Here's my kit sounds if anyone's interested:
Wait! First some ground rules and disclaimers....
1. You are adults and responsible for your own actions - I am in no way responsible if your DM10 gets 'bricked.'
2. This Sysex file will overwrite ALL KITS - Save your own memory by following the instructions below
3. This is a work in progress - I will update the file from time to time (if allowed) as I add and tweak my kits. If I can I'll make the date part of the file name.
Once individual kit import/export is available, the plan is to break these out for individual consumption.
These steps can be done over USB or regular MIDI Cables with the input and output both connected.
To Record All Memory
Using SysEx Librarian (Mac)
-It is necessary to press the “Record Many” button instead of “Record One”.
-Then under Utility select SYS (F4)
-Select “All Memory”
-Press SEND (F4)
Using MidiOx (Windows)
-Go to Options and select Midi Devices
-For MIDI Inputs and Outputs make sure USB Audio Device is selected
-Press Ok once these are highlighted
-Go to View and Select SysEx
-Go to Sysex at the top of the new window
-Select Receive manual dump…
-Create a file name and press Save
-Then under Utility select SYS (F4)
-Select “All Memory”
-Press SEND (F4)
-Once DM10 screen returns to Utility screen select Done in MidiOx
To Send Memory Back to DM10
In order to receive an ALL MEMORY transfer, the DM10 must be in MIDI RESTORE mode. To get into MIDI RESTORE turn on the DM10 holding the STORE button.
Using SysEx Librarian (Mac)
-Select USB DM10 MIDI Interface from the Destination menu bar
-Select SysEx file from the menu area. If there are no files (.syx) then go to the bottom of the window and select Add… to include the file you’d like to send to the menu.
-Highlight the file you’d like to send by clicking on it.
-Press the Play button
-There will be some activity on the DM10 screen, once the screen says MIDI RESTORE OK turn off unit and turn it back on.
Using MidiOx (Windows)
-Go to Options and select Midi Devices
-For MIDI Inputs and Outputs make sure USB Audio Device is selected
-Press Ok once these are highlighted
-Go to View and select Port Routings…
-If there is a line between USB Audio Device on the Input Ports and USB Audio Device on the Output Ports right click on the line and select Disconnect USB Audio Device
-Go to View and select SysEx
-Go to File and select Send SysEx File…
-Pick the .syx file you’d like to send
-There will be some activity on the DM10 screen, once the screen says MIDI RESTORE OK turn off unit and turn it back on.
Overall, MidiOx can be a little trickier to work with. The port routings business is only a problem with transferring memory back to the DM10 over USB. If for example you just use a MIDI cable on the MIDI In, then there is no problem. For some reason MidiOx automatically creates a midi feedback loop in this situation.
DeeDubs Kit (4-1-10) Memory Slots and notes:
(WIP means Work in progress..) These may be hit or miss, but I've had the unit less than a week..

100 Testy Kit
101 Testy (Side Stick on snare rim)
102 Bonzo (Nuff said)
103 Hot-n-Chili - Red Hot Chili Peppers (other side)
104 Bigger Wetter - Fat 80's Rockish (Big Wreck - that song)
105 Shiny (Side stick on snare rim) Modern Rock & Power Ballads (Shinedown)
106 Craptastic - Lo-Fi kit
107 Prongy - one of an old fav kit sounds I tried to reproduce (remember Headbanger's ball?)
108 New Drive - an attempt for Incubus' Drive (WIP)
109 No Excuses - Alice in Chains, early 90's
110 BeDay - an attempt for U2's Beautiful Day (WIP)
111 Drum Circle - for Filter's take a picture (WIP)
112 Shiny2 - revised modern rock kit
113 Daze O'New - Days of the new kit
114 Shiny - my original modern rock kit
115 Bonzo's Lab - I made the mistake of listening to Bonzo's Montreaux. (WIP)