Just pulled this together and decided to pass the results along. I wanted a music stand for sheet music, my iPhone or iPad, etc but I wasn't going to be able to use a free standing stand. I was hoping to find a stand that could mount off the rack from my Crimson kit. Turns out it wasn't that hard to do at all. Here are the photos-

I only needed two things- a standard Alesis drum tom/cymbal mount clamp and a
Manhasset Drummer Music Stand. I bought my stand, used, off eBay for $55. The music stand does come with its own clamp but I found that it didn't work with the 1.5" diameter Crimson rack tubing. Unfortunately, the shaft of the music stand is just a tad smaller in diameter than the cymbal hardware that the Alesis clamps traditionally support so the music stand shaft needed a little bit of wrapping to thicken it up slightly. I had a bunch of leftover rubber adhesive roll flashing left over from some window installs so I cut a strip, wrapped the shaft, and the clamp tightened perfectly.
Pretty happy with how it turned out.