Author Topic: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts  (Read 11117 times)

Offline Chaser

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #25 on: March 26, 2017, 03:39:12 PM »
I'm just wondering if you can assign a preferred sound to the Tom rims or are their head and rim sounds assigned as a preset pair?

You can assign different sounds to the rim and head. On user kit 25, I have the rims set to hand clap(?) sounds 98,99 & 100 for tom 1,2 & 3.

I see you have a question mark by  hand clap..I take it Alesis never did the sound/sample lists?..

Do any of these numbers match the sound?






Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #26 on: March 26, 2017, 04:04:21 PM »
I see you have a question mark by  hand clap..I take it Alesis never did the sound/sample lists?..

Do any of these numbers match the sound?






Yup. Those sound numbers match up on my module.
Yamaha DTXtreme III with DIY drum pads

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #27 on: March 26, 2017, 04:13:58 PM »
ok here is the weird part my original snake has the same pinouts as your minus the ring of the toms. So what is going on here. i am very careful of soldering the correct wires to pins. I have created a box with female db25 on one side and 1/4" and rca plugs on the other side. I have tried a bunch of old computer db25 cables to run from box to module and all give same result except one. I had heard that some cables reverse the pins but i just checked these and the #'s indicate the pins don't reverse. Any thoughts?

Offline Chaser

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #28 on: March 26, 2017, 04:40:18 PM »
I opened up my DM7X module and took pictures of the boards. You can compare it with your module to see if there is a hardware difference. I doubt it, as the DM7X is just a rebranded Medeli DD512. Might just be some kind of software / firmware restriction or change.

Does anyone know how to download the firmware from the module?

There were multiple variations of this module and re-branded to Alesis,XDrums .. probably others. and also known as Legacy and Techtonic in different countries.
I believe Hellfire has pointed out that when rebranded the modules can be mixed/matched..subtle changes in appearance,firmware etc etc

Note:that just because a cable/input is TRS doesn't mean it has full support.
It could be because of the hardware or firmware...for example the ride and crash.
Another example is the DM7X Session kit has single zone toms,where as the Medeli kits all show dual zone.

Drum Kits: 40 (24 Preset Kits + 16 User Kits)
General MIDI Kits: 11 GM Kits
Drum Instruments: 385 (Drums, Percussion, SFX)
7 Hi-Hat Combos

The DD516 has better hardware,5 more kits,15 more instruments
Drum kits:45 (29 Preset Kits + 16 User Kits)
General MIDI Kits:11 GM Kits
Drum Instruments:400 (Drums, Percussion, SFX)
7 Hi-Hat Combos

They all show the same specs..with the exception the DM7X has 60 songs.
9 Trigger Input Jack, Phone Jack(1/8”, stereo),
Aux In Jack(1/8”, stereo),
2 External Trigger Input Jack(1/4”, Tom4, Crash2),
Output(1/4”, L/Mono, R), USB, MIDI IN, MIDI OUT

Normal: Song 80
Learning: Beat 20, Rhythm 12, Pattern 10
Resolution:120 ticks per quarter note
Recording Method: Real-time
Maximum Note Storage:approx.1600 Notes

Extended: CRASH2, TOM4
Using the provided cables, connect with kick, snare, tom1~tom3, ride, crash, hi-hat, hi-hat control triggers.
Snare, tom are stereo input, support double triggering (increase edge triggering)
crash1, crash2 are stereo input, which support choke
ride, kick, hi-hat are mono input, which can't response edge triggering.
Hi-hatcontrol pedal is stereo input
RIDE = TS (bow only)
CRASH = TRS (bow + choke..NO EDGE)

Using the provided cables, connect with kick, snare, tom1~tom4, ride, crash1-2, hi-hat,hi-hat control triggers.
Snare, tom are stereo input, support double triggering (increase edge triggering)
crash1, crash2 are stereo input, which support choke
ride, kick, hi-hat are mono input, which can't response edge triggering.
Hi-hat control pedal is stereo input.
RIDE = TS (bow only)
CRASH = TRS (bow + choke..NO EDGE)

Extended: CRASH2, TOM4
Using the provided cables, connect with kick, snare, tom1~tom3, ride, crash, hi-hat, hi-hat control triggers.
Snare,tom, ride, crash are stereo input, support double triggering (increase edge triggering)
Kick, hi-hat are mono input,which can't response edge triggering.
Hi-hat control pedal is stereo input.
RIDE = TRS(bow + edge + choke)
CRASH = TRS(bow + edge + choke)

I see you have a question mark by  hand clap..I take it Alesis never did the sound/sample lists?..

Do any of these numbers match the sound?






Yup. Those sound numbers match up on my module.

It appears that the Alesis modules contain the same samples/presets/etc as the Medeli modules.

I provided links to the manuals below their corresponding pic..they are in depth 40 page manuals...unlike the 40 page Alesis "user guides" , which are 8-9 pages that repeat in multiple languages.
Kits,Instruments,presets etc.. start on page 29..

« Last Edit: March 26, 2017, 06:02:10 PM by Chaser »

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #29 on: March 26, 2017, 09:44:42 PM »
hey hameedx your pinouts did work... I tested my cable and they were the same so I went over everything carefully and found my mistake - i had mislabeled some of the wires... thanks for your patience thru this! i now have dual-zone toms!!! I can't believe that 2 different Alesis support people told me that it was impossible because of firmware differences. I am so glad I ignored them. I want you to realize your kindness here is noticed and appreciated ... you saved me many more hours of frustration.   -Mbira

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #30 on: March 27, 2017, 04:47:15 PM »
No problem may1234  :)  I'm glad to have helped you get the dual zone toms working from you DM7X.
Yamaha DTXtreme III with DIY drum pads

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #31 on: March 27, 2017, 05:03:36 PM »
Next thing to figure out is how to put the DD516 firmware to get dual zone crash & ride with choke.
Yamaha DTXtreme III with DIY drum pads

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #32 on: March 27, 2017, 06:06:17 PM »
yes I was wondering about the possibility of dual zone cymbals. Could this be accomplished just by changing which pin connected to T,R, or S? maybe as simple as swapping the ring for the sleeve?

Offline Chaser

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #33 on: March 27, 2017, 06:20:29 PM »
Next thing to figure out is how to put the DD516 firmware to get dual zone crash & ride with choke.

I believe that may be hardware related...notice the difference in cymbals....

When I was researching all the Medeli..the Nitro had the same specs as the Medelli , but single zone toms and  single zone 10" cymbals w/choke like the DM7x kits.
maybe the older DMpad dual zones w/choke will work.

on ebay I see the older Simmons dual zones with choke are being released in quantity..14" and the 12" ..they are the The SD9K cymbals.. bow and edge ..with choke
these are not compatible with the newer Simmons modules VAR.(Variable Attack Response)

Simmons Service Parts Dual Zone Cymbal Pad 12" $69.99..14 inch.. $79.99 FREE ship

« Last Edit: March 27, 2017, 08:25:39 PM by Chaser »

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #34 on: March 28, 2017, 11:39:50 PM »
On the DM7X module, regular Alesis dual zone cymbals don't work as dual zone. Choke works, but edge hits still trigger bow sounds. Maybe if we load the Medeli firmware, then dual zone would work.
Yamaha DTXtreme III with DIY drum pads

Offline Chaser

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #35 on: March 29, 2017, 12:26:33 PM »
On the DM7X module, regular Alesis dual zone cymbals don't work as dual zone. Choke works, but edge hits still trigger bow sounds. Maybe if we load the Medeli firmware, then dual zone would work.

Are you referring to the 10" cymbals that came with the DM7x kit? Even tho they are TRS..they are single zone with choke
The choke occupies a zone and sends a signal , where as there are  dual zone cymbals w/choke and the choke is a membrane switch in between the zones so that when you grab
the cymbal short circuits the signal(s).Hellfire actually came out with a DIY choke switch design years ago .

In the DM7X module can you assign/see midi notes to the rim?...the module probably can't read/see the 2nd zone because it's not an actual trigger(choke)
In the 512/514 kit manuals show mono input for the ride,stereo(TRS) for the crash,but the midi charts show no assignments to rims.
The midi assignments for the rim(edge) in the 516
Crash1 R  55
Crash2 R  52
Ride R      53

You may try an actual dual zone (bow,edge) cymbal with or without choke and see if the module recognizes the 2nd zone.
If you already have tried a true dual zone..then check the midi assignments...if an actual dual zone cymbal doesn't show up on the module , then's probably the firmware , but I have no idea where to get it.I am sure the firmware licensed to it probably has Alesis splash screen , so I don't know if you could contact Medeli and play "customer with module issues" and see if the would give you the 516 firmware..if it exists.They may ask for model SN to determine if it was licensed to any corporation etc.
The internal pic you provided earlier in the thread shows V1.0.0
« Last Edit: March 29, 2017, 01:03:12 PM by Chaser »

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #36 on: March 29, 2017, 04:16:12 PM »
I had a DM10 studio kit and I used the cymbals from it on the DM7X to test. There were no different edge sounds, but choke worked.

I have a Roland CY-5 and Yamaha PCY135 cymbals. Choke works fine with the Yamaha PCY135 on the DM7X module. Have not tested the Roland CY-8 yet, but I'm sure bow and choke will work fine. I'll check to see if it shows different midi notes for edge hits with either of these cymbals later today.
Yamaha DTXtreme III with DIY drum pads

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #37 on: March 30, 2017, 12:56:12 AM »
I checked to see if a Roland CY-5 shows any midi numbers for edge hits, but it does not. It shows the bow and I think after touch when you grab it to choke (same midi note but value 127). Same thing on even the crash 2 input.

I tried on the ride input to see if module sends choke message or edge hits, but it does not either. Only bow hits show midi note and value.
Yamaha DTXtreme III with DIY drum pads

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #38 on: April 25, 2023, 02:35:06 PM »
Hi my Dm7x continues to work well with 2 zone Toms.
Did anyone ever figure out how to get multi-zones on the cymbals?
That would be so cool!
thanks, Mbira

Offline Chaser

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #39 on: April 25, 2023, 04:22:35 PM »
Hi my Dm7x continues to work well with 2 zone Toms.
Did anyone ever figure out how to get multi-zones on the cymbals?
That would be so cool!
thanks, Mbira

Drum Modules are basically TMI (Trigger to MIDI Interfaces).
The Volatge/Waveform from the Trigger/Hit is converted to MIDI which is sent to the onboard Sound Generator/Internal Sounds (Local Control ON) or to an external sound Generator/Software (Local Control OFF).There are no rim sounds in the module
You can check the cable ends and see if TS or TRS ,if so connect a dual zone cymbal and check the MIDI output using a utility like MIDIOX or to software/Vst etc and see if an actual MIDI Note is sent (see above MIDI Notes), however according to the User Guide MIDI map (The MIDI Map is exactly the same as the NITRO and SURGE Modules which replaced the DM7X )..the Firmware for the DM7X doesn't produce the MIDI Notes required for the Xtra Cymbal zones..but the user above stated the choke worked using just the module , which once again..doesn't have any of the samples needed.
I have found in the past that in some Medeli modules you can activate the Edge zone if it's available in the Firmware as is the case for the Crimson Dual Zone Hi could try the same procedure...however as mentioned it depends on the firmware as the Edge could not be activated in the Crimson II as it is a firmware limitation.