Author Topic: DM10 Custom User Kit & Instrument Downloads Area (sysex or DMeditor files)  (Read 90041 times)

Offline Hellfire

Welcome to the DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area. This area is dedicated to the Alesis DM10 Midi Sysex custom kit memory files and DMeditor kit and instrument files.

If you have a set of custom kits that you have programed for your DM10 and want to share them, then this is the place for you. Just reply to the topic, add your description of the drum sets you have made and then attach the Sysex midi file or DMeditor files to your post. Please be sure to leave comments about how well you liked the downloaded kits.

DM10 Custom User Kits:

DeeDubs Kit (4-1-10) Memory Slots (WIP)
« Last Edit: November 23, 2012, 10:28:59 AM by Hellfire »

Offline Guinness

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2010, 11:57:16 AM »
Sounds great, but I thought single kits can't be sent/downloaded?

Offline DeeDubs

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2010, 12:48:13 PM »
Sounds great, but I thought single kits can't be sent/downloaded?

They can't yet.. but we can start with full mem dumps until this function is put in place for those who dare to tread.. 

BTW if anyone has a stock memory (fresha outta da box), it would be good to have one posted just in case  ;)
« Last Edit: March 31, 2010, 12:53:03 PM by DeeDubs »
Bashing away on: Alesis DM10 Pro Kit w/ Bluejay soundset, Yamaha DTXM12, Addictive Drums, Gibraltar Cage & old skool Ludwig Maple Kit.

Check out my silly mug with "So What" at

Offline Guinness

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2010, 01:37:29 PM »
BTW if anyone has a stock memory (fresha outta da box), it would be good to have one posted just in case  ;)

Wouldn't that be available upon a Reset?  I may be incorrect, but I thought the settings are in a ROM, and it can be reinitialized upon reset.  So, no matter what sysex file you load, you can always get back to the OEM settings.   Again, I could be wrong.
So..  for now, the process is Dump my sysex file onto my PC.  Download yours, and install it.  Then when I'm doing listening to your kits, I would reinstall my sysex file.  I do hope we'll be able to eventually load individual kits.  That sure would make things easier.

Offline DeeDubs

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2010, 01:51:22 PM »
Good Point (sys reset..)

Yeah the process sounds about right, with an emphasis of backing up your own memory first.

From what I've read so far they are working on implementing the individual kit import/export - it's definitely in their best interest since it will create a buzz for the DM10 (driving sales), and they can assimilate all the best kits. It's like getting free development and marketing! 
Bashing away on: Alesis DM10 Pro Kit w/ Bluejay soundset, Yamaha DTXM12, Addictive Drums, Gibraltar Cage & old skool Ludwig Maple Kit.

Check out my silly mug with "So What" at

Offline ghostman

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2010, 06:41:38 PM »
Maybe they'll have an application to edit kits in a computer interface, and be able to dump individually as well.
Alesis DM10 & Trigger IO, 5 8" single input DIY shells; 2 18" DIY Bass drums, 1 13" DIY eSnare, PinTech 14" Visulaite Hi-Hats, 2 PinTech 14" choke-able crashes & 18" dual-zone ride; Steven Slate Drums EX.  Mounted on Superstrut custom rack.

Offline DeeDubs

DeeDubs Dump: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2010, 02:47:08 PM »
Here's my kit sounds if anyone's interested:

Wait! First some ground rules and disclaimers....

   1. You are adults and responsible for your own actions - I am in no way responsible if your DM10 gets 'bricked.'
   2. This Sysex file will overwrite ALL KITS - Save your own memory by following the instructions below
   3. This is a work in progress - I will update the file from time to time (if allowed) as I add and tweak my kits. If I can I'll make the date part of the file name.

Once individual kit import/export is available, the plan is to break these out for individual consumption.

These steps can be done over USB or regular MIDI Cables with the input and output both connected.
To Record All Memory
Using SysEx Librarian (Mac)
-It is necessary to press the “Record Many” button instead of “Record One”.
-Then under Utility select SYS (F4)
-Select “All Memory”
-Press SEND (F4)
Using MidiOx (Windows)
-Go to Options and select Midi Devices
-For MIDI Inputs and Outputs make sure USB Audio Device is selected
-Press Ok once these are highlighted
-Go to View and Select SysEx
-Go to Sysex at the top of the new window
-Select Receive manual dump…
-Create a file name and press Save
-Then under Utility select SYS (F4)
-Select “All Memory”
-Press SEND (F4)
-Once DM10 screen returns to Utility screen select Done in MidiOx

To Send Memory Back to DM10
In order to receive an ALL MEMORY transfer, the DM10 must be in MIDI RESTORE mode. To get into MIDI RESTORE turn on the DM10 holding the STORE button.
Using SysEx Librarian (Mac)
-Select USB DM10 MIDI Interface from the Destination menu bar
-Select SysEx file from the menu area. If there are no files (.syx) then go to the bottom of the window and select Add… to include the file you’d like to send to the menu.
-Highlight the file you’d like to send by clicking on it.
-Press the Play button
-There will be some activity on the DM10 screen, once the screen says MIDI RESTORE OK turn off unit and turn it back on.
Using MidiOx (Windows)
-Go to Options and select Midi Devices
-For MIDI Inputs and Outputs make sure USB Audio Device is selected
-Press Ok once these are highlighted
-Go to View and select Port Routings…
-If there is a line between USB Audio Device on the Input Ports and USB Audio Device on the Output Ports right click on the line and select Disconnect USB Audio Device
-Go to View and select SysEx
-Go to File and select Send SysEx File…
-Pick the .syx file you’d like to send
-There will be some activity on the DM10 screen, once the screen says MIDI RESTORE OK turn off unit and turn it back on.
Overall, MidiOx can be a little trickier to work with. The port routings business is only a problem with transferring memory back to the DM10 over USB. If for example you just use a MIDI cable on the MIDI In, then there is no problem. For some reason MidiOx automatically creates a midi feedback loop in this situation.

DeeDubs Kit (4-1-10) Memory Slots and notes:

(WIP means Work in progress..) These may be hit or miss, but I've had the unit less than a week.. ;)

100 Testy Kit
101 Testy (Side Stick on snare rim)
102 Bonzo (Nuff said)
103 Hot-n-Chili - Red Hot Chili Peppers (other side)
104 Bigger Wetter - Fat 80's Rockish (Big Wreck - that song)
105 Shiny (Side stick on snare rim) Modern Rock & Power Ballads (Shinedown)
106 Craptastic - Lo-Fi kit
107 Prongy - one of an old fav kit sounds I tried to reproduce (remember Headbanger's ball?)
108 New Drive - an attempt for Incubus' Drive (WIP)
109 No Excuses - Alice in Chains, early 90's
110 BeDay - an attempt for U2's Beautiful Day (WIP)
111 Drum Circle - for Filter's take a picture (WIP)
112 Shiny2 - revised modern rock kit
113 Daze O'New - Days of the new kit
114 Shiny - my original modern rock kit
115 Bonzo's Lab - I made the mistake of listening to Bonzo's Montreaux. (WIP)
« Last Edit: April 03, 2010, 12:24:50 PM by DeeDubs »
Bashing away on: Alesis DM10 Pro Kit w/ Bluejay soundset, Yamaha DTXM12, Addictive Drums, Gibraltar Cage & old skool Ludwig Maple Kit.

Check out my silly mug with "So What" at

Offline Guinness

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2010, 03:09:03 AM »
Sweet.  i'm really looking forward to checking these out!

Offline DeeDubs

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2010, 08:01:39 AM »
I've already made a bunch of changes (hopefully for the better).. Also some of the kits were not quite right (103 and 104 come to mind). I'll upload updates over the weekend once they're a bit more solid

Gig tonight!!..wish me luck.. If the kit (or the PA) doesn't work, I hope people enjoy the sounds of me beating on phonebooks ;)

BTW on those kits if you think the bass is a bit subdued, it's because I'm being piped out a 2x18 subwoofer cab (F'n A sweet), and I'm trying to keep the audience's skin on :D
« Last Edit: April 02, 2010, 08:31:03 AM by DeeDubs »
Bashing away on: Alesis DM10 Pro Kit w/ Bluejay soundset, Yamaha DTXM12, Addictive Drums, Gibraltar Cage & old skool Ludwig Maple Kit.

Check out my silly mug with "So What" at

Offline eugenecp

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2010, 11:55:27 AM »
thanks and good luck on ur gig tonight!
DM10 Pro Kit, Tama Iron Cobra Jr Double Bass Pedal, Tama 1st Chair HT530E5, Tascam US-122 Audio/MIDI interface

Offline Guinness

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2010, 01:40:16 PM »
I've already made a bunch of changes (hopefully for the better).. Also some of the kits were not quite right (103 and 104 come to mind). I'll upload updates over the weekend once they're a bit more solid

Gig tonight!!..wish me luck.. If the kit (or the PA) doesn't work, I hope people enjoy the sounds of me beating on phonebooks ;)

BTW on those kits if you think the bass is a bit subdued, it's because I'm being piped out a 2x18 subwoofer cab (F'n A sweet), and I'm trying to keep the audience's skin on :D

Did you re-upload the changes?  I haven't dl'd it as of yet.
good luck with your gig.
"audience's skin on"...  too funny!

Offline DeeDubs

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2010, 12:27:17 PM »
Just updated.. I'll post in a bit on the show. I know that some was recorded and may end up out there somewhere.


Bashing away on: Alesis DM10 Pro Kit w/ Bluejay soundset, Yamaha DTXM12, Addictive Drums, Gibraltar Cage & old skool Ludwig Maple Kit.

Check out my silly mug with "So What" at

Offline Guinness

Re: DeeDubs Dump: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2010, 11:15:57 PM »

To Send Memory Back to DM10
In order to receive an ALL MEMORY transfer, the DM10 must be in MIDI RESTORE mode. To get into MIDI RESTORE turn on the DM10 holding the STORE button.

The above is KEY!   I sent the syx file twice and no change.  Until I reread, more thoroughly, the above.  :)
Ok...  now I've turned it back on, and YES!... you're kit is on my module. 
I'll leave some feedback about it after I play.  :)

played your kit.  Have now reinstalled mine.  Process wise, all worked fine.  That's good news. :)
Your kit wise...  Some interesting kits in there.  You don't hve the 2nd crash yet, right?  I ask because on every kit, the 2nd crash was present, but it was lower in lvl than crash1.  I like the sounds one gets from layering, and on a few snares, it was just the lone snare, or lone kick.  So, to me, it didn't sound as full.
I hope to spend some time and really get into creating a kit, where velocity really plays a role in the sound between the two layers.  I don't really have a good grasp on that yet.
I also plan to create some band's kits:  Ie:  GnR's; Metallica's, Tesla's, Creed, Pearl Jam, etc...  i figure the best way to do this, is to customize while piping in a song I'm trying to match.
But I need a new snare head, as I popped another hole it in today.  Literally stuck about 1" of the stick into the head.  Fun stuff.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2010, 11:34:08 PM by Guinness »

Offline Hellfire

Re: DeeDubs Dump: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2010, 10:54:23 AM »
I also plan to create some band's kits:  Ie:  GnR's; Metallica's, Tesla's, Creed, Pearl Jam, etc...  i figure the best way to do this, is to customize while piping in a song I'm trying to match.
But I need a new snare head, as I popped another hole it in today.  Literally stuck about 1" of the stick into the head.  Fun stuff.
I'm hoping to do this as well. Band's like: KISS, Journey, Def Leppard, Ratt, Van Halen, and so on...

Offline Guinness

Re: DeeDubs Dump: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2010, 11:08:26 AM »
I'm hoping to do this as well. Band's like: KISS, Journey, Def Leppard, Ratt, Van Halen, and so on...

Cool, I look forward to hearing those.  Per VH, which kit though?   Alex has very different sounds over the years.  Compare Poundcake to Jump to Unchained, for example.  Which album would you try to emulate?
Along those lines for the ones I listed:
Guns N Roses:  Appetite for Destruction
Metallica:  Black Album
Tesla:  Mech.  Resonance
Pearl Jam:  ten
Creed:  I actually like the new stuff, but I'll try to match to My Own Prison
Other good ones, imo, might be Candlebox: Candlebox and Rush:  Moving Pictures.
This is why I so want to be able to transfer individual kits.  You make a sweet Journey kit, and I'm going to want it, for example, but not at the expense of my entire set up.

Offline Hellfire

Re: DeeDubs Dump: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2010, 11:19:51 AM »
Cool, I look forward to hearing those.  Per VH, which kit though?   Alex has very different sounds over the years.  Compare Poundcake to Jump to Unchained, for example.  Which album would you try to emulate?
For VH, well 1984 of course. As for the other ones. I like the sound of KISS for the Love Gun album. RATT, Round and Round song. Def Leppard, right now I'm thinking Hysteria, but I also like Pyromania. Journey is a tough one, not sure yet on that one.

Offline DeeDubs

Re: DeeDubs Dump: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #16 on: April 04, 2010, 10:29:04 PM »

Your kit wise...  Some interesting kits in there.  You don't hve the 2nd crash yet, right?  I ask because on every kit, the 2nd crash was present, but it was lower in lvl than crash1.  I like the sounds one gets from layering, and on a few snares, it was just the lone snare, or lone kick.  So, to me, it didn't sound as full.

I actually did get the second crash, about a day before the show, so there was minimal tweak time. Trying to make sure I could pull off 36 tunes on a new kit took a bit more of my time.

As I mentioned before, some of the kits there are hit or miss, and some were broad brush strokes.. For instance the 'No Excuses' kit translated well to Pearl Jam and Dave Matthews, so for the sake of time, I didn't get too picky. Now I hope to have some time to dial in a better sound.. the ghost notes on that particular snare needed help IMO..

BTW for VH while I love 1984, I also love Alex's kit sound on Fair Warning..

I would also say that switching kit sounds for each song will likely piss off the sound guy in short order :D

Bashing away on: Alesis DM10 Pro Kit w/ Bluejay soundset, Yamaha DTXM12, Addictive Drums, Gibraltar Cage & old skool Ludwig Maple Kit.

Check out my silly mug with "So What" at

Offline Guinness

Re: DeeDubs Dump: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #17 on: April 05, 2010, 01:56:19 AM »
I would also say that switching kit sounds for each song will likely piss off the sound guy in short order :D

Well, i don't expect to be doing any gigs anytime soon, so that won't be a problem.  But, if levels were roughly the same in each kit, sound guy probably wouldn't freak out.  :)

Offline Hellfire

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #18 on: April 05, 2010, 09:46:21 AM »
I can honestly say that I don't program tons of kits for a gig. I tend to use one maybe two kits and that is about it. I know some cover band drummers want a kit for every song but that would be 40 plus kits for one of our gigs. That's just nuts. :)

Offline ghostman

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #19 on: April 05, 2010, 03:44:26 PM »
When I gigged, I had a preset for each song.  But, all the samples were on one disk, and one load from the EMAX keyboard.  If I would have needed multiple disks, that would have slowed things down..

*** That was when I used a Roland PM-16 and an EMAX sampling keyboard via MIDI.
Alesis DM10 & Trigger IO, 5 8" single input DIY shells; 2 18" DIY Bass drums, 1 13" DIY eSnare, PinTech 14" Visulaite Hi-Hats, 2 PinTech 14" choke-able crashes & 18" dual-zone ride; Steven Slate Drums EX.  Mounted on Superstrut custom rack.

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #20 on: September 04, 2010, 06:24:49 AM »
Downloaded this. I hope I don't screw anything up!!! hahaha

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #21 on: September 11, 2010, 12:41:03 AM »
Yeah, so I saved the instructions posted on here to a text file to read along while I update my dm10 module.

No luck at all. It doesn't work for me. I've checked everything two and three times over making sure all the options were set correctly and I can't see anything that I've missed.

Hopefully this isn't the case for the rest of you. Anyone else having any problems with this?


  • Guest
Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #22 on: September 16, 2010, 11:00:41 PM »
I can honestly say that I don't program tons of kits for a gig. I tend to use one maybe two kits and that is about it. I know some cover band drummers want a kit for every song but that would be 40 plus kits for one of our gigs. That's just nuts. :)

Like to see some of your playing

Offline Hellfire

Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #23 on: September 17, 2010, 08:43:46 AM »
I can honestly say that I don't program tons of kits for a gig. I tend to use one maybe two kits and that is about it. I know some cover band drummers want a kit for every song but that would be 40 plus kits for one of our gigs. That's just nuts. :)

Like to see some of your playing
You can see a little in the beginning of the my review of the Alesis DM10. Which can be found here:

Alesis DM10 Pro Kit – Video Review

Admittedly, it is not much, but I'm not big on video taping myself playing the drums.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2010, 08:45:53 AM by Hellfire »


  • Guest
Re: DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area
« Reply #24 on: September 17, 2010, 11:56:27 AM »
Are you currently playing out live?