Author Topic: DM10 Custom User Kit & Instrument Downloads Area (sysex or DMeditor files)  (Read 90040 times)

Offline Hellfire

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #25 on: September 17, 2010, 12:24:48 PM »
Are you currently playing out live?
No, our last gig was in August. We had some gigs lined up for October but, we had to call it off. Money was too tight and a couple of members of the band had to get second jobs. Just no time right now.

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #26 on: September 18, 2010, 09:54:41 PM »
False alarm, thank crikey!!! Had to untick a couple boxes in midiox and set it only to recognize sysex files, ignoring midi clock and (can't remember the other option.

I'm really liking these kits, deedubs!!!

I'm slowly learning my way around the module so hopefully it won't take too long before I can upload my own custom kits for you folks to give a whirl.

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #27 on: November 21, 2010, 05:53:16 PM »
Is there no way of printing out the settings perhaps? Then we could dial in the settings and avoid the pc interface stuff??
Just a thought!

Offline DeeDubs

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #28 on: December 10, 2010, 11:44:23 AM »
OK. it's been a while.. so here's an update..

I'm reflashing the bluejay set on, (giving it a second try).. so I don't have much info on the kits right now.

explore and I hope you enjoy!
Bashing away on: Alesis DM10 Pro Kit w/ Bluejay soundset, Yamaha DTXM12, Addictive Drums, Gibraltar Cage & old skool Ludwig Maple Kit.

Check out my silly mug with "So What" at

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #29 on: December 12, 2010, 02:32:38 AM »
Awesome. Thanks for uploading this!!!

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #30 on: December 29, 2010, 01:56:03 PM »
Thanks for sharing DeeDubs! I finally gave this a try and everything worked fine. I really like some of your ideas - like, the velocity-layered chimes/crash is really cool. Also the super-compressed sound of the craptastic kit is an eye-opener as to what the effects can do. Ditto with the nice reverb/delay on the Bonzo snare. (Or whatever effects you used.) :)

It was interesting importing a different set of trigger settings too...  :o
E-drum setup: Alesis DM10 Module, S&S Industries Stinger XL snare & Stinger P1 toms, Alesis DMPad cymbals, Roland PD-8 & KD-7, Gibraltar rack/hardware, Tama hardware, Hart Maxxum/Magnum Mesh Heads, Roland KC-350 amp, Audio Technica ATH-M50s headphones

Offline DeeDubs

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #31 on: December 29, 2010, 11:03:47 PM »

It was interesting importing a different set of trigger settings too...  :o

YIKES!! I hope I didn't mess you up!!
Bashing away on: Alesis DM10 Pro Kit w/ Bluejay soundset, Yamaha DTXM12, Addictive Drums, Gibraltar Cage & old skool Ludwig Maple Kit.

Check out my silly mug with "So What" at

Offline Guinness

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #32 on: January 05, 2011, 11:23:39 PM »
Here's my sound file.

I don't think I've tweaked any of the stock kits for the most part.  But did create a few:  101-109

The ACDC kit is pretty good, imo.  But my current favorite is 108 and 109.  109 is the same as 108, but with a lower level snare rim, and tom1 rim.  There's a 'freebird' kit in there that I was using for 70's tunes; but I think I changed the snare to wood pop's, and never changed it back.  The metallica kit was just a work in progress and needs tweaking.

anyways... check it out if you want.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 10:33:40 AM by Guinness »

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #33 on: January 06, 2011, 09:35:24 AM »

It was interesting importing a different set of trigger settings too...  :o

YIKES!! I hope I didn't mess you up!!

Not at all - I made a backup of my own settings first. ;) I used MIDI-OX and the import/export process isn't that bad once you get through it once or twice.

Still, it would be excellent to have some sort of librarian software for the DM10 that can import, export, and mix/design kits!!! I'd like to be able to keep your user kits AND mine, so why not, you know?
E-drum setup: Alesis DM10 Module, S&S Industries Stinger XL snare & Stinger P1 toms, Alesis DMPad cymbals, Roland PD-8 & KD-7, Gibraltar rack/hardware, Tama hardware, Hart Maxxum/Magnum Mesh Heads, Roland KC-350 amp, Audio Technica ATH-M50s headphones

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #34 on: April 14, 2011, 05:22:07 PM »
Here's my sound file.

I don't think I've tweaked any of the stock kits for the most part.  But did create a few:  101-109

Do you need  to have the bluejay set on drums to instal this sysex files??

Offline Jermdog

Custom Drum Sets - Sharing with Other Members
« Reply #35 on: June 14, 2011, 09:50:19 AM »
Hi all,
I thought we could all use this thread to share settings for some of our custom sets.  If anyone wants to share their settings for some of their sets, please add them here.  I'm not sure if we can do sysex files - I don't know if they overwrite all of your settings.  If someone could answer that, that would be great.

I would be interested in sets that sound like Neil Peart, Steve Smith, Dave Weckl, Buddy Rich, John Bonham, Ginger Baker, Keith Moon, Terry Bozzio - just to name a few (ok, several!!!).
Strike Pro, Dm10, Zildjian Gen 16 hats, xhats and garbage cymbals, Kit Toys chinas, crash and splashes, jam dock, mixer, custom 13" tom, alesis, drum workshop and various hardware.

Offline Hellfire

Re: Custom Drum Sets - Sharing with Other Members
« Reply #36 on: June 14, 2011, 11:08:09 AM »
Hi all,
I thought we could all use this thread to share settings for some of our custom sets.  If anyone wants to share their settings for some of their sets, please add them here.  I'm not sure if we can do sysex files - I don't know if they overwrite all of your settings.  If someone could answer that, that would be great.

I would be interested in sets that sound like Neil Peart, Steve Smith, Dave Weckl, Buddy Rich, John Bonham, Ginger Baker, Keith Moon, Terry Bozzio - just to name a few (ok, several!!!).
Actually, there is already a topic set-up for this:

DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area

Maybe we should keep it here. ;)
« Last Edit: June 14, 2011, 11:09:42 AM by Hellfire »

Offline Jermdog

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #37 on: June 14, 2011, 04:07:31 PM »
How I missed it is beyond me!
Strike Pro, Dm10, Zildjian Gen 16 hats, xhats and garbage cymbals, Kit Toys chinas, crash and splashes, jam dock, mixer, custom 13" tom, alesis, drum workshop and various hardware.

Offline Jermdog

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #38 on: June 29, 2011, 03:36:36 PM »
Would anyone care to share the actual sounds and layers they used for kits instead of the sysx?  I would like to add individual kits to my customized kits already.  From what I understand, adding individual kits is not possible, at least not right now (if ever... maybe a DM12??? ugh, no, I didn't just say that!)

It would be awesome to just print it out and go set up a few kits.  It would also be cool to have a master list we could all add to!
Strike Pro, Dm10, Zildjian Gen 16 hats, xhats and garbage cymbals, Kit Toys chinas, crash and splashes, jam dock, mixer, custom 13" tom, alesis, drum workshop and various hardware.

Offline Hellfire

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #39 on: June 30, 2011, 11:22:20 AM »
Would anyone care to share the actual sounds and layers they used for kits instead of the sysx?  I would like to add individual kits to my customized kits already.  From what I understand, adding individual kits is not possible, at least not right now (if ever... maybe a DM12??? ugh, no, I didn't just say that!)

It would be awesome to just print it out and go set up a few kits.  It would also be cool to have a master list we could all add to!
What you could do is, load up the sysx, document the settings yourself, load your set back in and add them to your set-up.

If this is something you really want, why not post your custom kits in the way you described so user have an idea of what you are looking for. I hope that helps.

Offline Jermdog

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #40 on: June 30, 2011, 01:03:47 PM »
Thanks for the response and idea to upload/download/document.  I will upload my settings as soon as my kit is back together.  I had to move it (not enough space), replacing my snare (gives me another tom) and adding 5 more cymbals.  After I get it all back up and add them to my kits, I'll post.

However, here is an example of what I mean:

Kit 100:
Kick - Standard 22", Semitone +3, FineTune 0, Filter 99, Type Lopass
Snare - Lu5x14 SS, Semitone 0, FineTune 50, Filter 20, Type Hipass
Etc... listing Toms, cymbals...

All of the other settings would be based on your style of play and the physical set up of your drums.
Strike Pro, Dm10, Zildjian Gen 16 hats, xhats and garbage cymbals, Kit Toys chinas, crash and splashes, jam dock, mixer, custom 13" tom, alesis, drum workshop and various hardware.

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #41 on: August 15, 2011, 04:09:31 AM »
Cant get the syx file to store. while using c6 sysex tool i get the error on my module saying "midi restore timeout" and i cant get midiox to install it says "midioxse.exe is not a vaild win32 application" any suggestions? im on the latest version 1.03 and im using windows xp sp3 connecting usb and following all your steps thanks in advance.

edit i figured it out the midiox file must have been corrupt cause i deleted it and re downloaded it and it worked fine thanks alot for the cool kits 
« Last Edit: August 15, 2011, 04:21:13 AM by williescore »

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #42 on: October 28, 2011, 06:26:10 AM »
Hi, guys.

I'm new to this forum and this is the first section that caught my eye.  I've been experimenting with my kit(DM10 studio) a lot to get the most powerful sounds possible out of it.  It was a revelation once I found out I could place an additional layer on my snare.  That helped a lot and I believe I've got an extremely powerful snare sound now.  I just can't seem to get the perfect bass drum sound and the toms are also a bit weak to my liking.

I want to try some of these custom user kits out, without spending money on it for now(not blue jay for example). 

Is it possible you guys could give me a link to where I can listen to the kits' samples just to get an idea of how it is?  Youtube maybe?

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #43 on: December 28, 2011, 03:56:11 PM »
I have the same problem. Cant get the syx file to store. I get invalid >something<. Im out of ideas of how to update :-[

Offline vtdrummer

Re: DeeDubs Dump: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #44 on: January 06, 2012, 07:54:25 PM »
I also plan to create some band's kits:  Ie:  GnR's; Metallica's, Tesla's, Creed, Pearl Jam, etc...  i figure the best way to do this, is to customize while piping in a song I'm trying to match.
But I need a new snare head, as I popped another hole it in today.  Literally stuck about 1" of the stick into the head.  Fun stuff.
I'm hoping to do this as well. Band's like: KISS, Journey, Def Leppard, Ratt, Van Halen, and so on...

@Hellfire, Guinness, others in this thread...

Did any of you ever create any of the "Band kits" you mentioned here?...

If so, care to share one or two that I could load onto my module to try out, since I've lost everything on mine?   ;) ;) ;)

I'm not really excited about starting from scratch again...

Thanks in advance, in case any of you can!

(Post the DMEditor files, if you have it installed!)
DM10 Studio 2011 w/Surge Cymbals added, BB Mesh head conversion w/rubber muffs at bottom, one 12" A-E pad, Simmons DA200S, sometimes using 2 satellite speakers... Simmons SDMP-1 Multi-pad.
See my DIY 12" Acoustic to E-Drum project post here:

Offline Jermdog

DM Editor Kits & Modules
« Reply #45 on: March 29, 2012, 07:12:27 PM »
OK, I'll be the brave soul.  Here are both modules and one kit across both modules.  Just be aware that your results may vary greatly if you decide to load these - I have two modules and you may get strange results trying to add it to one.
Strike Pro, Dm10, Zildjian Gen 16 hats, xhats and garbage cymbals, Kit Toys chinas, crash and splashes, jam dock, mixer, custom 13" tom, alesis, drum workshop and various hardware.

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit & Instrument Downloads Area (sysex or DMeditor files)
« Reply #46 on: December 12, 2012, 06:11:16 PM »
I loaded up DeeDubs kits and have them on my mod. now and all my other 100 stock kits.Now Im def. not Mr. computer guy but also not totally comp. illiterate either. It did take me quite some time to get my sys. files to midi-ox ,dmeditor etc. but somehow ,someway I did and now have them all.  8)
At the age of 98 my grandfather, a jazz musician, said to me on his last day "one of my biggest regrets in life is that I quit playing music,I wish I wouldve never stopped" and because of that ,I never will....Thanks Pop's,much love

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit & Instrument Downloads Area (sysex or DMeditor files)
« Reply #47 on: January 08, 2013, 02:18:29 AM »
Well I kinda jumped the gun,I get a little excited now and again  ;D
I meant to say;I was able to save my sysex file,load up DeeDubs and then load mine back up using midi-ox without any real issue that I could tell.Ive had some pretty good results so far with trigger settings, dyn./vel-pitch and some layering ,still using the DM10 with my Roland TD3kw kit and 2 extra diy cyms. (  they seem to be working better than my Roland cy-8's ? ). It's pretty funny,more than once my wife has found me in the garage messing with the settings at all hours of the night and early a.m.  >:( lol. Ive been jamming alot with a guitar/vocalist and bass player here at home, having alot of fun so far and like to say thanks to everyone for all the useful info. and tips on DM drummer.It has gotten me back into to actually wanting to play at home on the e kit again,instead of just grudging through it.Currently looking for a band around my area to start playing some gigs again,its been awhile  ;)
At the age of 98 my grandfather, a jazz musician, said to me on his last day "one of my biggest regrets in life is that I quit playing music,I wish I wouldve never stopped" and because of that ,I never will....Thanks Pop's,much love

Offline ChillyWilly

Hi Guys,

I finally got around to doing my Mesh conversion with the 682drums kit and the BlueJay kits. I must say I love the mesh conversion, very easy to do and it triggers much better than before. Anyway I have a DM10 Studio kit (Newer Rack version) and I wanted to get some custom kit files for DMeditor to load into my module. I have the standard studio kit with BlueJay add-on with no aditional triggers.

If anybody has the same setup and would like to share their custom BlueJay kits (DMeditor) I would greatly apreciate it. I just started creating a custom set maping tom 4 and the aditional cymbal.

Alesis DM-10 Studio kit (2011+), DW-3000 Single Pedal, 682Drums Mesh Conversion, BlueJay Drums, Sonar X2 Producer, Superior Drummer


does loading new Sysex Files for new Sounds affect all trigger settings?
I have a "Custom Set" on Position 000 of the factory defaults. Will it be saved when i make a Backup of my sysex file?
will the Trigger settings be backuped too?

i think sysex = triggersettings + Soundlibrary?
What is the difference between sysx and dmk files?

Thanks :)