoyoka, she uploads covers on YouTube but all money from ads goes to copyright owner.

Another example is Leo (frog leap). He turn songs into metal and have no problems with getting paid.

Re: Drumless Tracks copyright
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2020, 09:49:35 AM »
Got it. I researched further about Facebook music policy and in 2028 they actually started allowing upload of copyright music but it will be muted in countries that don't allow copyright music. But so many nuances on their policy. I guess I will stick with youtube.

Offline Chaser

Re: Drumless Tracks copyright
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2020, 10:40:10 AM »
Facebook was supposedly setting up a Blanket performance License with Warner , BMI etc a couple years ago so they could compete against Musicaly.
I don't know whatever happened to that as I don't belong to any social media..You'll have to check with Facebook.

Bottom Line...You need a Performance License..there a different types and you would need one for whoever owns the Music Catalog

Most popular live-streaming platforms, such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram Live, Soundcloud and Twitch are licensed by ASCAP.
If individual performers, ensembles and venues only use a licensed platform to stream their content, no other ASCAP licensing is necessary for that streaming activity.




Here is an example of a Blanket License For Bands.and what it does and doesn't allow...ACB (The Association of Concert Bands)..

Who is not eligible for the Blanket Performance License through the Association of Concert Bands?
  • Have outstanding dues owed to ASCAP/BMI
  • Ensembles NOT functioning as a concert band:
    • Examples include, but are not limited to:
      • Cover Bands
      • Garage Bands
      • Solo performers
      • Duos
      • String Orchestras
      • Vocal ensembles (such as solo artists, chorus, a capella, barbershop)
  • Coffee Shops, Restaurants, Dance Studios and other venues.
    • Above ensembles and venues should contact ASCAP and BMI directly for their licensing needs.
What this blanket performance license does NOT allow you to do:
  • make and sell recordings (falls under mechanical rights)
  • make and post videos (falls under synchronization rights)
  • make reproductions of print music (falls under print rights)
  • make arrangements of copyrighted music (need permission of copyright holder)
  • Livestream concerts (some platforms are covered by ASCAP and BMI, need a digital license if streaming on your own website)

Re: Drumless Tracks copyright
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2020, 12:10:39 AM »
Thanks for the info Chaser.

Offline Chaser

Re: Drumless Tracks copyright
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2020, 10:01:31 AM »
It is unfortunate as Imitation used to be considered the highest form of the focus is someone might be making a buck off of you through monetizing AD's etc etc.
I remember Prince forced a take down of a Toddler dancing to one of his tunes.
I remember when the sampling wars first started in the 1980's when I had a Studio.

The best you can do without a Performance License is check your video and monetizing options.I went through all this with some local friends/musicians and it depends on the song and the Music Catalog.Some songs you set it to yes and the catalog would simply just start advertisements..some would mute...some would threaten a strike.If you selected no monetizing some had an option to advertise ,sometimes if you had disclaimers and copyright credits everywhere including the video you could get a strike etc removed,eventually too many strikes shuts you down so it's hit and miss.
The bot on youtube analyzes the player so it doesn't matter even if it is "private".
Eventually AI is going to be controlling everything and you'll have to watch for whatever music you have playing even in the background.