I opened up my DM7X module and took pictures of the boards. You can compare it with your module to see if there is a hardware difference. I doubt it, as the DM7X is just a rebranded Medeli DD512. Might just be some kind of software / firmware restriction or change.
Does anyone know how to download the firmware from the module?
There were multiple variations of this module and re-branded to Alesis,XDrums .. probably others. and also known as Legacy and Techtonic in different countries.
I believe Hellfire has pointed out that when rebranded the modules can be mixed/matched..subtle changes in appearance,firmware etc etc
Note:that just because a cable/input is TRS doesn't mean it has full support.
It could be because of the hardware or firmware...for example the ride and crash.
Another example is the DM7X Session kit has single zone toms,where as the Medeli kits all show dual zone.
Drum Kits: 40 (24 Preset Kits + 16 User Kits)
General MIDI Kits: 11 GM Kits
Drum Instruments: 385 (Drums, Percussion, SFX)
7 Hi-Hat Combos
The DD516 has better hardware,5 more kits,15 more instruments
Drum kits:45 (29 Preset Kits + 16 User Kits)
General MIDI Kits:11 GM Kits
Drum Instruments:400 (Drums, Percussion, SFX)
7 Hi-Hat Combos
They all show the same specs..with the exception the DM7X has 60 songs.
9 Trigger Input Jack, Phone Jack(1/8”, stereo),
Aux In Jack(1/8”, stereo),
2 External Trigger Input Jack(1/4”, Tom4, Crash2),
Output(1/4”, L/Mono, R), USB, MIDI IN, MIDI OUT
Normal: Song 80
Learning: Beat 20, Rhythm 12, Pattern 10
Resolution:120 ticks per quarter note
Recording Method: Real-time
Maximum Note Storage:approx.1600 Notes
Extended: CRASH2, TOM4
Using the provided cables, connect with kick, snare, tom1~tom3, ride, crash, hi-hat, hi-hat control triggers.
Snare, tom are stereo input, support double triggering (increase edge triggering)crash1, crash2 are stereo input, which support choke
ride, kick, hi-hat are mono input, which can't response edge triggering.
Hi-hatcontrol pedal is stereo input
RIDE = TS (bow only)
CRASH = TRS (bow + choke..NO EDGE)
http://www.mecldata.com/download/manual/aw_DD512_Manual_G11_110928.pdfDD514Standard: KICK, SNARE, TOM1-4, CRASH1-2, RIDE, HIHAT, HIHAT CONTROL PEDAL
Using the provided cables, connect with kick, snare, tom1~tom4, ride, crash1-2, hi-hat,hi-hat control triggers.
Snare, tom are stereo input, support double triggering (increase edge triggering)crash1, crash2 are stereo input, which support choke
ride, kick, hi-hat are mono input, which can't response edge triggering.
Hi-hat control pedal is stereo input.
RIDE = TS (bow only)
CRASH = TRS (bow + choke..NO EDGE)
http://www.mecldata.com/download/manual/aw_DD514_Manual_G03_140109.pdfDD516Standard: KICK, SNARE, TOM1-3, CRASH1, RIDE, HIHAT, HIHAT CONTROL PEDAL
Extended: CRASH2, TOM4
Using the provided cables, connect with kick, snare, tom1~tom3, ride, crash, hi-hat, hi-hat control triggers.
Snare,tom, ride, crash are stereo input, support double triggering (increase edge triggering)Kick, hi-hat are mono input,which can't response edge triggering.
Hi-hat control pedal is stereo input.
RIDE = TRS(bow + edge + choke)
CRASH = TRS(bow + edge + choke)
http://www.mecldata.com/download/manual/DD516_Manual_G06_101108.pdfI see you have a question mark by hand clap..I take it Alesis never did the sound/sample lists?..
Do any of these numbers match the sound?
Yup. Those sound numbers match up on my module.
It appears that the Alesis modules contain the same samples/presets/etc as the Medeli modules.
I provided links to the manuals below their corresponding pic..they are in depth 40 page manuals...unlike the 40 page Alesis "user guides" , which are 8-9 pages that repeat in multiple languages.
Kits,Instruments,presets etc.. start on page 29..