Author Topic: MIDI Map Presets - Addictive Drums 1/2 & Superior Drummer 2/3 (DM10 Studio Kit)  (Read 107832 times)

Offline Met

In Superior Drummer, Click on "Mapping" Tab, Click "Preset" Drop down menu, Highlight "MIDI" or "MIDI Nodes" and select "Manage in Explorer" and Copy Midi Map Files to the Directory Accordingly.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 03:46:11 PM by Meteoracp »

Hi i am trying to install the midi maps in superior drummer N.Y Avatar but the option " manage in explorer"
is greyed out so i cant access it

pls help

regards Paul

Offline Met

what computer system are you on, windows  or mac? i'm not sure for mac but the directory for windows are in the attached files.

Hi i'm using win 7,  i put the files here as it says to

My Documents\Toontrack\Superior2\MidiPresets

in the sd2 software i cant access the files either under midi mappings -   "user Presets"

or the "manage in explorer" options


Offline Met

That's very odd, i'm on windows 7 as well but never encounter this problem before, are you using toontrack solo or a DAW software? have you tried reinstalling superior drummer?

USing toontrack solo

Offline Met

These shouldn't be any problems, try reinstall superior drummer and toontrack solo to see if the problem is solved by showing you are able to select the "manage in explorer" in superior drummer.

ok thanks!

Re: Midi Mappings For Addictive Drums and Superior Drummer With DM10 Studio Kit
« Reply #33 on: September 25, 2012, 06:23:15 AM »
Hey, Thanks for putting that up. Worked a treat for Pearl Red Box which is almost identical to DM10. The only thing I can't get working is the Hi Hat heel splash, any ideas? I can live without it but it would be nice to have the complete sounds.

Offline Met

Re: Midi Mappings For Addictive Drums and Superior Drummer With DM10 Studio Kit
« Reply #34 on: September 25, 2012, 12:43:12 PM »
You might want to configure the heel splash with the hi hat calibration in your module and also assign the hi hat splash note in your drum vsti like sd or addictive drums if you are using a daw software or standalone programs.

its good practice to configure your setup with the module and test with the built in sounds before configuring for software uses.
Hope that helps.

how can i add it if i use addictive drums on a MAC?


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First: Welcome to our forum!

how can i add it if i use addictive drums on a MAC?

Put it in: /Users/<UserName>/Library/Application Support/Addictive Drums/User Maps

Superior drummer punch in ride cymball. And choking crash and ride?...
« Reply #37 on: November 09, 2012, 12:03:09 PM »
(I don't know how to start a new topic)

I would like to know if anyone managed to map in Superior Drummer:

- the punch and crashing the ride cymball

(I can only have de bell and the bow, can't find how to make the ride to crash, to punch. The module itselft does it: when you play harder in the ride e starts to make more noise, instead of just a louder ride);

- is it possible to choke crash and ride in superior drummer?

(The choking part works in the module. But when I connect to superior drummer I can only see the mute and it acts as a punch-choke sound, not good no).

Offline Met

Re: Midi Mappings For Addictive Drums and Superior Drummer With DM10 Studio Kit
« Reply #38 on: November 09, 2012, 02:45:59 PM »

Have you tried the attached midi mappings files?

To choke cymbals in superior drummer, only certain SDX/Pack will work whereas others will be choked just by pressing the choke strip which is easier by using one hand without hitting of course but if you wanna choke it normally, you may have to configure the sound {Envelope}.

Hope that helps.

Re: Midi Mappings For Addictive Drums and Superior Drummer With DM10 Studio Kit
« Reply #39 on: December 03, 2012, 04:52:57 PM »
First: Welcome to our forum!

how can i add it if i use addictive drums on a MAC?

Put it in: /Users/<UserName>/Library/Application Support/Addictive Drums/User Maps

vaikl I've set up Addictive Drums on my Mac using Ableton Live. I can't find the option to add Maps in Addictive. The only extension files I have in the AD folder are Settings, User Midi files (.mid) and User Presets (.ADPreset) files. I'm also having issues mapping the correct sounds to my Alesis DM10. I'm thinking that this amazing ADMap file will solve this problem. any guidance would be great.

I've just realised I need to update my AD in order to enable the mapping feature - updating now! ignore this post...sorry & thanks! :)
« Last Edit: December 03, 2012, 05:12:00 PM by maltesefalcon »
Alesis DM10 Studio 2011. Addictive Drums & Superior Drummer VST. Mesh head conversion (check it out here:


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Re: Midi Mappings For Addictive Drums and Superior Drummer With DM10 Studio Kit
« Reply #40 on: December 03, 2012, 05:29:34 PM »
I've just realised I need to update my AD in order to enable the mapping feature - updating now! ignore this post...sorry & thanks! :)

Hu! I've just started to ask which version you are using ;) ;)
Good that you've found it for yourself!

Re: Midi Mappings For Addictive Drums and Superior Drummer With DM10 Studio Kit
« Reply #41 on: December 04, 2012, 04:25:44 AM »

There's also a MIDI Nodes Mapping For Toontrack SD (Velocity Hi Hat Functionality for Using in DAW Softwares To Play Live)

Important For Superior Drummer Users: Select Your SDX or EZX Pack and Apply MIDI/MIDI Nodes Mappings each time you Select A Pack or Project Presets.

Hey Meteoracp, thanks for sharing your maps. Amazing stuff! Currently tweaking the settings on my DM10 to reduce sensitivity / triggering / xtalk etc...and off we go with AD kits  ;D. Thanks again.

vaikl - as you can see i've updated my AD to 1.5.x  ;)
Alesis DM10 Studio 2011. Addictive Drums & Superior Drummer VST. Mesh head conversion (check it out here:

Offline Met

Re: Midi Mappings For Addictive Drums and Superior Drummer With DM10 Studio Kit
« Reply #42 on: December 04, 2012, 05:10:26 AM »
Sure Thing, I'm glad this Thread is useful for some of us be it new users that are moving towards computer drumming via DAW Vst or existing users of AD and Superior Drummer and am sure that most of us agree that the sounds we get in AD, SD, BFD etc softwares have way better sounding samples than alot of modules out there that cost hundreds to thousands and even the samples are still crappy.

All in all we have our own individual preferences which is more important.

Re: Midi Mappings For Addictive Drums and Superior Drummer With DM10 Studio Kit
« Reply #43 on: December 04, 2012, 08:39:40 AM »
Sure Thing, I'm glad this Thread is useful for some of us be it new users that are moving towards computer drumming via DAW Vst or existing users of AD and Superior Drummer and am sure that most of us agree that the sounds we get in AD, SD, BFD etc softwares have way better sounding samples than alot of modules out there that cost hundreds to thousands and even the samples are still crappy.

All in all we have our own individual preferences which is more important.

Hey Meteoracp, i'm having one issue - getting the HH closed1 Tip to be recognised when i've got the hihat pedal closed. I had to select the CC Reverse option in order for AD to recognise when the pedal is open and closed - that solved that issue. The HH closed1 Tip is mapped to 65. Otherwise all other mappings work great. Got very slight latency issues but i'm working on this. Any thoughts on figuring out why my hihat pedal / closed tip sound doesn't register? thanks.
Alesis DM10 Studio 2011. Addictive Drums & Superior Drummer VST. Mesh head conversion (check it out here:

Offline Met

Re: Midi Mappings For Addictive Drums and Superior Drummer With DM10 Studio Kit
« Reply #44 on: December 04, 2012, 09:04:10 AM »
not all the notes are assign to a pad on default as alesis hihat do not have all velocity piezo trigger.

i haven't got into it for AD and its been nearly a year since i've touched my drums though, you could play around with the settings and perhaps find something new.

as for latency, are you using an audio interface? if not downloading asio4all will do the trick.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 09:30:27 AM by Meteoracp »

Re: Midi Mappings For Addictive Drums and Superior Drummer With DM10 Studio Kit
« Reply #45 on: December 04, 2012, 09:35:59 AM »
Thanks Meteoracp. I'm on a Mac so would this be the best latency reducing tool?;1

Will figure out how to map the HH closed1 Tip to the correct setting. If I manage will share. Thanks again.
Alesis DM10 Studio 2011. Addictive Drums & Superior Drummer VST. Mesh head conversion (check it out here:

Offline Met

Re: Midi Mappings For Addictive Drums and Superior Drummer With DM10 Studio Kit
« Reply #46 on: December 04, 2012, 09:42:27 AM »
ASIO4ALL is for windows so you've to find an alternative for mac or so.

Re: Midi Mappings For Addictive Drums and Superior Drummer With DM10 Studio Kit
« Reply #47 on: December 12, 2012, 10:51:24 AM »
Hey meteoracp, forgot to update you on this...i've used the built in latency tool in Ableton Live and it works perfectly. Managed to sort out the addictive drums mappings too by starting from scratch - was very easy to do & the sound is fantastic.

Alesis DM10 Studio 2011. Addictive Drums & Superior Drummer VST. Mesh head conversion (check it out here:

Offline Met

Re: Midi Mappings For Addictive Drums and Superior Drummer With DM10 Studio Kit
« Reply #48 on: December 12, 2012, 11:03:18 AM »
Good to hear that, and Have Fun!

Bit of a noob looking for help here. How can I get my tom rims to play all different kinds of cymbals? Eg, I want Tom1 Rimshot to play a bell and Tom2 Rimshot to play a china. Am I missing something? I'm using Addictive Drums. As you mentioned, Tom2 Rim plays cymbal 3, how about the others?
« Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 10:45:37 PM by AS Nuggets »