Author Topic: [DM10] MORE REALISTIC CYMBAL CHOKES  (Read 8349 times)

Offline Hellfire

« on: January 02, 2014, 11:28:50 PM »
(Using Alesis Surge, Pearl E-Classic, DIY or Smartrigger cymbals with choke)
[REDbox users please note that screens may be labeled/look differently within your module]

Theory of Operation:

DM10 and REDbox users know all too well the unnatural choke sound they get when choking a cymbal. So, is it possible to get a better sounding choke? Yes, but there are some limitations to this technique. Keep in mind this trick doesn’t work on input #7 (CRASH) and that’s because that input is hard coded to work a specific way. This technique also requires the type of eCymbals listed under the title of this section.

You will find that the set-up for this technique is very similar to “CYMBAL CHOKE ON ANY DUAL ZONE INPUT”. I would highly recommend that you read that section first before tackling this advanced method of programing a more realistic cymbal choking sound. Here’s a quick run down of how this works. After setting the trigger input up for a choke using the Mute Group function of the module, we will then assign a very specific (highly decayed) instrument on the choke zone to emulate a slightly less abrupt cut off of the cymbal sound. This instrument sound can be tuned to match just about any of the cymbal sounds in the module by adjusting the pitch and/or the filter. A little bit of effects will be added as when to the choke sound.

« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 10:48:08 AM by Hellfire »

« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2017, 01:44:48 PM »
Hi Hellfire,

Sorry to resurrect such an old thread but I wondered if you could expand on your ideas for improving the, frankly rubbish, choke samples/system on the DM10. I have racked my brains on how to do this using mute groups, but I'm afraid I can't figure it out without a bit more of your invaluable input  :)



Offline Hellfire

« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2017, 09:22:18 PM »
Hi Hellfire,

Sorry to resurrect such an old thread but I wondered if you could expand on your ideas for improving the, frankly rubbish, choke samples/system on the DM10. I have racked my brains on how to do this using mute groups, but I'm afraid I can't figure it out without a bit more of your invaluable input  :)



Hi Steve,

Unfortunately my DM10 module has been packed aways for a couple years now. I felt is was necessary to answer you since ask me specifically. With that in mind you are not going to like the answer and it is this: The amount of time and energy to go back and retrace my steps at this time just isn't in the cards for this trick. I understand you are frustrated, but it would take me the better part of a week to retrace my steps and I just don't have the time at this point.

What I can tell you is the mute group is used for two sound on single zone cymbal with choke strip (these have to be the Surge type cymbals to work, the plastic DM cymbals can not work with this trick). You would assign your regular cymbal sound to your piezo and you would then assign a highly decayed version of the same cymbal sound (with a little filter on it to muffle the sound a little) to the choke strip. By putting the piezo zone and the choke strip zone in the same mute group (if you don't know what a mute group is please refer to your DM10 Manual) you can now have a more realistic cymbal choke. Please don't ask for any more specifics as I don't have access to my DM10 and I would be guessing.

Good luck!

« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2017, 05:15:41 AM »
Thanks for taking the time to reply, you have actually given me an idea (workaround) for using the mute groups to simulate a better choke. I have assigned my closed hihat to the same mute group as one of my crash cymbals so a light tap will choke it, and this sounds much more realistic. I just have to figure out how to do this on the other crash and my ride without using the same mute group (I thought I may be able to assign different mute groups to the A & B layers on the hihat, but unfortunately this is not possible)

Thanks again,


Offline rhysT

« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2017, 08:59:26 PM »
Thanks for taking the time to reply, you have actually given me an idea (workaround) for using the mute groups to simulate a better choke. I have assigned my closed hihat to the same mute group as one of my crash cymbals so a light tap will choke it, and this sounds much more realistic. I just have to figure out how to do this on the other crash and my ride without using the same mute group (I thought I may be able to assign different mute groups to the A & B layers on the hihat, but unfortunately this is not possible)

You could try using tom rim/s in separate mute group/s for each cymbal and maybe assign a low level sound to the rim/s like Latin Perc/Shaker Hi.
Although repeated hits on a cymbal assigned to a mute group cuts short the decay of its own sound, which can be a bit annoying when hitting the ride cymbal bow and bell zones alternately.