Author Topic: Setting Xtalk on the DM10  (Read 102994 times)

Offline Trondster

Re: Setting Xtalk on the DM10
« Reply #50 on: February 11, 2013, 02:55:26 PM »
I lost my kick pad all of a sudden.. the volume of the pad went way down.. Itried to see the sesitivity and found it was at 09.. when I increrased ir to 29-30 it came back.. but when i would turn the machine off it would be lost again.. why is that?? so i tried to reset to factory settings and all the previouse sounds i had from the facory are all changed now and sound terrible..what do i do now??
To store the Trigger settings (like sensitivity) you must press the "Store" button while in the Ext Trigger menu, or else the settings are lost on the next power on. And - write protection must be turned off to do so.

And - don't revert to the factory settings unless it's required.
DM10 Pro kit with dampened rack, extra crashes, mesh heads, Gibraltar stands, P2002C and a dream cherry snare by Diamond Drums.

Re: Setting Xtalk on the DM10
« Reply #51 on: March 05, 2013, 10:47:08 PM »
Just do the v1.03 on Alesis website.  Basically will make it work nearly perfect out of the box. I tried it on an older dm10 module and I was impressed with it. Its plug and play now as it should have been from the get go.  No clue what Alesis was thinking with the original settings especially to someone new to edrums or to an Alesis module. 

Re: Setting Xtalk on the DM10
« Reply #52 on: March 07, 2013, 01:13:37 PM »
Not sure what's going on. I've been using my DM10 kit for a month and it's been fine. Now suddenly I'm getting insane xtalk.
I have a china for my tom3 rim and just lightly tapping on the frame triggers it. I've tried everything. Turning down the sensitivity does nothing. I've messed around with the xtalk settings and nothing changes.
I'm also getting it on toms 1 & 2, just not as bad.

Nothing has changed. Last week, jammin' away. This week not really playable.
I have the latest updates.
The kit is sitting on an area rug sitting on carpet. Just like last week...

Any ideas before I have a nervous breakdown?


I think I may have some of it sorted out. tweaked some overall sensitivity.
The frame vibration is normal from what I've read. It's just triggering other rims while playing.
Much more tweaking to go. I need to read read read and try to get familiar with all the xtalk settings.

« Last Edit: March 07, 2013, 02:55:24 PM by ukoa »

Offline Trondster

Re: Setting Xtalk on the DM10
« Reply #53 on: March 07, 2013, 04:10:05 PM »
Try angling the toms (see the dampening thread in my signature), and don't hit the rims on top of the mount.
DM10 Pro kit with dampened rack, extra crashes, mesh heads, Gibraltar stands, P2002C and a dream cherry snare by Diamond Drums.

Re: Setting Xtalk on the DM10
« Reply #54 on: March 08, 2013, 10:13:15 AM »
ok, Vast improvement.
I printed out some of the instructions on here. After doing some fiddling I've made some headway.
I've cranked the Threshold all the way up and set the crosstalk to 5. On all toms.
I obviously still don't have an understanding of what exactly each one does.
There's receive, send, retrigger and threshold.
Then the rim has, receive, send and zone xtalk.

I think with a better understanding of what exactly each one does I can conquer this.

I've angled my toms as much as the frame will allow. Which isn't much at all.

Thanks for all the info here! Seriously a savior.


ok, maybe not vast....
« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 02:09:46 PM by ukoa »

Re: Setting Xtalk on the DM10
« Reply #55 on: April 04, 2013, 05:33:33 AM »
I had an old, used Millenium Mps200 and have had more fun with that than I have with this new DM10.
Sometimes I think I should have gone for the cheaper Millenium Mps600 instead.
I want to play music, not tuning the kit for hours before I can play and then still get misfits sounds.

I had Millenium MPS600 earlier with mesh heads. I tuned it for 2 weeks and then I got tired of it. I returned to the seller and bought DM10. Now I'm a very, very happy owner of DM10. Besides, I think one fun part of E-drumming is to tweak/fix and develop your set.

Re: Setting Xtalk on the DM10
« Reply #56 on: April 04, 2013, 02:10:13 PM »
Glad to hear you are happy with your DM10. You will have fun tweaking it and learning all its peculiarities.  ??? well worth the time and effort  ;) Oh sorry, Hi from the U.K  :)


Re: Setting Xtalk on the DM10
« Reply #57 on: April 08, 2013, 08:23:28 PM »
Tom4 cable goes where in the module?

Bell on ride cymbal doesn't always work, needs a beat once or twice before there is a bell sound. Why?
best regards
René Christensen

Offline Trondster

Re: Setting Xtalk on the DM10
« Reply #58 on: April 09, 2013, 12:59:58 AM »
Crosstalk. Try adjusting the sensitivity on both ride zones - try reducing the sensitivity on the bow.
DM10 Pro kit with dampened rack, extra crashes, mesh heads, Gibraltar stands, P2002C and a dream cherry snare by Diamond Drums.

Re: Setting Xtalk on the DM10
« Reply #59 on: October 16, 2013, 08:03:29 AM »
I'd again like to thank you guys for all the time and effort you've put into this guide and explaining how best to go about changing your settings for the tempering of crosstalk.

I got my DM10X yesterday and have spent most of today following this guide to the letter. I'm now 95% free of it with just a little remaining on the ride - between the bow and bell - and on tom 4 between the head and rim. I can live with that.

One question though: what does the latest firmware provide apart from better xtalk settings? The reason I ask is that my Mrs is away with the laptop, so I can't do the upgrade yet, and now I've spent ages getting it almost right I'm reluctant to get rid of all that good work with the latest upgrade.

Thanks very much for your time.

DM10X, Big Dog Pro Double Bass Pedal, Roc n Soc Throne.

Re: Setting Xtalk on the DM10
« Reply #60 on: October 28, 2013, 06:09:05 PM »
Hey everyone. Just got my DM10 Studio Friday, and think I got all the tweaks finally figured out. I knew crosstalk would probably be an issue, and Hellfire, your article got me dialed in quick! Thanks bud! I also used tips from others in this thread, and it is playing very close to my dynamics now. Thank you all also for that. Think all thats left is to adjust the parameters of retrigger and volumes to balance the overall kit sound so it picks up all the ghost notes, specifically on the snare. Any tips for optimum "feel" in this area? One thing I would add to chasing crosstalk and such is the graphical display on the bottom of the screen helped tremendously in chasing which triggers were misfiring or getting signal and made a pretty good map as to which triggers to adjust. I also deleted or muted a lot of the layer "B" sounds to prevent it also, or set the rim instrument to zero. Kind of cheating, but it works. I rarely use the rim for sounds anyway, so no big loss there. Thanks for the site- lots of useful info here!!!!

Offline TheDrumsCellar

Re: Setting Xtalk on the DM10
« Reply #61 on: December 03, 2013, 10:41:37 PM »
Hi. Being entirely new to e-drumming, I am unfamiliar with some terms used for adjusting the settings. What is threshold? I know how to find it and adjust it, but I do not understand what effect it has on the drums. Hitting the kick and adjusting the threshold seems to make little to no difference in how it sounds. What am I not understanding?
Thanks in advance for your help.
-The DrumsCellar

Offline Corvidae

Re: Setting Xtalk on the DM10
« Reply #62 on: December 04, 2013, 12:18:09 AM »
Threshold has absolutely nothing to do with the sound produced. Instead, it basically sets the "noise floor," in that anything the module receives on that input with a "value" lower than the threshold is just ignored. This helps eliminate crosstalk, as vibrations from normal playing will make the rack vibrate a bit; with a threshold that's too low, other pads will pick them up and think you're hitting them.

Since the kick drum isn't connected to the rack, adjusting the threshold won't have much effect. The only thing it will really help with is if you're the kind of player that buries the beater into the pad (like me). Adjusting the threshold up so the "rebounces" are partially filtered out helps a lot, as does increasing the retrigger (which, by the way, is the minimum time between hits that the module will recognize, in milliseconds). Retrigger is to avoid things like loose cymbals from rocking on their stands and hitting multiple times in quick succession.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2013, 12:21:29 AM by Corvidae »

Re: Setting Xtalk on the DM10
« Reply #63 on: December 13, 2013, 01:45:36 PM »
For anyone receiving any DM kits, I believe the DM10 module is loaded with v1.03 from the factory.  I just received my Dm10X and it has the upgrade, but I will still have to deal with some crosstalk.  I haven't had a chance to play much, but it is set-up, and will definitely need some tweaking out of the box.

Offline Th3R00st3r

Re: Setting Xtalk on the DM10
« Reply #64 on: January 15, 2014, 06:39:01 PM »
Yes, I just got mine a week ago with the updated versions (V1.03 and V1.00q).

Can the OP be modified so new DM10 owners don't see the first highlighted text and do a factory reset? It's 3 years old.

I would first start with a module reset. See page 2 "RESETTING THE MODULE TO FACTORY DEFAULTS" From there I would upload the latest firmware from Alesis in to your DM10 module. If that doesn't get you where you want to be, you will need to adjust settings by hand.
th3r00st3r-Alesis DM10 Studio w/mesh head conversion (billy blast 2ply) and snare stand.

Online Hellfire

Re: Setting Xtalk on the DM10
« Reply #65 on: January 15, 2014, 08:28:46 PM »
Yes, I just got mine a week ago with the updated versions (V1.03 and V1.00q).

Can the OP be modified so new DM10 owners don't see the first highlighted text and do a factory reset? It's 3 years old.

I would first start with a module reset. See page 2 "RESETTING THE MODULE TO FACTORY DEFAULTS" From there I would upload the latest firmware from Alesis in to your DM10 module. If that doesn't get you where you want to be, you will need to adjust settings by hand.


This topic isn't meant for users who's kit works great out of the box. Why would you adjust something that doesn't need adjusting? That's like trying to fix something that isn't broke.

If a user has an Xtalk issue and they have been playing with the settings (That would be most of them) and still can't get it to work, I'm going to tell them to reset their module first. That's because it is a good starting point and it undoes all the wrong stuff that they did. So, the first line still holds true.

Offline Th3R00st3r

Re: Setting Xtalk on the DM10
« Reply #66 on: January 15, 2014, 09:31:00 PM »
Oh. Ok. I just thought that was something a newDm10 owner might see, they would just do it, but it was just a suggestion. I suppose they should do some reading before they just start doing stuff to their kit.
th3r00st3r-Alesis DM10 Studio w/mesh head conversion (billy blast 2ply) and snare stand.

Offline vappicewins

Re: Setting Xtalk on the DM10
« Reply #67 on: February 24, 2014, 10:47:22 PM »
I am getting no crosstalk whatsoever with my new DM10X kit, and it has the latest software ROM I believe, which is 1.03.  I believe Alesis has really been working on this problem.  The crosstalk issue was one reason I went with Roland TD 11K's first, but glad I returned them and got these Alesis.  Should crosstalk start occurring, they should not stand a chance what with this excellent thread and the tools in the module to get rid of them. 

Re: Setting Xtalk on the DM10
« Reply #68 on: June 24, 2014, 12:23:50 AM »
Excellent content on setting the xtalk settings on the DM10.  I found the approach of first setting threshold and sensitivity before xtalk settings very helpful. I think I'm almost there on the DM10 settings.

However, the problem I'm having is with xtalk between triggers between the trigger io and the DM10.  What I'm seeing mostly is xtalk on my trigger io as I play the pads or cymbals connected to the trigger io. What's the approach to fix crosstalk between triggio io and the DM10. I have the trigger io connected via midi to the DM10, using the midi note not used by the DM10 triggers.

Thanks in advance!


Offline Trondster

Re: Setting Xtalk on the DM10
« Reply #69 on: June 24, 2014, 12:28:27 AM »
To avoid crosstalk between triggers mounted to two different modules:
This is a more difficult issue - you must try to reduce the physical vibrations. Ideally you'd have two racks - one for each module - or at least the triggers grouped on two different sides of the rack.
DM10 Pro kit with dampened rack, extra crashes, mesh heads, Gibraltar stands, P2002C and a dream cherry snare by Diamond Drums.

Online Hellfire

Re: Setting Xtalk on the DM10
« Reply #70 on: June 24, 2014, 10:05:50 AM »
To avoid crosstalk between triggers mounted to two different modules:
This is a more difficult issue - you must try to reduce the physical vibrations. Ideally you'd have two racks - one for each module - or at least the triggers grouped on two different sides of the rack.

I agree with this. I would also add that you may need to increase the threshold more because of using two different modules. That's the draw back to using two or more modules.

Offline Pierrache

Re: Setting Xtalk on the DM10
« Reply #71 on: July 07, 2014, 04:29:38 PM »
Ahoy everyone !

I've got some problems going on on my DM10 Studio kit ...
The fact is that I just can figure how to properly adjust the Xtalk/Sensitivity and everything else on my module ...
I'm playing with superior drummer 2.4 (with Rock Warehouse YAY !) but sometimes even with just my headphones plugged on the module, the snare doesn't seem to respond properly (some hits are missing or low compared to my drumming style) and the snare rim is completely f*cked up ...
I tried to set those exact settings posted here : but I also tried my own way ...

Could anyone help me with that please ?

Love your community and I'd be glad if you could help me ! :)
Alesis DM10 Studio Kit - Superior Drummer 2.0 (Mesh head planned)

Offline Trondster

Re: Setting Xtalk on the DM10
« Reply #72 on: July 08, 2014, 02:50:28 AM »
Sounds like crosstalk between the snare rim and head - try increasing the threshold and zone xtalk of the snare, and try juggling with the sensitivities of both the snare head and rim.
DM10 Pro kit with dampened rack, extra crashes, mesh heads, Gibraltar stands, P2002C and a dream cherry snare by Diamond Drums.

Re: Setting Xtalk on the DM10
« Reply #73 on: July 20, 2014, 10:45:42 PM »
Sadly day 2 has turned into a tom3 nightmare... Have to crack sensitivity to 70 for it to detect soft hits. & Now Head keeps triggering the rim. I tried all the above recommendations, but still terrible. All my excitement from day 1 has dissipated.

Spent 8hrs fiddling, even re-built the rack from scratch.. I'll give it 1 full week before I pack it all up & get my $1200 back.

Could I have a bad tom3 input? 
« Last Edit: July 20, 2014, 11:17:36 PM by adrian97c »
DM10X kit, DW-3K double pedal, DW-3K tractor throne, 5AN VF sticks, Simmons DA200S, PS4 Gold headset.
Remo silentstroke mesh conversion with 1/4" charcoal layer added on top of plates.
Bluejay in Module & EZdrummer 2 on laptop

Offline Trondster

Re: Setting Xtalk on the DM10
« Reply #74 on: July 21, 2014, 03:48:59 AM »
Reduce the sensitivity of both the tom3 head and rim, increase the threshold of tom3 and increase the zone xtalk of tom3.
DM10 Pro kit with dampened rack, extra crashes, mesh heads, Gibraltar stands, P2002C and a dream cherry snare by Diamond Drums.