Author Topic: Yet another old new member, veteran of Alesis iFad abandonware  (Read 1561 times)

Yet another old new member, veteran of Alesis iFad abandonware
« on: February 25, 2024, 04:15:34 PM »
Greetings, all!

Retired, after brain cancer ended a very public, 27-year career in (Austin, Texas metro law enforcement), which also left behind my OV: Original Vlogger channel, the Early Days of Ytube Toddlerhood, my "secret alter-ego" multi-instrument one man band ytube cover vids.

In 2013, while in Ohio for surgery at Cleveland Clinic, I had an iPhone 4s, 30pinner.
I was gifted an iPad Mini. Lightning connector. From there, TL/DR version,

the New! Professional! Cutting Edge Interface! perpetual frustration that was the iO Dock v.1.
And, v.2.
And, every other iFad device under development at the time, per the runaway success of the iStuff ecosystem....which, of course, was very short lived to Apple's internal iScrewDevs Dept.

Alesis, Korg, Akai, MAudio....I owned something from every one over decades. Still do.

To a one, regarding their early iPad gear & support componentry, the interwebs & forums have disappeared in the years since 2013/14.

I dissected the iO Dock -?outstanding NuMark modular pcb ARM Cortex3 hardware, by the way- ?
and hacked its bits along the way into other devices. Learned to JTAG debug it. Yaddyadda.

It lived on for years as standalone guts, but never as an iPad interface irrespective of the "Apple changed everything to Lightning adapter!" debacle, several brilliant interweb modders were RevEngineering it, hackmodding and sharing their skills back then.

In 2024, they have abandoned and all but erased them from history, as "they" became "it", "it" being

"InMusic Global Tetrahedron Inc."? who just looked at the issue of customer support, decades of legacy and expensive devices, even just a static, small archive of FW/software/SDK files, and chose to

"Run Away! Run Away!" (HT: Monty Python)

I stumbled over a new-in-box DM Dock in January. It is now on the torture table, Franken-connected to a selection of iDevices and a cheapo overstock NIB Donner DED400, which had a DB25 cable snake with defective ride cable straightaway....Enter, the bastard child, unsupported, disowned DM Dock.

I will report back with the gory details, in coming months.

Thank you for being THE resource and sounding board. To be continued!

By the way, to this /Hellfire/ fellow, whose treasure of little details has been indispensable, thank you very much! Where is your website??
When somebody tells you that something cannot be done, listen to them. Then, do it anyway.

Online Hellfire

Re: Yet another old new member, veteran of Alesis iFad abandonware
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2024, 09:20:57 AM »
Welcome to the forum!

By the way, to this /Hellfire/ fellow, whose treasure of little details has been indispensable, thank you very much! Where is your website??

Your welcome. Unfortunately my website is no more. I pulled away from the edrum community a few years back (long story), but I still pop my head in from time to time.