Author Topic: Strike Pro drum module  (Read 1475 times)

Strike Pro drum module
« on: April 13, 2024, 12:31:59 PM »
Does anyone know, how to sequence another drum module? To the pro strike module? To give me three more cymbal inputs, and two more drum inputs? Without using splitters, and how to hook it up?

Offline Chaser

Re: Strike Pro drum module
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2024, 11:24:47 AM »
Does anyone know, how to sequence another drum module? To the pro strike module? To give me three more cymbal inputs, and two more drum inputs? Without using splitters, and how to hook it up?

Welcome to the Forum !

By "Sequencing" are you referring to chaining the modules using MIDI for triggering?
The STRIKE Module can not be expanded as all of the MIDI Notes are assigned and there are no extras other than activating the 2nd Kick.

Alesis STRIKE DOUBLE BASS Activation/ Physical Setup

You can split the triggers using MIDI or physical Y cables.
If using MIDI the Zones that are split are still if you use a Tom Rim triggered externally the Tom Rim will still trigger on the main kit.

STRIKE MODULE Triggering using External Module/TMI/Controller