Author Topic: Tom's Drum Covers  (Read 4781 times)

Tom's Drum Covers
« on: January 31, 2020, 03:37:10 PM »
Wanted to start a thread where I could link my own covers. I'll just keep sharing links in here instead of separate topics.
Still trying to learn mixing and using my software to its full potential.
Here is a link to my page to start:

First 2 covers:

Guernica by Brand New:

Eloise by Say Anything:
« Last Edit: January 31, 2020, 04:26:59 PM by tmk21315 »
A2E 5-piece | Bum Wrap Drum Co maple burl wrap | Jobeky & UFO triggers | Drum-Tec real feel heads | Strike module | VH-11 + Strike cymbals | EZD2 + EZXs

Offline AlanK

Re: Tom's Drum Covers
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2020, 04:05:38 PM »
Hi Tom, holy sh$t you have such an incredible setup! I love the shell wraps and that it's an acoustic conversion.. so jealous! So that's EZ Drummer right? the sound is awesome! Great covers man! Post more! I think I've seen some before from you, don't remember if it was these or others, but I'll subscribe and check out anything you have on your channel this weekend.

By the way, your first link came up with an error but the two video links were fine. I think we should all subscribe to eachother and have notifications on and then we'll be aware of any new uploads (until we drive eachother nuts, lol, maybe we'll get tired of being reminded there's a new video available). Or maybe it would be just me driving people nuts cuz I've been uploading a ton to mine.

I put up way too much at first, old stuff as I was re-learning how to play, some really drunk late night halloween jams at our friend's, some of me practicing.. some pretty bad videos and I still have a lot of bad ones up there but I keep many for my son or brother or the guys I bang around with to access since it was getting tedious uploading to my cloud accounts and sending everyone links to is just so much easier to keep it all in one place.

Have a great weekend and thanks for sharing!
DM10X with Addictive Drums 2, Pro X hi-hat, 4 crashes, foam cone conversion w Roland mesh heads, Laurin Drums snare and kick, Mapex P710W double kick pedal, Mapex 2 legged hi-hat, Behringer 8 channel USB mixer, Tascam 144MK AI, Samson Expedition Escape powered speakers

Re: Tom's Drum Covers
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2020, 04:39:03 PM »
Thanks Alan, I fixed the first link, should be good now.

I just completed this conversion about a month ago. 2 more things I want to do is upgrade to a Strike module and upgrade the cymbals. Then I'll be set. I'm not sure if I will pair some Strike cymbals or go for Jobeky. Love the look of those but I don't see many IN DEPTH reviews. 65drums of course has one but I'd like to see some extended use reviews.

Both of these videos are using the Pop Punk EZX from EZdrummer. It's my favorite EZX for sure as this happens to be my favorite genre.

Subscribing to your channel!
A2E 5-piece | Bum Wrap Drum Co maple burl wrap | Jobeky & UFO triggers | Drum-Tec real feel heads | Strike module | VH-11 + Strike cymbals | EZD2 + EZXs

Re: Tom's Drum Covers
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2020, 02:14:17 PM »
If you are concerned about looks, I say go for Jobeki, if looks don't matter that much, I say maybe consider Pintech, for an example of a great setup using some Pintech cymbals see Siren-Drums (life goals) , he uses some Pintech (you can tell by the tape on top of the logo) very cheap but they work and they work well. I personally have 4 Pintech that I have been using for about 12 years.... yes 12! and they are still working fine, I tried them with the Alesis DM5, With the Alesis I/O and with the Roland TD-11 and never had issues, and if I ever do in the future, the electronics are in a little black box under the cymbal, remove 2 screws and instant access.
 Jobeki cymbals look a lot better, and they are a lot more expensive, Can't really attest as to how if you are not using the module's sounds, are you just wishing to upgrade due to the ability to load multi-layered samples?
and of course getting rid of the cable snake... in which case yes I agree you should totally upgrade, that way you can remove the computer out of the equation. I have not seen a Strike module for sale on its own, and you don't need to buy the whole kit just to get the module.... maybe consider the 2box drummit 3 ... i have seem the Strike for sale on Ebay, but I am not too sure I can trust it...

Offline AlanK

Re: Tom's Drum Covers
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2020, 09:44:31 AM »
Might want to see what Laurin Drums has, they've got a line of cymbals with interesting art on them too.. I've got two of their shells and love them, never tried their cymbals but do check anyways.. scroll down a bit for the Cymbal seciton:
DM10X with Addictive Drums 2, Pro X hi-hat, 4 crashes, foam cone conversion w Roland mesh heads, Laurin Drums snare and kick, Mapex P710W double kick pedal, Mapex 2 legged hi-hat, Behringer 8 channel USB mixer, Tascam 144MK AI, Samson Expedition Escape powered speakers

Re: Tom's Drum Covers
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2020, 11:04:44 AM »
I stand corrected, it appears as if Sweetwater is now selling a stand alone strike module...

Re: Tom's Drum Covers
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2020, 11:06:43 AM »
Thanks for the suggestions guys.
Doggyd, I was thinking the upgrade to the Strike module would be worthwhile for a few reasons: I can use the editor software for things like dialing in the hi-hat better, ability to load multi-layered samples, more inputs, no cable snake. I've seen them pop up often enough on Reverb and eBay, I don't have an qualms about buying used items from these outlets if the seller is reputable. However, Alesis is now offering the Strike module as a stand-alone option. It's up on Sweetwater. When the time comes I'll probably just go new.

Alan, I had looked at Laurin but unless I'm missing them, it seems they only offer sizes up to 14". I want bigger.

I am now thinking I may buy a set of Sabian SBR cymbals and convert them using Stealth Drums cymbal triggers.
I do really want real looking cymbals and this seems to be one of the cheaper routes but also quality. The Stealth Drums triggers seem high quality and JMan is an active member on VDrums, seems to stand by his product.
A2E 5-piece | Bum Wrap Drum Co maple burl wrap | Jobeky & UFO triggers | Drum-Tec real feel heads | Strike module | VH-11 + Strike cymbals | EZD2 + EZXs

Re: Tom's Drum Covers
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2020, 11:07:33 AM »
I stand corrected, it appears as if Sweetwater is now selling a stand alone strike module...

Haha, yep. This happened JUST yesterday.
A2E 5-piece | Bum Wrap Drum Co maple burl wrap | Jobeky & UFO triggers | Drum-Tec real feel heads | Strike module | VH-11 + Strike cymbals | EZD2 + EZXs

Re: Tom's Drum Covers
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2020, 01:20:39 PM »
New one. One of my favorite songs ever.
Change (In the House of Flies) by Deftones. Some parts need sharpening.
A2E 5-piece | Bum Wrap Drum Co maple burl wrap | Jobeky & UFO triggers | Drum-Tec real feel heads | Strike module | VH-11 + Strike cymbals | EZD2 + EZXs

Re: Tom's Drum Covers
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2020, 02:28:00 PM »
I can play Digital Bath ok not perfect I still miss some of the ghost notes..

Re: Tom's Drum Covers
« Reply #10 on: February 12, 2020, 04:18:16 PM »
I can play Digital Bath ok not perfect I still miss some of the ghost notes..

That and Knife Party would be on my list of songs to learn.
A2E 5-piece | Bum Wrap Drum Co maple burl wrap | Jobeky & UFO triggers | Drum-Tec real feel heads | Strike module | VH-11 + Strike cymbals | EZD2 + EZXs

Re: Tom's Drum Covers
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2020, 03:17:26 PM »
A2E 5-piece | Bum Wrap Drum Co maple burl wrap | Jobeky & UFO triggers | Drum-Tec real feel heads | Strike module | VH-11 + Strike cymbals | EZD2 + EZXs

Re: Tom's Drum Covers
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2020, 09:12:00 AM »

The Ghost of You
My Chemical Romance
A2E 5-piece | Bum Wrap Drum Co maple burl wrap | Jobeky & UFO triggers | Drum-Tec real feel heads | Strike module | VH-11 + Strike cymbals | EZD2 + EZXs

Re: Tom's Drum Covers
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2020, 09:27:09 AM »

Since I've Been Loving You
Led Zeppelin
A2E 5-piece | Bum Wrap Drum Co maple burl wrap | Jobeky & UFO triggers | Drum-Tec real feel heads | Strike module | VH-11 + Strike cymbals | EZD2 + EZXs

Offline AlanK

Re: Tom's Drum Covers
« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2020, 02:10:45 PM »
Excellent Zep cover, Tom! SIBLY is my 2nd favourite LZ song of all time.. or 1st, kinda bounces between it and IMTOD (In My Time of Dying). I did a really hacky version of it with two takes, neither were close to great, and I tried my skills at splicing the better parts of both together and then Youtube blocked it (well, Zeps publishers did I guess) so I posted it on a new Bitchute account.. it has a few ok moments.. it's long, lots of empty space waiting to jump in on drum parts if people can handle the gaps or skip ahead.. also after trying it, I see a number of places I totally lost the beat but if folks aren't TOO critical, and don't pay too close attention, it's ok I suppose.. should really give it another try but i want to do Kashmir and Carouselambra and a few others before going back to one I already did.. and hey, I was wearing my Kiss pj bottoms so there's that! hahahaha
DM10X with Addictive Drums 2, Pro X hi-hat, 4 crashes, foam cone conversion w Roland mesh heads, Laurin Drums snare and kick, Mapex P710W double kick pedal, Mapex 2 legged hi-hat, Behringer 8 channel USB mixer, Tascam 144MK AI, Samson Expedition Escape powered speakers

Re: Tom's Drum Covers
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2020, 10:10:05 AM »
Nice one, Alan! It's funny you mention that you spliced two cuts together. This cover was no exception, all of mine take several takes to get "right".
Of course I can play it through with the camera off. Idk why I get anxious when the camera is on, lol. Nobody is in the room! I'd fold on stage I'm sure.

But anyways, this one was getting more than frustrating because of the length. And many screw ups at the 6-minute mark were infuriating.
You can still hear some miscues in this one. Never gonna get it perfect and I can live with some mistakes.
I have considered starting to splice versions together. But I feel like it's just faster to try again than to edit two or three videos.
What I am spending some time on is other post-production work. In this video I did only some contrast adjustments and I think it pops much more than the other videos.
I messed around with color grading but ended up just going back to the defaults.

To me, I can hear the original drums in this cover more than any of the others. I'd like to start playing with drumless tracks but 1) this one was hard to find for free and 2) I don't like playing to someone else's cover, just want the original.

A2E 5-piece | Bum Wrap Drum Co maple burl wrap | Jobeky & UFO triggers | Drum-Tec real feel heads | Strike module | VH-11 + Strike cymbals | EZD2 + EZXs

Re: Tom's Drum Covers
« Reply #16 on: February 27, 2021, 03:22:21 PM »
A2E 5-piece | Bum Wrap Drum Co maple burl wrap | Jobeky & UFO triggers | Drum-Tec real feel heads | Strike module | VH-11 + Strike cymbals | EZD2 + EZXs