Not sure what's going on. I've been using my DM10 kit for a month and it's been fine. Now suddenly I'm getting insane xtalk.
I have a china for my tom3 rim and just lightly tapping on the frame triggers it. I've tried everything. Turning down the sensitivity does nothing. I've messed around with the xtalk settings and nothing changes.
I'm also getting it on toms 1 & 2, just not as bad.
Nothing has changed. Last week, jammin' away. This week not really playable.
I have the latest updates.
The kit is sitting on an area rug sitting on carpet. Just like last week...
Any ideas before I have a nervous breakdown?

I think I may have some of it sorted out. tweaked some overall sensitivity.
The frame vibration is normal from what I've read. It's just triggering other rims while playing.
Much more tweaking to go. I need to read read read and try to get familiar with all the xtalk settings.