Author Topic: Happy New Alesis Drummer  (Read 12164 times)

Offline Dartanbeck

Happy New Alesis Drummer
« on: September 04, 2017, 04:12:33 PM »
I'm new here, since I've just entered the foray of becoming an Alesis Drummer - and I'm loving it!
Twenty-some gigs in so far and my new DM10X Mesh kit is performing like a real champ!

I love how I can dual layer my sounds. I had a really nice deep bass drum, and a wet, punchy one. Combining them was simple, and my bands love the result! I'm still getting used to the switch from full-on acoustic to full-on electric, but I'm liking the change!

I'm also looking forward to using this kit as my midi controller for scoring my movie soundtracks  ;)

Cheers! I'm glad to have found this forum!!!

« Last Edit: February 02, 2022, 04:43:25 AM by Dartanbeck »
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dobly

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2018, 09:52:03 PM »
You sure you are not Ian Paice from Deep Purple? :)

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2018, 11:37:27 PM »
!!! LOL !!!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2018, 12:00:01 AM »
My Singer just got me a new TurboSound iX15, a 1,100W powered speaker w/ 15" low end and a nice high end horn. Got a great little app for my Android phone that (via BlueTooth) lets me adjust everything in the menu from the back panel.

Yeah... Now I, too et to feel the thunder!!! Loving this kit!

I'd also like to add that, since I started with this kit (started gigging right away) I've really come to appreciate more and more of the abilities available through the module. I've been tweaking all of the various options regarding sensitivity, cross-talk, threshold, etc., and really fine-tuning how this thing responds.

This forum has been the perfect place for advice. Gigging getting very intense right now, so I'm not here as often as I'd like... but I do Love this place and sneak in for a read as often as I can.

My singer that I keep bringing up owns a sound company. On the Fourth of July this year, we got to experience my thunderous DM10X through the very top-end JBL Sub-Lows (a nice wall of them) and the rest that accompanies all of that. Woah!!!

The more I play these different kinds of gigs, indoor, outdoor, loud, not-so-loud, etc., the more I find myself fine-tuning and learning how amazing this kit really is.

It's SO different from acoustic drums (of course) that, right from the start, I decided to use much lighter sticks to reduce wear-and-tear. It must be working because my kit still looks new after about a year and a half of gigging.

I use Armor All Matte Cleaner wipes on my cymbals to keep them clean and soft. I also use a king-size sheet to cover the kit when I'm not playing, and cases to transport.

I absolutely LOVE playing this thing!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2018, 07:46:22 PM »
I'm new here, since I've just entered the foray of becoming an Alesis Drummer - and I'm loving it!
Twenty-some gigs in so far and my new DM10X Mesh kit is performing like a real champ!

I love how I can dual layer my sounds. I had a really nice deep bass drum, and a wet, punchy one. Combining them was simple, and my bands love the result! I'm still getting used to the switch from full-on acoustic to full-on electric, but I'm liking the change!

I'm also looking forward to using this kit as my midi controller for scoring my movie soundtracks  ;)

Cheers! I'm glad to have found this forum!!!

Did you layer the bass voices in the module? Prolly not, I think - I haven’t seen anything like that in my module (yet) but I’m a noob.

Offline rhysT

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2018, 06:12:08 PM »
I'm new here, since I've just entered the foray of becoming an Alesis Drummer - and I'm loving it!
Twenty-some gigs in so far and my new DM10X Mesh kit is performing like a real champ!

I love how I can dual layer my sounds. I had a really nice deep bass drum, and a wet, punchy one. Combining them was simple, and my bands love the result! I'm still getting used to the switch from full-on acoustic to full-on electric, but I'm liking the change!

Did you layer the bass voices in the module? Prolly not, I think - I haven’t seen anything like that in my module (yet) but I’m a noob.

Would you believe the Strike module inherited A/B layer instrument editing from the original DM10, but the "MKII Pro Extreme Platinum Edition" doesn't include that feature ..... what the :o

At least an enhanced DM10 replica is available:
« Last Edit: September 11, 2018, 08:07:27 PM by rhysT »

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2018, 12:24:40 PM »
Did you layer the bass voices in the module? Prolly not, I think - I haven’t seen anything like that in my module (yet) but I’m a noob.

Would you believe the Strike module inherited A/B layer instrument editing from the original DM10, but the "MKII Pro Extreme Platinum Edition" doesn't include that feature ..... what the :o

At least an enhanced DM10 replica is available:
Yes. There's a single bass drum option that I absolutely love in my headphones, but pumping through massive PA system is a different story. I've been seeing the same sound engineer ask for different things at different places.

So I have one (A) for the punchy attack (the one I love through my headphones) and another (B) for a deep thump. Makes it really easy and quick to give the sound guy what he's looking for.

I'm using my midi IN for a Sample Pad Pro at the moment, or I'd try rhysT's method of layering the snare into four - but I used his idea with the random timbale layered in with the main snare sound. Really helps to add dynamism!

WOW! Pearl's DM10 (R.E.D. Box) looks promising! I was beginning to fear the idea that there's no longer a solid DM10 module on the (new) market.

I didn't think there was anything quite like the DM10. I can literally switch kit presets mid-song with no hesitation. I have six kits currently that all use the same base kit but change rim triggers and such... some just change the midi settings on the Sample Pad Pro, and there is no audible change or loading time when I switch.

It's understandable that modules like the Strike have loading times. I get that. I really want a Strike. But when I get my Strike, I also want to keep my DM10 as part of the kit.

DM10 mkII Pro Extreme, eh? I think that title belongs to the Strike, doesn't it?! ;)
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2018, 12:31:38 PM »
Lots of heavy gigging this year. Just constant. Loving it!

DM10X Mesh kit is still holding up like new. I'm still feeling myself learning how to better play e-drums compared to acoustic. The DM10 sure makes it a friendly switch though.

I really love how I can get a good warm up in before we play while my kit is muted. The smallest amount of ambient room noise, like busy people talking, makes my kit entirely stealth for sound.

15" 1,000W powered speaker makes a huge difference for helping the 'feel' during live shows. The 12" is nice, but the 15" really eliminates those times when the kit disappears amongst the other instruments on stage.
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2018, 01:19:17 PM »
I'd also like to add (I may have already...?) that, when I first ordered my DM10X Mesh, I had already wrapped my head around the idea that This is a New instrument to learn to play, rather than expecting it to be a literal acoustic drum simulation.

I've spent years doing public drum solos and, in that endeavor, have practiced many ways to get new sounds from the same drums by how I approach the heads with my sticks or hands.

E-drums are different. They have to be.

I chisel stone and try to take really good care of my tools. I use a whetstone on my chisels, never a grinder, and keep all my tools nicely rubbed with oil.

So in playing my new e-kit, I've adopted a lighter playing style with lighter sticks than before, and set my sensitivity levels accordingly.

I find myself loving this whole new exploration in drumming, and the kit seems to love it too.

Although heavier and bigger than the sticks I've been using, I feel that these Firestix trigger my pads (mesh and cymbals) a quite a bit more responsive than my wooden ones. Being a Star Wars fan, it's a bit of a win-win for me! :)

Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Iggford

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2018, 02:44:39 PM »
I'd also like to add (I may have already...?) that, when I first ordered my DM10X Mesh, I had already wrapped my head around the idea that This is a New instrument to learn to play, rather than expecting it to be a literal acoustic drum simulation.

I've spent years doing public drum solos and, in that endeavor, have practiced many ways to get new sounds from the same drums by how I approach the heads with my sticks or hands.

E-drums are different. They have to be.

I chisel stone and try to take really good care of my tools. I use a whetstone on my chisels, never a grinder, and keep all my tools nicely rubbed with oil.

So in playing my new e-kit, I've adopted a lighter playing style with lighter sticks than before, and set my sensitivity levels accordingly.

I find myself loving this whole new exploration in drumming, and the kit seems to love it too.

Although heavier and bigger than the sticks I've been using, I feel that these Firestix trigger my pads (mesh and cymbals) a quite a bit more responsive than my wooden ones. Being a Star Wars fan, it's a bit of a win-win for me! :)

I have a pair of those!  I bring them out for a song or two during a show.  It's a great way to get the crowd going, they love the light-up sticks!  Normally, I've been using Ahead 5A MAXX sticks.  They're a little heavier than the wood sticks I was using, so switching between them and the light-up sticks isn't as dramatic a change.


Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2018, 03:23:15 PM »
Sweet!  I definitely want to try a pair of those!

Another addon to the whole "try not to pound the hell out of your e-kit" note:

One thing I've noticed about playing e-drums during live gigs is that I find myself accidentally pounding harder during times I can't really hear myself all that well. E-drums being what they are, it doesn't wreck the sound output through the PA, so no harm there... but it does have an impact on the longevity of the internal parts of the e-drum pads and their Piezo transducers.

That's why I mentioned the 1000W 15" powered speaker

I still think it's important to use a powerful speaker to offer some stage presence, but I'm also planning on getting my own in-ear monitor system to completely alleviate the whole "I can't hear myself well enough" issue. Not all gigs are the same, as far as being able to hear. For example, in tight spots it can be hard to get the speaker far enough away, so the sound misses me entirely.

I think I've finally got myself to the point where I no longer play harder if I'm having a hard time hearing myself play. I just keep playing and hope for the best. When it comes to playing e-drums - at least for me - hearing IS very important, so I know that I'm playing the dynamics I want. These wonderful playing surfaces really don't need to be slammed hard - and I like that.
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2018, 09:48:59 PM »
I bought a pair of Rockstix because they change colors. I love to turn out the lights and play Inna Gada Da Vida. Pure psychedelic. ;D

Offline Iggford

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2018, 10:40:27 AM »
I think mine are actually the Rockstix, but they're just the blue ones.  I want to get a set of the red and a set that changes colors!  :D


Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2019, 11:01:57 AM »
I've been playing with those Firestix for quite some time - I just like how they don't blemish my e-kit like wood sticks do.

Not very satisfied with the feel of them (especially compared directly with my wooden sticks), I finally opted for some composite sticks by AHEAD. Just got them in and jammed with them... yeah... they feel like wood sticks in weight and control, rebound... the whole bit. They even sound just like wood sticks when clicked together or played on other surfaces, like furniture (looks around for wife).

Can't wait to gig with them now. Tis the season, afterall!

Happy to report that my DM10X Mesh kit is still going strong without any incidents whatsoever, and I'm still just rockin' away on them constantly!

With the care plan in full force, right from the start, I'm still not getting blemishes on my heads. The rubber rim ring on my snare is beat to hell, so I'll call Alesis for a new one soon, and the cymbals rubber pad gets surface marks once in a while - especially if I use wood sticks, but the Armor All wipes are keeping them nice and clean, soft and supple... still a very happy and satisfied Alesis owner = me!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Iggford

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2019, 01:17:03 PM »
That's awesome!

My Rockstix are about the same, they're a lot heavier and slippery if I use them too long.  So, I typically only use them once or twice during a gig.

I bought a set of Ahead Maxx 5A sticks last November, and they are my primary ones.  They were just a LITTLE heavier than my previous primaries, but I grew to love them very quickly.  I put some tape on them for grip, and I wouldn't trade them for anything else right now.

I've always favored nylon tips, but I've used both nylon and wood on my kits.  I do like the fact that the nylon is less likely to leave stick marks.  For the record, I also have a 2-year old, so stick marks are the least of my fears at this point, LOL.

Great to hear you're still going strong with your kit.  Rock on!!! :)


Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #15 on: May 28, 2019, 12:16:16 PM »
Finally got my kit home with me again - but only for a week.

In a very short time, I've redone the sounds I'm triggering via the Sample Pad Pro to stuff that will definitely work better for me, and designed a few more preset kits.

Here's the thing about the DM10 module: I can swap presets mid-song! I'm so happy with this kit! I leave the Sample Pad Pro alone, which has all sounds muted, sending to the midi channels I've assigned to them, then just use trigger chase to edit the sounds per kit preset - and most of those presets use the same sounds on the Sample Pad, since those are all just more cymbal sounds, as the pad is placed where I'd find a secondary ride cymbal.

I initially thought that I'd just be happy using a single kit preset, set up to sound like the drumset I want, and that actually works very well. But when we started doing Sweet Emotion by Aerosmith, I put in the wonderful car skid sound for that short pause before the snare drum 8th notes us into the final jam. It's awesome! But I didn't want to accidentally trigger that in any other song. Besides, I need the old drum machine 'clap' sound for several songs, which is what is normally on that trigger.

Well then we added Two Tickets to Paradise, so I added random bongos to my hi hat - so I play bongos and hi hat at the same time. Sounds awesome. I've been flicking to that kit preset in the middle of many other songs lately and I love how I can do that to fill out the percussion backline!

So now that has been opening up a whole new box. Now I'm making kits for slow songs, so they have tamborine mixed with the snare with extra reverb, longer sustain on the toms. I just sat down last night and built a new kit with those older Simmons sounding toms for some of our songs that could really benefit from that, like the Cars and White Wedding.

I have another preset just for fun soloing, with random ethnic drums on some of the rims, chimes, thunder.... I'm going to make some more experimental kits this week too, as well as check out many of the presets that I've never heard yet.

I put all of my own kit presets starting with my main kit as preset 001, and then progress onward in a good order for mid-song swapping, which is really easy and fast. If I like the preset I'm overwriting, I first store that to the end of the User kits, starting at 200 and working back. I haven't saved many of them since they didn't use any sounds I really liked. But I kinda wish now that I would have saved them all. Oh well.

But when I was just adding my latest new kits, I found some that I really like, so I'm eager to see what they sound like compared to my main custom kit I normally use, once I get hooked up to the PA again - which sounds entirely different from what I head through my headphones.
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2019, 12:17:21 PM »
That's awesome!

My Rockstix are about the same, they're a lot heavier and slippery if I use them too long.  So, I typically only use them once or twice during a gig.

I bought a set of Ahead Maxx 5A sticks last November, and they are my primary ones.  They were just a LITTLE heavier than my previous primaries, but I grew to love them very quickly.  I put some tape on them for grip, and I wouldn't trade them for anything else right now.

I've always favored nylon tips, but I've used both nylon and wood on my kits.  I do like the fact that the nylon is less likely to leave stick marks.  For the record, I also have a 2-year old, so stick marks are the least of my fears at this point, LOL.

Great to hear you're still going strong with your kit.  Rock on!!! :)

The new Ahead sticks are incredible! I love the feel!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Andy Keys

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #17 on: May 29, 2019, 10:49:46 AM »

...I added random bongos to my hi hat - so I play bongos and hi hat at the same time...

...they have tamborine mixed with the snare...

I have another preset just for fun soloing, with random ethnic drums on some of the rims, chimes, thunder...

How are you doing the layering? Are you using the sample pad with multiple sounds layered, but set to respond to different velocities, or different channels, or something else?
I'm guessing you're using more than the two layers on the DM10 module.


Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #18 on: May 30, 2019, 06:21:38 PM »
Nope. Only two. I fear overdoing the 64 note polyphony, so I keep it simple. Besides, layering two sounds on a single trigger has proven to give me an amazing amount of sound capabilities.

Sample Pad Pro - I set each pad to mute. Midi Out (to Midi In on DM10 module). I'll have to check how my velocities are set up. I don't recall atm. I played around with various midi notes for each trigger until I was happy with the placement. I probably could have done a better job at this, but now that it's all set up, it works beautifully - and I love it!

DM10 Module - I use Note Chase to set up the sounds I want triggered from the Sample Pad for each of my preset kits. I find it incredibly useful to use the Store > Instrument from one kit to the others to keep certain sounds the same when needed.

One note about this whole thing is that the Sample Pad Pro doesn't seem to trigger as smoothly or consistently as my DM10X Mesh kit, but it does trigger, and I do like the pad response.

It started out as my singer's Sample Pad, and he just let me borrow it. Now it's mine and I'll be doing some more stone work for him in trade, which is how I got my DM10X Mesh kit, except that one was never his. I worked that off as we ordered it - I think it was the last of the brand new DMX Mesh kits available online anywhere, because after we ordered it (from the only place we could find one new), it said Sold Out. I got it by the end of that week - nervous as hell to trade acoustic for electric. That fear is now gone! :)
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #19 on: May 30, 2019, 06:25:30 PM »
My Singer just got me a new TurboSound iX15, a 1,100W powered speaker w/ 15" low end and a nice high end horn. Got a great little app for my Android phone that (via BlueTooth) lets me adjust everything in the menu from the back panel.
It wasn't long after I wrote this when the speaker sounded blown. When he brought it back, TurboSound explained to him how to reset the silly thing, and it worked fine after that, but now it's being used for other things, and I'm back to borrowing his JBLs every time I play. I have to get me a JBL! :)
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #20 on: May 31, 2019, 12:14:16 AM »
Another cool, important note: It seems that folks have now forgotten that my kit is electric! They just accept it as a Drum Set now!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Andy Keys

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2019, 09:38:50 AM »
Nope. Only two. I fear overdoing the 64 note polyphony, so I keep it simple. Besides, layering two sounds on a single trigger has proven to give me an amazing amount of sound capabilities.
Wow, that's even more impressive, then! I'm a keyboard player, mainly, and the MIDI capabilities of the DM10 were a big part of what attracted me to it. I've been wanting to play around with the Chord and Arpeggio functions of the DM10, to either play additional drum/percussion sounds, or notes on other MIDI instruments.

The more I dig into this module and tweak, the more I like it. I just wish my drumming skill could do it justice.

Offline Iggford

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2019, 11:04:40 AM »
The new Ahead sticks are incredible! I love the feel!

Me too!  I thought about getting another set just to have a backup!


Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #23 on: June 28, 2019, 08:09:00 PM »
Nope. Only two. I fear overdoing the 64 note polyphony, so I keep it simple. Besides, layering two sounds on a single trigger has proven to give me an amazing amount of sound capabilities.
Wow, that's even more impressive, then! I'm a keyboard player, mainly, and the MIDI capabilities of the DM10 were a big part of what attracted me to it. I've been wanting to play around with the Chord and Arpeggio functions of the DM10, to either play additional drum/percussion sounds, or notes on other MIDI instruments.

The more I dig into this module and tweak, the more I like it. I just wish my drumming skill could do it justice.
Wow! I can't wait to learn how to dig into that stuff in the module! I don't even know how to use the Chord or Arpeggio functions yet, but that was actually part of my reasoning for going the e-drum route - I plan on making my own CG movies, and want to score my own music playing the various instruments (at least most of them) using the kit - having the Sample Pad Pro (midi into the DM10) will really make this fun.

I've played musical instruments using e-drum pads before, and it's amazing how well a drummer can play other instruments this way - since we never have to remember which note is where on the scale. We simply assign any note we want to any pad we want and play the music, which is something I haven't had the pleasure of doing yet on my wonderful kit. I love this thing!

I've been spending so much time gigging and rehearsing for gigs (learning new material for the show) that most of the DM10 module's actual power is still theory to me. I can't wait to turn that to practice!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #24 on: June 28, 2019, 08:15:22 PM »
Wow. My singer made a comment about how I had the hardware for the Sample Pad Pro - the way I had it mounted where the main upper rack toms normally go. He said the hardware tube stuck out too far - he didn't like the look of it.

I showed up early to break down my drums before a gig so that I could look at other mounting options.

Attaching the hardware mount (a Yamaha tri-tom mount from my acoustic kit) to the bottom brace instead of the top one got rid of the extra tube that he commented about, but also but the little pads just above the snare, making it incredibly easy (and even more fun!!!) to play! So cool!

Can't wait for tomorrow's gig, and then the rest of this summers awesome busy schedule!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist