I recieved my foam and mesh head ok and carried out the mod exactly as described. When I tested it I had a lot of COLD spots where the triggering was low or intermittent. This turned out to be due to insufficient contact with the drum head.
I noticed that the Z-ED twin ply head I am using is a little deeper than the Alesis mylar head. I took the pad apart, took out the two lower 5mm foams and put the original foam back, put the 5mm top piece of foam on top of the reflector plate, and checked it was sitting about 5-6mm higher than before, put the mesh head on, fitted the clamping ring and evenly tightened it all up and hey presto! it works perfectly!!!
It seems there is some variation between heads of different makes so if you do the mod and have this problem its easily fixed.
The feel is so much better with the mesh head, that extra 5mm foam works wonders, so much quieter too!!
Thanks again to Gerdy, it really is worth doing
P.S- Ive got loads of the foam left over so if anyone in the uk needs some Pm me, and if you send a large (A4 or A3) envelope with stamps to cover the return postage I will give you enough to do the job until i run out of it.
Anyone overseas witll probably find the postage to high to be worth doing it but its up to you as long as It doesn't cost me anything to post it

In fairness If you want to convert more than one head its better that you buy it from one of the many suppliers