Author Topic: Midi out Into Strike MultiPad  (Read 5881 times)

Offline Dartanbeck

Midi out Into Strike MultiPad
« on: May 02, 2019, 06:41:10 PM »
So is anyone using midi to utilize the sounds of the Strike Multipad from a standard kit, like a DM 10 kit, in my case?

Even if not, do you think I could actually do it? Use my kit as it is, with my DM10 module, and then assign the sounds from the Multipad?
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Iggford

Re: Midi out Into Strike MultiPad
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2019, 12:12:34 PM »
That's an interesting idea.  Go from the DM10 to the MultiPad, then out to the PA.  If it works, it would definitely breathe some new life into the possibilities of the DM10.

If it DOES work that way, I would assume you could also trigger imported sounds and samples? 

I've never used a MultiPad, but the Strike is on my list to add to my Strike kit at some point in the (hopefully) near future.  I do still have my DM10 module as a backup and for practice.  Right now, though, since I'm using some of my loops and samples in the band's set, I have to transport my Strike module for practice.  It would be a whole lot easier to just transport the MultiPad and only have to connect Midi vs. all the input cables.


Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Midi out Into Strike MultiPad
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2019, 12:06:40 AM »
I want a Strike kit SO BAD!!!
I also REALLY want that crazy-awesome Strike MultiPad.

I do love my DM10X Mesh... I really do.

Yeah, I think that, if we can midi out of the DM10 module into the Strike MultiPad, and access the sounds while still using the DM10 as the controller, we'd definitely be able to assign ANY of the available sounds, including custom ones.

I just think that would open up a whole new realm for me.

If I don't get an answer here, I'll check with Bill R. at Alesis.
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Chaser

Re: Midi out Into Strike MultiPad
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2019, 11:59:04 PM »
I want a Strike kit SO BAD!!!
I also REALLY want that crazy-awesome Strike MultiPad.

I do love my DM10X Mesh... I really do.

Yeah, I think that, if we can midi out of the DM10 module into the Strike MultiPad, and access the sounds while still using the DM10 as the controller, we'd definitely be able to assign ANY of the available sounds, including custom ones.

I just think that would open up a whole new realm for me.

If I don't get an answer here, I'll check with Bill R. at Alesis.

I have the Multipad and the STRIKE module in a midi loop.
You can trigger the samples, you can also set the pads/footswitches into sync groups to trigger a sample or group samples.

Since the DM10 has the extra 35 notes you could connect a TMI(Trigger I/O,DM DOCK etc) and assign not only the internal DM10 sanples but send midi out to the Multipad (currently has 19 zones with 2 layers (A+B) which supposedly at a later date will be 38 when a midi note is added to layer B.)and layer/mix those with the DM10 internal samples.
I have chained Multiple DM Docks for expansion as it has a touch screen interface (iPad) with different apps running on each,the midi note in is assigned a different note than the midi note out..per trigger.
You can get setup a nice midi rig triggering DMX lighting and outboard gear.
There is also a MIDI player coming out early fall.. it's mentioned in the post.
I am a backer on it and looking forward to exploiting the nki import and open source GUI as I have done a lot of Kontakt scripting over the years and have multitudes of Drum Kit's including "Artists Kits" already done.I will be focusing mainly on a Drummers GUI.
I am waiting patiently for a SDK , last time I got ahead of myself designed one in Lemur for a DAW/DM10/DM DOCK and had to abandon it as I got no help from Alesis at all for the remaining midi info I needed to make the faders/volumes work on the DM10 and a NRPN for the DM DOCK.
Alesis didn't even do a User Guide for it.

« Last Edit: May 05, 2019, 12:20:37 AM by Chaser »

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Midi out Into Strike MultiPad
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2019, 02:50:52 PM »
Oh Awesome!

Chaser, my friend...
Thank you So Much for this!!!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Re: Midi out Into Strike MultiPad
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2020, 03:43:53 PM »

I have the Multipad and the STRIKE module in a midi loop.
You can trigger the samples, you can also set the pads/footswitches into sync groups to trigger a sample or group samples.

Is this topic still available or was it deleted? I get an error that it might not exist or it might be locked for me.

I'd really like to learn/read more about that.

Offline Chaser

Re: Midi out Into Strike MultiPad
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2020, 10:58:49 AM »

I have the Multipad and the STRIKE module in a midi loop.
You can trigger the samples, you can also set the pads/footswitches into sync groups to trigger a sample or group samples.

Is this topic still available or was it deleted? I get an error that it might not exist or it might be locked for me.

I'd really like to learn/read more about that.

The topic is in the "Top Floor Club".
The Top Floor Club was created in 2010 requires a minimum of 100 posts to access/view.
This was in order to keep out hit n runners..prying eyes etc etc from members sharing ideas..advanced programming,trigger prototypes etc etc
and just a place to go outside of the public forum.
A lot has changed over the years and it is not as active as it was when the original DM10 was in it's prime and everything now is related to Social media.
I haven't posted much on the STRIKE Multipad as there hasn't been much interest here...most are on the Social media groups..such as Facebook.
I don't belong to any Social media..
It's a much different environment than a forum and you are being tracked..constantly..
I believe the main reason  the Alesis forum retired was because it was devolving into abuse of the reps, threats , language etc that you see in Social media when someone doesn't get an immediate response they wanted,or the one they wanted to hear.I tried to help out a lot there , but in the last few months it got bad..especially with no moderators (COVID).
I'll put a similar topic together for the STRIKE module and the STRIKE Multipad as more and more people are starting to use that combination
and the post in the Top Floor Club is nearly 2 years old , so there has been software updates to both etc and iPadOS has come out.
There is much you can do especially if an iPad is in the setup.

Re: Midi out Into Strike MultiPad
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2020, 12:19:24 PM »
Thanks for a detailed answer. I am always amazed at how detailed your answers on this forum are and I myself have learned a lot from them.

I also try to stay away from social media and until recently also forums. But I like it here.

And thanks in advanced for anything Strike Pro or Multipad related.

Edit: I guess I need an ipad now, strictly android for now :)
« Last Edit: September 22, 2020, 01:13:41 PM by onyx »

Offline Chaser

Re: Midi out Into Strike MultiPad
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2020, 11:05:25 PM »
Thanks...glad it's appreciated.
There isn't much info for Alesis products except for simple user Guides which don't help much for those new to E-drums.
I don't think Alesis reps have been trained entirely for their products and posting scripted responses never help.. only annoy.
E-drums have been growing at an accelerated pace in the last 5 years,especially after the 20+ year Roland patents expired.
Unfortunately the attitude has changed somewhat to who can get products to market first or fill voids in the market...then fix them later, so reliability has become an issue and for those new to E-drums 1st impressions aren't going too well as they are finding out that it's not always an out of the box experience.Roland was recently fined millions for years of price fixing.

as far as the iPad...there is a large amount of Music apps and support etc.Android was always behind especially when it came to the audio engine and device support so a lot of developers never released anything for it..I am sure eventually developers will as Android has a major share of the mobile market nowadays.I used to be into developing years ago for both but stopped at ice cream sandwich and when Cook took Apple in a different direction..
Look forward to you getting your Kit.There aren't too many on the forum that use both the STRIKE and the STRIKE Multipad together so participation/questions has been low in that regard.The module became available separately a short time ago so users may start to upgrade their modules.The cost of the module is nearly what a lot of people have in their kits and if you mainly use Software/ Vst's (which has also exploded in the last few years especially in quality) there isn't much of a reason to upgrade.
If I were strictly using Software/Vst I would go entirely with the eDRUMin..

Re: Midi out Into Strike MultiPad
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2020, 01:34:31 AM »
I too would like to thank you Chaser for the detailed answers that you give.
I have the Strike Multipad and I just recently ordered the Strike module to add to my "Frankenkit" that I've assembled.
Sadly, it's on backorder so I'll have to wait at least until 10/31 until it ships.
Regarding the old Alesis forums.
All of the "In Music Brands" forums have been closed supposedly because of the host.
Again, supposedly they will be back up when a new host takes over.
I have an Akai MPC Live and they used the same forum host as Alesis and they too were shutdown.
I do agree though that it could also be due to the open hostility towards the reps as the same behavior was evident on the Akai forums as well.
Anyway, Thanks again for your detailed answers.


Re: Midi out Into Strike MultiPad
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2024, 03:55:48 PM »
Hello all...I'm new here and am hoping someone can help me with a problem I'm having with my Strike Multipad. I am using a ms-dos pc based midi sequencer from the early 80's called Texture. The midi interface is a Roland mpu-401. I went from the multipad midi out to the mpu-401 in and recorded a kick drum pattern. No audio, just midi note-on info...for playback I went from the midi out of the mpu-401 to the midi in of the multipad and set the global midi channel to 10, the same midi channel that was used to record the track on the sequencer track. Hit the spacebar and nothing. I can see the midi note (c#3), on the track so I know it was recorded...when I manually scroll over each note on the kick drum track it does playback. It's only when I playback the sequenced track that I don't hear the kick. I can also go from my korg DW8000 midi out to the midi in of the multipad and play a c#3 and have no problem triggering the kick. Can't figure out if there is an issue with the mpu-401 and the multipad or if there is something else going on...I realize that the pc based sequencer is old tech but I do sync the sequencer to a tascam DP-32SD to record anything analog...any help will be greatly appreciated.

Offline Chaser

Re: Midi out Into Strike MultiPad
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2024, 09:53:34 AM »
Hello all...I'm new here and am hoping someone can help me with a problem I'm having with my Strike Multipad. I am using a ms-dos pc based midi sequencer from the early 80's called Texture. The midi interface is a Roland mpu-401. I went from the multipad midi out to the mpu-401 in and recorded a kick drum pattern. No audio, just midi note-on info...for playback I went from the midi out of the mpu-401 to the midi in of the multipad and set the global midi channel to 10, the same midi channel that was used to record the track on the sequencer track. Hit the spacebar and nothing. I can see the midi note (c#3), on the track so I know it was recorded...when I manually scroll over each note on the kick drum track it does playback. It's only when I playback the sequenced track that I don't hear the kick. I can also go from my korg DW8000 midi out to the midi in of the multipad and play a c#3 and have no problem triggering the kick. Can't figure out if there is an issue with the mpu-401 and the multipad or if there is something else going on...I realize that the pc based sequencer is old tech but I do sync the sequencer to a tascam DP-32SD to record anything analog...any help will be greatly appreciated.

Welcome to the Forum !

The MPU-401 is about as old as MIDI itself.
There isn't a MIDI Implementation Chart available for the STRIKE Multipad so No reference on what it accepts..Drum Modules along with a lot of Hardware have been "Dumbed Down" over the past few years when it comes to MIDI.The SMP may be just simple Start/Stop and Note On Off and Program Change Up/Down/Next/back or exact Kit Number etc.The Majority of drum modules don't play/recognize Type 1 MIDI Files (Multitrack) must be Type 0  (Single Track).I send MIDI Files to Modules to dial in/match the Kit Pieces while playing the Audio Track and can only send Type 0 as the Modules won't recognize Type 1.
I had a MPU-401 decades ago with an R8 and a couple others and seem to remember something about"Markers" during recording and the MPU-401 not sending MIDI during Play..too long ago to remember.
You can set the STRIKE Multipad to MIDI Thru and see if the MIDI sent in from the MPU-401 out Plays on something else or a Track when sent out , if it does then the SMP itself isn't recognizing what's being sent to the Input..but that's about all I can recommend without having a MPU-401 and going through the Manual.

Added Link
« Last Edit: October 20, 2024, 10:23:01 AM by Chaser »

Re: Midi out Into Strike MultiPad
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2024, 07:43:29 PM »
Hey Chaser...thanks for your help. I'm gonna try have suggested and see what happens.

Offline Chaser

Re: Midi out Into Strike MultiPad
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2024, 08:06:42 PM »
Hey Chaser...thanks for your help. I'm gonna try have suggested and see what happens.

You can also set 5-Pin MIDI to USB to ON in the STRIKE Multipad.... This setting determines whether MIDI received by the 5-pin MIDI DIN
input is passed to USB..then you can also check in a Utility like MIDIOX and see exactly what is being Transmitted..