Author Topic: DM Dock and DM Touch - Another Alesis Failure  (Read 8797 times)

DM Dock and DM Touch - Another Alesis Failure
« on: March 12, 2015, 11:06:14 AM »
It has become clear to me that based on the reviews the DMDock is a bust. A premature and poorly planned product that has done nothing but further hurt the reputation of the company.

I also think the DMTouch software has serious issues. I will qualify my experience by saying I am a MIDI novice and challenged in this area and may be missing something (but what I was trying to do is not rocket surgery). I have read what little is available regarding the use of the software (Alesis does not provide much instruction as far as I know, and when I click on the DMTouch Support link I get a "server not found" message). I am using an Ipad 1 (IOS 5.1.1) and the latest "update" DMTouch software (1.0.1). I did not purchase the DMDock but was planning on using the IODock with the DMTouch. I have downloaded the software several times to see if a faulty download may be the source of the problems I am having.  I have read  various reports that the software has glitches and defaults to MIDI notes that work with some e-kits or it defaults to MIDI note zero for all drums. My particular software defaulted to MIDI note 60 for the bass drum and MIDI note 0 for everything else. However when I press say the snare in the Trigger Inputs setting and go back to the bass drum it indicates 0 as the MIDI note for the bass drum. There is also a button that indicates Reset Triggers which seems to do absolutely nothing. That's not the worst of it. The software does not save any changes that you make to the trigger setting or MIDI notes after you turn off the Ipad. It will save kits but not settings or assigned MIDI notes. However, it will save everything if you exit the program and return to it without turning off the Ipad. So the software is more or less useless unless you just enjoy tapping on drum icons on your Ipad. I am not sure exactly what is going on with Alesis, but where is the support for the app? I have no idea if the software is wacky or there is some other issue (maybe with my Ipad, but I doubt it). So my conclusion based on experience and what I have read is that the software is garbage and the DMDock is garbage. This seems to be a research and development project that escaped from the lab prematurely.

Offline Sal

Re: DM Dock and DM Touch - Another Alesis Failure
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2015, 11:19:37 AM »
+1 for rocket surgery

Alesis is notoriously stingy with product support.

Also, you think using the OG iPad may be an issue? Have you tried it with a newer model?
Here this whole time I thought you were the troll with a heart of gold. Instead you're just a troll with a real troll's heart.

Offline AlanK

Re: DM Dock and DM Touch - Another Alesis Failure
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2015, 11:57:28 AM »

midi talk at 6:45

he doesn't go into a lot of midi note settings talk but it would seem it should work. Maybe it only works properly when in the dock?
DM10X with Addictive Drums 2, Pro X hi-hat, 4 crashes, foam cone conversion w Roland mesh heads, Laurin Drums snare and kick, Mapex P710W double kick pedal, Mapex 2 legged hi-hat, Behringer 8 channel USB mixer, Tascam 144MK AI, Samson Expedition Escape powered speakers

Re: DM Dock and DM Touch - Another Alesis Failure
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2015, 12:04:56 PM »
I admit the iPad might be the problem (but unlikely). My iPad has the operating system that is required by the information on the app page. The  app appears to only have had one update ("minor bug fixes"). Now maybe the the problem is the update not being compatible  with the operating system, but that's not indicated on the app page. When updates cause problems the App Store usually has a way to install the older version. All that being said, where is the @#%$ support to work all this out. I have to say if it was not for this forum, then a lot of people would have trashed the DM10 in all its iterations and the product would be dead in the water. This forum is Alesis support of drummers. Alesis should freakin pay Hellfire for all he has done to help continue to sell their drum equipment by providing a venue for upgrades and workarounds.

Re: DM Dock and DM Touch - Another Alesis Failure
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2015, 12:19:32 PM »
Yep, one of my thoughts was that somehow Alesis got all crazy going nuts that the DMTouch software might work independently of the Dock (there are videos of it doing just that) and decided to mess with the software so it only works when an iPad is placed in the DMDock. It would be nice if they let people know. However, it seems weird that they would not let you save settings on your iPad when it is not placed in a Dock (be it IO or DM).
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 04:47:10 PM by stratocaster »


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Re: DM Dock and DM Touch - Another Alesis Failure
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2015, 06:10:04 PM »
Yep, one of my thoughts was that somehow Alesis got all crazy going nuts that the DMTouch software might work independently of the Dock (there are videos of it doing just that) and decided to mess with the software so it only works when an iPad is placed in the DMDock. It would be nice if they let people know. However, it seems weird that they would not let you save settings on your iPad when it is not placed in a Dock (be it IO or DM).

I can reproduce this bug, i'm on an iPad mini (same architecture than an iPad 2) and on IOS 8.2 (latest from yesterday;-). I lose my MIDI mapping when i close and reopen the app, no hardware shutdown necessary.

Could be the idea behind that bugs to strictly use the app only with hardware, but then Apple would intervene immediately if some app requires special hardware and the developer didn't mention it in the description. Big foul. But... nothing seems to be impossible for Alesis today :-\

Re: DM Dock and DM Touch - Another Alesis Failure
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2015, 06:59:57 PM »
Yep, it's the software. I can use the Garage Band drums without a problem using the IODock and my iPad. :-\ Alesis is really something.  The whole mess will be found in online discount bins very shortly.

Re: DM Dock and DM Touch - Another Alesis Failure
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2015, 07:08:33 PM »
This proves it worked without the DM Dock before they %$&#$ with it:

Hmm, now that I think about it the DM Touch software probably worked a lot better with the IO Dock (plus you get all the extra features of the IO Dock as well as more versatility). The geniuses at Alesis probably realized that they had an older, better and cheaper product that would eat into the market share of the DM Dock so they had to sabotage the software use in the IO Dock. Then again, maybe I am giving them too much credit and they just unintentionally %$&#@ up the software so it doesn't work for anybody (including new DM Dock owners). :-[
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 07:25:22 PM by stratocaster »


  • Guest
Re: DM Dock and DM Touch - Another Alesis Failure
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2015, 07:46:51 PM »
Then again, maybe I am giving them too much credit and they just unintentionally %$&#@ up the software so it doesn't work for anybody (including new DM Dock owners). :-[

Hm, some 2 cents: For me it's totally unclear if the trigger settings in DMTouch will change something *in the DMDock itself*. It could also be an software-limited, internal system of filters to trigger the in-build sounds of DMTouch. More tests should be done with a DMDock and other MIDI apps on IOS devices (which should work in theory) and with a DMDock and two iPads with two DMTouch apps, just to show if the trigger settings will be stored in the DMDock hardware or only in DMTouch.

I don't owe a DMDock nor will I, so other heroes are welcome to test ;)

Offline Sal

Re: DM Dock and DM Touch - Another Alesis Failure
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2015, 08:51:56 AM »
Yeah that's some tin-foil-hat kind of thinking, but I can see what you mean.
Here this whole time I thought you were the troll with a heart of gold. Instead you're just a troll with a real troll's heart.

Offline AlanK

Re: DM Dock and DM Touch - Another Alesis Failure
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2015, 09:36:49 AM »
I believe the dock is simply the conduit so that the trigger inputs, midi in/out. volume and power can pass through some circuit board(s) and send the signals to the iPad. Just a shell pretty much to patch cables into the device with the software. Nothing stored in the dock itself.
DM10X with Addictive Drums 2, Pro X hi-hat, 4 crashes, foam cone conversion w Roland mesh heads, Laurin Drums snare and kick, Mapex P710W double kick pedal, Mapex 2 legged hi-hat, Behringer 8 channel USB mixer, Tascam 144MK AI, Samson Expedition Escape powered speakers

Offline Chaser

Re: DM Dock and DM Touch - Another Alesis Failure
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2015, 12:01:58 PM »
I still have a copy of is the same as the 1.01 except no IAA
I haven't received a response from Alesis for almost a year concerning the features , rim/midi assigments etc.
There hasn't been an update for the DMTouch for almost a year.
The 1.01 update was to enable the IAA as it was in the products description in the app store.

DMTouch is nothing more than a full featured Demo..I don't believe it needs to be "fixed"..but rather the features need to be enabled or turned on.
It is a SQLite build with dls files, and the UI is made up of iDrum nib files.
each kit has.. SQLite script (bank locker including "purchasable" dls)
...dls files.(downloadable sounds)...each dls file has 8 layers which was promising
... kit pieces.. png
there are some extra banks such as custom kits..extra kicks..etc
other than the allowance of "live" editing,mixing and saving kit pieces ,everything seems to be disabled/off including global parameters / save once you close the app it defaults/resets.
It was setup for server communication/authorization/purchasing which to date no server has been set up.
Thats more than likely the reason it's free..if there was a fee involved Apple would not allow it in the App Store as it would have to be fully functional.

Alesis "dangled a carrot"...if/when it is completed there will more than likely be a fee/user account or hardware dependent inter-app purchasing etc..examples such as Digitech iStomp..(Digitech gave up on the iStomp and all models are now free) or something along the lines of  IK Multimedia ..
who knows...based on the past couple years the DMTouch/DMDock may end up under a different brand..or maybe there will be an update for the DMDock that unlocks all the features of the app..or the server goes online.
at this point and time it's all speculation

The source code is in there also but it would be too time consuming.. not to mention the legal issues to make it fully functional

If you wish to review the app build..ipa is a package delivery method to music/itunes/mobile media.. copy/place the ipa in a folder..rename the file extension to zip..and extract it,you can view the code resources, SQLite files with notepad and you can use a program such as Awave Studio to open/edit/play the sound files

Re: DM Dock and DM Touch - Another Alesis Failure
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2024, 10:34:15 AM »

Re: DM Dock and DM Touch - Another Alesis Failure
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2024, 05:29:08 PM »
I am experimenting with (call it "everything and the kitchen sink" edrum project) and intend to do a full post on the DM Dock component. I installed (and then uninstalled most) every promising app. So far, I have not tested Barbax or Korg Gadget and a couple of more comprehensive DAW apps, but,
Digistix2 responded to midi inputs immediately, so it is the only iPad app SO FAR that I saved for further testing. An early, basic function, provisional success.

However, the dock itself is finicky about power distribution with BLE MIDI and my iPad 6 plugged in, but resolved with more amperage; in my case, a cautiously watched, adjustable (i.e., 6v at 6amps, versus the Alesis supplied 2a wallwart) Chinesium psu.

Otherwise, all my experiments right now are with the DM Dock, using usbmidi to a Windows10 laptop USB3 port, with several DAW and proprietary samplers from a past life, e.g. Sibelius Garritan Aria, Kontakt after annoying updates and datamarketing nonsense, etcetc.

Works beautifully with BFD FREE.
Good luck, and Godspeed!

EDIT: you may have saved me from wasting time on Barbax...I'm just going to dump it with the other crapapps. 

EDIT EDIT: while my brain is on it, I recommend a FULLY iDevice compatible Lightning extension. Exercise due diligence in ensuring that the cable actually incorporates the communication IC, and note that it does matter which way the "reversible" Lightning cable is connected...sometimes. But, hard learned fact.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2024, 05:40:53 PM by RRPD4130 »
When somebody tells you that something cannot be done, listen to them. Then, do it anyway.

Re: DM Dock and DM Touch - Another Alesis Failure
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2024, 11:23:05 AM »
Hey there, i am so happy, that the DM Dock is still in 2024!
I just brought my DM-Dock from the cellar to use it again, and failed miserably....

I before used an IPAD Air 2 and it worked great with it. After updatting the IPAD to IOS 15, nothing....we i put in the connector, it charges for 2 seconds before saying "not charching. Tried Garageband and Drums XD. The Sound is always coming from the Ipad, never through the DM Dock.
Then I tried an old IPAD 3 and IPAD 2 with IOS 9.3.6. There nothing at all happens, when i connect the DM Dock...not charching, nothing coming out of the Headphones or just gets ignored....:-(

So here are some questions:
- What combination was working back then (IPAD/IOS)?
- Does anyone have the .ipa from DM Touch? Maybe i need this installed in order to make it work (don?t know)
- Was there a firmware Upgrade for the DM Dock that i could try? And does anyone have it?

I am a bit frustrated, that nothing at all works with this thing :-(

Offline Chaser

Re: DM Dock and DM Touch - Another Alesis Failure
« Reply #15 on: July 22, 2024, 06:45:44 PM »
Hey there, i am so happy, that the DM Dock is still in 2024!
I just brought my DM-Dock from the cellar to use it again, and failed miserably....

I before used an IPAD Air 2 and it worked great with it. After updatting the IPAD to IOS 15, nothing....we i put in the connector, it charges for 2 seconds before saying "not charching. Tried Garageband and Drums XD. The Sound is always coming from the Ipad, never through the DM Dock.
Then I tried an old IPAD 3 and IPAD 2 with IOS 9.3.6. There nothing at all happens, when i connect the DM Dock...not charching, nothing coming out of the Headphones or just gets ignored....:-(

So here are some questions:
- What combination was working back then (IPAD/IOS)?
- Does anyone have the .ipa from DM Touch? Maybe i need this installed in order to make it work (don?t know)
- Was there a firmware Upgrade for the DM Dock that i could try? And does anyone have it?

I am a bit frustrated, that nothing at all works with this thing :-(

The DM Dock uses Class Compliant Drivers.
I have multiple models of iPads (iPad 1 - 5.1.1..iPad 2 and  iPad 3 - ios 9.3.6..iPad 4-ios 10.3.4 and all recognize the DM Dock and the DM Touch app.
I show the DM Dock (including charging) and multiple Alesis products with Class Compliant Drivers are recognized and for all iOS up to 17.5
(I will not update to ipadOS 18 until proven Core Audio hasn't made any changes or any issues related to other Class Compliant hardware)
The last iPad with DM Touch app support and dock fitment was the iPad 4.
The next iPad released.. AIR 1st gen has basically the same specs just smaller(won't fit the Dock) and 64 bit.

Check to be sure you have the correct power Supply (6 Volt) and check your connections from the Dock to the iPad..if you are using an extension cable
(newer iPad outside the dock etc etc) it must be certified by Apple and connected last in the order.
The USB B port is also recognized connected to a USB Camera Kit..however it does not charge through USB so the charging must be connected to the Camera Kit.
There was never a Firmware Update...the only update was for the DM Touch app to 1.0.1 for IAA support.

Without the DM Touch app you have no control over the MIDI Mapping or Trigger settings..however the Dock is fully functional.
You would need to use a MIDI utility on a mac or PC to check the current mapping (MIDI Notes sent) in order to create a Key MIDI/Map to reference and then use an app that allows you to change the MIDI Note assignments in the software itself.

Re: DM Dock and DM Touch - Another Alesis Failure
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2024, 05:16:43 AM »
Thanks for your reply!

Good to know that it should not be an issue with the IOS Version i am using.
I am using the original Power Adapter that came with the DM Touch. Maybe it does not deliver enough power anymore..who knows.
Concerning the connector: I am try only the original Adapters that came with the Device, so the USB-B to Lighting and the USB - B to 52Pin Connector.
I tried an USB - B to USB  cable and and adapter to original Lightning / 52 PIN connctor. With this i got at least the IPAD1 to charge over the DM Dock. But as I don?t find any app for IOS 5.1.1 (Garageband 1.4.1 crashes and all need higher OS). I cannot really try if this would work.

As you say DM Touch is not needed to rund the device i am really now thinking that maybe the PowerAdapter might be the problem.

Addenum: The "Epic Drums" Screenshot is from PC/MAC right? Or is this an IOS App?

Hey there, i am so happy, that the DM Dock is still in 2024!
I just brought my DM-Dock from the cellar to use it again, and failed miserably....

I before used an IPAD Air 2 and it worked great with it. After updatting the IPAD to IOS 15, nothing....we i put in the connector, it charges for 2 seconds before saying "not charching. Tried Garageband and Drums XD. The Sound is always coming from the Ipad, never through the DM Dock.
Then I tried an old IPAD 3 and IPAD 2 with IOS 9.3.6. There nothing at all happens, when i connect the DM Dock...not charching, nothing coming out of the Headphones or just gets ignored....:-(

So here are some questions:
- What combination was working back then (IPAD/IOS)?
- Does anyone have the .ipa from DM Touch? Maybe i need this installed in order to make it work (don?t know)
- Was there a firmware Upgrade for the DM Dock that i could try? And does anyone have it?

I am a bit frustrated, that nothing at all works with this thing :-(

The DM Dock uses Class Compliant Drivers.
I have multiple models of iPads (iPad 1 - 5.1.1..iPad 2 and  iPad 3 - ios 9.3.6..iPad 4-ios 10.3.4 and all recognize the DM Dock and the DM Touch app.
I show the DM Dock (including charging) and multiple Alesis products with Class Compliant Drivers are recognized and for all iOS up to 17.5
(I will not update to ipadOS 18 until proven Core Audio hasn't made any changes or any issues related to other Class Compliant hardware)
The last iPad with DM Touch app support and dock fitment was the iPad 4.
The next iPad released.. AIR 1st gen has basically the same specs just smaller(won't fit the Dock) and 64 bit.

Check to be sure you have the correct power Supply (6 Volt) and check your connections from the Dock to the iPad..if you are using an extension cable
(newer iPad outside the dock etc etc) it must be certified by Apple and connected last in the order.
The USB B port is also recognized connected to a USB Camera Kit..however it does not charge through USB so the charging must be connected to the Camera Kit.
There was never a Firmware Update...the only update was for the DM Touch app to 1.0.1 for IAA support.

Without the DM Touch app you have no control over the MIDI Mapping or Trigger settings..however the Dock is fully functional.
You would need to use a MIDI utility on a mac or PC to check the current mapping (MIDI Notes sent) in order to create a Key MIDI/Map to reference and then use an app that allows you to change the MIDI Note assignments in the software itself.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2024, 05:38:01 AM by MariaKim »

Offline Chaser

Re: DM Dock and DM Touch - Another Alesis Failure
« Reply #17 on: July 23, 2024, 10:05:12 AM »
Thanks for your reply!

Good to know that it should not be an issue with the IOS Version i am using.
I am using the original Power Adapter that came with the DM Touch. Maybe it does not deliver enough power anymore..who knows.
Concerning the connector: I am try only the original Adapters that came with the Device, so the USB-B to Lighting and the USB - B to 52Pin Connector.
I tried an USB - B to USB  cable and and adapter to original Lightning / 52 PIN connctor. With this i got at least the IPAD1 to charge over the DM Dock. But as I don?t find any app for IOS 5.1.1 (Garageband 1.4.1 crashes and all need higher OS). I cannot really try if this would work.

As you say DM Touch is not needed to rund the device i am really now thinking that maybe the PowerAdapter might be the problem.

Addenum: The "Epic Drums" Screenshot is from PC/MAC right? Or is this an IOS App?

The screenshot is from an iPad Pro 12.9...It is iOS..iSymphonic Orchestra..the drums are in one of the IAP expansions/Sounsets.I use This app for reference as it is one of few that stores hardware connections in it's memory.

I thought Cydia was "old news" as Freeman (Saurik) hasn't updated or maintained for years and there is a Cydia Cloud..and there are  a half dozen or so others for installing apps...depending on iOS Version and if Appeven..Zebra etc etc
Jailbreaking has changed and the best you can get is Semi-tethered..however after a re-boot you have to Re-Jaibreak using an app , so this isn't an option for a Live Musician as it takes long enough for an iPad/Iphone to re-boot so it's best to just own the app..including an iPad/Iphone breakage where you can replace and just re-download from your account.
I used to be a "Themer" years ago for the iPhone and Windows/Linux for Custom Slimmed down Versions for Music production everything else the trends change.
It used to be shiny flat, the same with website development.I remember when "Squash" (800x600) sites were supposed to be the final...and scrolling/Parallax would never be accepted and the screen size would never be larger than 15"...

As far as the connection and charging issue..squeeze the connection between the Dock and the adapter/USB Dongle..see if it connects by watching/listening for the charging to start I have had a few that don't make a solid connection and are "loose" intermittent.
Also try disconnecting at the joint (leave the USB Dongle connected to the iPad and re-connecting the cable from the dock.
Apple can be a pain for MFi recognition and sometimes it is considered an "unsupported device" even if it is.

Off Topic..If you are using Lightning type Apple devices..and don't want to spend the money for the higher priced Apple Camera kit which has limited USB Connections
I can confirm this Lightning USB Hubs works

Added Links
« Last Edit: July 23, 2024, 10:26:07 AM by Chaser »

Re: DM Dock and DM Touch - Another Alesis Failure
« Reply #18 on: July 23, 2024, 10:32:46 AM »
Concering "Jailbreaking" you are right, but for old IPAD 1 + 2 you still can Jailbreak unteathered depending on the OS. But the best way i found so far ist using "Signolus" (google can help)

Coming back to my Problem: I tried all Connections possible. When Connecting two different IPAD Air 2 (IOS 15.x) I get a "quick" Charging symbol befor it disappears again. And as mentioned for IPAD 1+2 i get nothing. The only way i got something to charge is via USB-B -> Old IPAD 1 Adapter. But this again only worked for the IPAD 1. Not for my IPAD 2+3.

I tried all the ways...Different Adapters leaving the Adapter in the IPAD and then connecting the Adapter to the USB-B Cable of the DM Dock. Nothing so far.

What I ilke about your app below is, that it shows the Iput Connections. So i could try with this app and see if even if it is not Charging or Giveing sound via Headphones of the DM - Dock, The input Channels are there or not. Have to look at this Today.

Thanks for your reply!

Good to know that it should not be an issue with the IOS Version i am using.
I am using the original Power Adapter that came with the DM Touch. Maybe it does not deliver enough power anymore..who knows.
Concerning the connector: I am try only the original Adapters that came with the Device, so the USB-B to Lighting and the USB - B to 52Pin Connector.
I tried an USB - B to USB  cable and and adapter to original Lightning / 52 PIN connctor. With this i got at least the IPAD1 to charge over the DM Dock. But as I don?t find any app for IOS 5.1.1 (Garageband 1.4.1 crashes and all need higher OS). I cannot really try if this would work.

As you say DM Touch is not needed to rund the device i am really now thinking that maybe the PowerAdapter might be the problem.

Addenum: The "Epic Drums" Screenshot is from PC/MAC right? Or is this an IOS App?

The screenshot is from an iPad Pro 12.9...It is iOS..iSymphonic Orchestra..the drums are in one of the IAP expansions/Sounsets.I use This app for reference as it is one of few that stores hardware connections in it's memory.

I thought Cydia was "old news" as Freeman (Saurik) hasn't updated or maintained for years and there is a Cydia Cloud..and there are  a half dozen or so others for installing apps...depending on iOS Version and if Appeven..Zebra etc etc
Jailbreaking has changed and the best you can get is Semi-tethered..however after a re-boot you have to Re-Jaibreak using an app , so this isn't an option for a Live Musician as it takes long enough for an iPad/Iphone to re-boot so it's best to just own the app..including an iPad/Iphone breakage where you can replace and just re-download from your account.
I used to be a "Themer" years ago for the iPhone and Windows/Linux for Custom Slimmed down Versions for Music production everything else the trends change.
It used to be shiny flat, the same with website development.I remember when "Squash" (800x600) sites were supposed to be the final...then it went to scrolling/Parallax

As far as the connection and charging issue..squeeze the connection between the Dock and the adapter/USB Dongle..see if it connects by watching/listening for the charging to startI have had a few that don't make a solid connection and are "loose".
Also try disconnecting at the joint (leave the USB Dongle connected to the iPad and re-connecting the cable from the dock.
Apple can be a pain for MFi recognition and sometimes it is considered an "unsupported device" even if it is.

Off Topic..If you are using Lightning type Apple devices..and don't want to spend the money for the higher priced Apple Camera kit which has limited USB Connections
I can confirm this Lightning USB Hubs works

Added Links

Offline Chaser

Re: DM Dock and DM Touch - Another Alesis Failure
« Reply #19 on: July 23, 2024, 11:02:05 AM »
The DM Dock should be listed under Settings > General > About.
I attached screenshots from an old iPhone I have with 15.7.4..with the DM Dock connected,recognized and charging

I did a Quick Charge on an iPad AIR 2  iOS 15.7.5...DM Dock is Connected..Recognized..and Charging.

The DM Dock you have either has issues with the Dock itself or the Connector/USB to Lightning adapter/Dongle.
At this point I can only suggest you connect the DM Dock..see if you get the quick on/off charging..then power down the iPad with the DM Dock Connected and powered on....Restart the iPad and see if it gets recognized..sometimes that works for getting Class Compliant hardware recognized in iOS.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2024, 12:21:32 PM by Chaser »

Re: DM Dock and DM Touch - Another Alesis Failure
« Reply #20 on: July 23, 2024, 02:59:53 PM »
i have NO clue how this happend, but it is NOT the original Power Adapter!
I checked the specification for the device and it is 6V 3A DC Positive Tip center.
But the Power Supply that i am using only has 1.5A! This might be the problem. Ordered this one now:

Lets see, if this solves all my problems :-P

Btw. you were right! i used the DM App from Archive, and you need do use APPLE-ID / PW i NEVER had that before. Really strange. Normally Appsync takes care of this but not for DM Touch...very strange.

The DM Dock should be listed under Settings > General > About.
I attached screenshots from an old iPhone I have with 15.7.4..with the DM Dock connected,recognized and charging

I did a Quick Charge on an iPad AIR 2  iOS 15.7.5...DM Dock is Connected..Recognized..and Charging.

The DM Dock you have either has issues with the Dock itself or the Connector/USB to Lightning adapter/Dongle.
At this point I can only suggest you connect the DM Dock..see if you get the quick on/off charging..then power down the iPad with the DM Dock Connected and powered on....Restart the iPad and see if it gets recognized..sometimes that works for getting Class Compliant hardware recognized in iOS.

Offline Chaser

Re: DM Dock and DM Touch - Another Alesis Failure
« Reply #21 on: July 23, 2024, 04:52:51 PM »
i have NO clue how this happend, but it is NOT the original Power Adapter!
I checked the specification for the device and it is 6V 3A DC Positive Tip center.
But the Power Supply that i am using only has 1.5A! This might be the problem. Ordered this one now:

Lets see, if this solves all my problems :-P

Btw. you were right! i used the DM App from Archive, and you need do use APPLE-ID / PW i NEVER had that before. Really strange. Normally Appsync takes care of this but not for DM Touch...very strange.

It makes a great deal of difference with the Power Supply not being correct which was why I mentioned in my 1st reply to your post.
The same issues happen with other Alesis products..the Original DM10 Module has many Topics about those using the incorrect Power Supply and ending up with No Sound ..partial functionality etc etc.

The 1st Docks released by Alesis ..IO Dock..DM Dock and Amp Dock..used 6 volt 3A.
IO Dock II changed to 12 volt 2Amp...and is also working with current iOS..
The original IO Dock (also had video) is 30 Pin Only and does not work with the 30 pin to lightning adapter..

iPad power requirements changed as they became more powerful...I have friends that still don't get it and wonder why the same charger they have for their older phone takes forever for the iPad..if it even charges as too low and the iPad will discharge faster than the charging rate (depending on usage,app etc)..The newer iPhone models require nearly the same amount of power

5 watts (1 amp): almost all iPhones.
10 watts (2.1 amps): iPad Air, Air 2, mini 2-4, iPad 1-4 (CPU power requirement 2x as starting with iPad 2..Dual Core 1.0Ghz)
12 watts (2.4 amps): iPad Pro 9.7″, 10.5″, 12.9″ (1st and 2nd gen), iPad Air (3rd gen), iPad mini 5, iPad 5-7
18 watts (3 amps): iPad Pro 11″ (1st and 2nd gen), iPad Pro 12.9″ (3rd and 4th gen), iPhone 11 Pro/Pro Max. Note that this power adapter uses a USB-C connector on the plug instead of the older USB-A plug on the lower-watt models.
20 watts (3 amps): iPad mini 6, iPad 8-9, iPad Air 4-5, iPad Pro 11″ (3rd gen), iPad Pro 12.9″ (5th gen), iPhone 12-14 Pro Max. Also a USB-C connection.

« Last Edit: July 23, 2024, 05:48:40 PM by Chaser »

Re: DM Dock and DM Touch - Another Alesis Failure
« Reply #22 on: July 25, 2024, 12:33:42 PM »
Frustrated to say, that the Power supply i mentioned abouve did not work. :-(
I think the 6V and 3A should be ok, but these chineese things thing tend to be not perfect.

@chaser can you send me a link what power adapter would be best for the DM Dock? (Amazon EU if any means possible).

Re: DM Dock and DM Touch - Another Alesis Failure
« Reply #23 on: July 25, 2024, 01:03:11 PM »

New Power Adapter: 6V , 3A DC

IPAD 3: No Charging, nothing
IPAD AIR 2: IOS 15.8.2: Charging, but DM Dock not found (see picture)

I think something is seriously bad here....

Offline Chaser

Re: DM Dock and DM Touch - Another Alesis Failure
« Reply #24 on: July 25, 2024, 02:22:42 PM »
Frustrated to say, that the Power supply i mentioned abouve did not work. :-(
I think the 6V and 3A should be ok, but these chineese things thing tend to be not perfect.

@chaser can you send me a link what power adapter would be best for the DM Dock? (Amazon EU if any means possible).

Here is the Official Pt#     HK-AJ-060A300-US

I have seen Genuine on ebay...a lot of the other retailers etc state "Compatible with"..however the price varies ..anywhere for $9-$30.
I see the Input range is 100-240v

Genuine Hon-Kwang HK-AJ-060A300-US Adapter 6V 3A 5.5x2.1mm I.T.E Power Supply

« Last Edit: July 25, 2024, 02:25:30 PM by Chaser »