Author Topic: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts  (Read 11116 times)

alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« on: March 21, 2017, 07:43:28 PM »
Hi ,my Dm7x kit came with a dummed-down snake so that it can only have single zone toms but the DM7X brain is capable of 2 zone toms. I made a new snake using the pinout assignments posted by 'Dredge on September 06, 2014' in this forum,  but those are not right for the dm7x - a few of the pads work with the wrong sounds but most don't work at all.
Has anyone done the db25 pinout assignments for the dm7x that are correct? It was such a disappointment after all the work to have it not work.  Or does anyone know how to do it? I am affraid of damaging the brain if I randomly try different pinouts... is it ok to do that?  thanks, Mbira

Offline Chaser

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2017, 11:11:37 PM »
Hi ,my Dm7x kit came with a dummed-down snake so that it can only have single zone toms but the DM7X brain is capable of 2 zone toms. I made a new snake using the pinout assignments posted by 'Dredge on September 06, 2014' in this forum,  but those are not right for the dm7x - a few of the pads work with the wrong sounds but most don't work at all.
Has anyone done the db25 pinout assignments for the dm7x that are correct? It was such a disappointment after all the work to have it not work.  Or does anyone know how to do it? I am affraid of damaging the brain if I randomly try different pinouts... is it ok to do that?  thanks, Mbira

It may be simpler/cheaper to just order a new correct TRS cable snake..$14.00 USD
(The Session cable snake is $45.00...for single zone..)..why the TRS cable is cheaper???

The Alesis pt# for DM7X cable snake = 6281300350-A (TRS CABLE DUAL ZONE
available here

The Alesis pt# for DM7X Session = 628130106-A (single zone toms)
available here

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2017, 12:35:30 PM »
thanks Chaser for the info. I checked out that site for the $14 snake and there is no photo or even a desciption so I hesitate to order from them. Have you ordered from that company... are they reliable?
 I like to learn new thing s and do it myself if possible but if that was the snake I need that is a good price.

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2017, 12:38:27 PM »
on closer look I believe that is just a trs 1/4" cable not a snake at all.

Offline korakios

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2017, 12:40:34 PM »
Try with Alesis support until someone posts the pin out diagram .

Offline Chaser

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2017, 02:08:17 PM »
on closer look I believe that is just a trs 1/4" cable not a snake at all.

Pt# confirmed on Alesis site.. warning a user to make sure they order the correct cable snake for DM7X..(user is upgrading to DM7X module)

The photo on the instrumental site for the DM7X Session cable snake shows TRS..but the DM7X Session kit is single zone

the DM7X kit is dual zone..

There were a number of DM7 kit's..including the USB model which had a entirely different module, single zone toms..but a triple zone snare

The different cable/snakes also caused this kind of confusion on the DM6 models.

in the thread there are links to New England  Music Supply,but apparently the account/site has been suspended due to non-payment.

You could always just ask/confirm with Instrumentalparts before ordering...or just check/purchase through Alesis. contact the Parts Department at 401-658-3131 ext. 1407.
If you wish to reach the Parts Department by email, contact them at

If you can't find a new cable snake then check this thread ..very bottom of the page
« Last Edit: March 22, 2017, 06:18:23 PM by Chaser »

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2017, 07:40:21 PM »
thanks again, but i do have my mind set to do it myself since i have all the parts. the last link you reference is the one I mentioned at the beginning of this tread that gives the pinout but it is wrong.

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2017, 02:06:52 PM »
thanks korakios but support is no help and say they don't have access to pinouts and that not all dm7x brains are the same... they supposedly have different firmware and support wont give firmware updates either. >:(

Offline Chaser

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2017, 03:26:41 PM »
thanks korakios but support is no help and say they don't have access to pinouts and that not all dm7x brains are the same... they supposedly have different firmware and support wont give firmware updates either. >:(

Is Alesis capable of informing you which firmware you have by the Serial Number?..

I was wondering about the firmware..I recently became aware of the newer modules (Forge , Command , Crimson) as they have identical cable/snakes but different firmware,
The user guides for each list identical sounds etc just can't access them. The DM6 module (also Burst, Nitro)each have different firmware .
The latest module being the DM10 MKII..(same module as Forge,Command , Crimson)more than likely is different also.
apparently Alesis started doing this earlier as the DM7 is legacy.It's going to cause a lot of confusion in the resale market.
I see DM7X modules on ebay constantly.

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2017, 05:32:37 PM »
no help with firmware, just said mine was a dm7x usb kit and that it wouldn't support dual zone toms 1,2,3. It didn't come with chokable cymbals but has TRS jacks for them so they might work but they couldn't/wouldn't tell me that either.

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2017, 05:37:21 PM »
Just resoldered the db25 snake after the support guy said to look at where the different cords come out of the db25 and solder according to that placement... well...huh that didn't go well. I only have the crash cymbal working fully. No ride at all, but sounds do get assigned to just the rim on toms but no control over it and mostly it is the same tom sound on both rim and pad. any one have any thoughts??? At this point I am carrying on for my own educational purposes can I beat Alesis at it own game.

Offline rhysT

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2017, 09:08:50 PM »
I only have the crash cymbal working fully. No ride at all, but sounds do get assigned to just the rim on toms but no control over it and mostly it is the same tom sound on both rim and pad. any one have any thoughts???

The DM7X module's pad select buttons help to preview each Tom's head and rim voice sounds as per the User guide (p-4) "(After pressing the Snare button or any of the Tom buttons, you can press the Rim button to hear the voice used as the rim sound of that drum)."

When you mention ... "sounds do get assigned to just the rim on toms but no control over it and mostly it is the same tom sound on both rim and pad" does that mean in any preset kit some Toms may have different voices assigned to their head & rim, but only the head sound can be edited? Can you clarify this before trying to sort out the cable wiring issue!

Maybe the DM7X kits have Tom head & rim voice combos assigned similar to the hi-hat open & closed combo sounds to allow easier editing of the volume, pitch, etc settings together. 
« Last Edit: March 25, 2017, 05:03:45 PM by rhysT »

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2017, 12:10:28 AM »
I have a DM7X module and cable snake. I can use a tester and find out the pinouts for the cable snake if you still need it.
Yamaha DTXtreme III with DIY drum pads

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2017, 11:04:35 AM »
I have a DM7X module and cable snake. I can use a tester and find out the pinouts for the cable snake if you still need it.

Yes hameedx that would be so helpful if you could do that!!! Even if yours didn't have TRS jacks for the toms it would still be helpful because  I made all the cords longer on my new snake and will be more setup options. I am curious if yours does have TRS jacks for the first 3 toms?  thanks for your offer, mbira

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2017, 08:29:07 PM »
Here is the pinout for the DB25 cable snake for the DM7X module. All the toms work dual zone for me. Crash is chokeable.

pin   Input
24   Hi-Hat Tip
11   Hi-Hat Sleeve
13   Hi-Hat Control Tip
12   Hi-Hat Control Ring
25   Hi-Hat Control Sleeve
23   Crash Tip
10   Crash Ring
22   Crash Sleeve
02   Ride Tip
01   Ride Ring
14   Ride Sleeve
09   Snare Tip
08   Snare Ring
21   Snare Sleeve
20   Tom 1 Tip
07   Tom 1 Ring
19   Tom 1 Sleeve
06   Tom 2 Tip
05   Tom 2 Ring
18   Tom 2 Sleeve
04   Tom 3 Tip
16   Tom 3 Ring
17   Tom 3 Sleeve
03   Kick Tip
15   Kick Sleeve
« Last Edit: March 25, 2017, 08:31:45 PM by hameedx »
Yamaha DTXtreme III with DIY drum pads

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2017, 10:14:27 PM »
thanks so much hameedx! I will solder it up tomorrow and see if it works. I have a feeling that it might not as i had the crash working from the 19,7,20 pins but i can only hope at this point. It seems crazy that they would have totally different pin-outs for different firmwares on the DM7X.
What kind of tester did you use to map the pins? I would like to learn how to do that if you don't mind sharing your technique.   thanks, mbira

Offline rhysT

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2017, 10:58:39 PM »
Here is the pinout for the DB25 cable snake for the DM7X module. All the toms work dual zone for me. Crash is chokeable.

I'm just wondering if you can assign a preferred sound to the Tom rims or are their head and rim sounds assigned as a preset pair?

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2017, 10:55:17 AM »
Hi hameedx, Well I soldered it up according to your pinouts and only the hihat pedal is working fully now. But the rim clicks for all the toms are sounding from various pinouts but not just on rims but on heads too and not with the head sound.
So Alesis probably for some reason, wires each of it dm7x kits to very different pinouts?!

I was able to isolate where the hihat cymbal is in the pinout (10T,22S) and i think the kick too... just need to resolder to test.
The weird thing is that I have had this soldered together 3 different ways and in each some of the sounds like the snare rim are activated from very different pins??? For example in the pinouts you sent what was supposed to be the HiHat cymbals (pins 24T,11S) is actually the snare rim sound and if I hit hard I get the ride. With my 2nd pinout assignments attempt, I got snare rim with ride if I hit hard from (pins 15T,3R,16S). I can't make any sense of that?? And why would I get Ride with more velocity??
I am now even more interested in this tester you use and how it works as it seems each module is different. Are you using a multimeter? I have one of those but would need alittle direction on how to use it for this kind of thing.  thanks again, Mbira

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2017, 12:34:50 PM »
   rhysT if I get this working I will let you know. But I know you can in the user kits for the 4th addon dual zone tom.  -Mbira

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2017, 02:08:00 PM »
What kind of tester did you use to map the pins? I would like to learn how to do that if you don't mind sharing your technique.   thanks, mbira

I used a multimeter to map it. I put it in continuity test mode and then I put one end on the jack (tip, ring or sleeve) and then went through all the pins on the DB25 to see what pin it was connected to.
Yamaha DTXtreme III with DIY drum pads

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2017, 02:21:03 PM »
I'm just wondering if you can assign a preferred sound to the Tom rims or are their head and rim sounds assigned as a preset pair?

You can assign different sounds to the rim and head. On user kit 25, I have the rims set to hand clap(?) sounds 98,99 & 100 for tom 1,2 & 3.
Yamaha DTXtreme III with DIY drum pads

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #21 on: March 26, 2017, 02:43:54 PM »
I followed the pin numbers stamped inside the DB25 connector. Check the attached image for the pin numbers. I tried to take a picture of the numbers stamped, but it is hard to get the light to shine properly to show all the numbers.

« Last Edit: March 26, 2017, 02:50:03 PM by hameedx »
Yamaha DTXtreme III with DIY drum pads

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #22 on: March 26, 2017, 02:47:59 PM »
Just in case your DM7X module looks different, here are pics of the back and front of my DM7X module.
Yamaha DTXtreme III with DIY drum pads

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #23 on: March 26, 2017, 03:04:30 PM »
thanks hameedx, yes the module is the same (even same # on bottom - not serial of course) and and my db25 pins match up with the numbers in the photo you posted. Ok I will see what I get when I test my original snake and then the rings on the tom jacks should be the pins with no connection I guess. Or would ring be connected also to the sleeve pin? thanks for sharing your info this is so helpful!  -mbira

Re: alesis dm7x db25 pinouts
« Reply #24 on: March 26, 2017, 03:32:14 PM »
I opened up my DM7X module and took pictures of the boards. You can compare it with your module to see if there is a hardware difference. I doubt it, as the DM7X is just a rebranded Medeli DD512. Might just be some kind of software / firmware restriction or change.

Does anyone know how to download the firmware from the module?

Yamaha DTXtreme III with DIY drum pads