Author Topic: DM10 help  (Read 1164 times)

DM10 help
« on: March 30, 2024, 01:45:03 PM »
Hi,  Purchased this Silver DM10 module second hand. I have purchased the Correct power supply.
It has these strange kits/sounds in it.
It has 57 kits all label ?Lg1 AMb1b? or Lg1 Amb2b or Sm1 Amb1b etc. I can only assume this means Large 1 Ambient 1b and so on
If I go into the instrument menu, the kick is listed as Lg1AmbKik1 the Snare head is: Lg1AmbSn2 and so on

I wanted the original factory sounds.

I did the factory reset and got the ?SYSTEM REINIT? Screen then selected the studio kit and it went to the ?Lg1 Amb1b? kit again.
I tried the X Kit, then The Studio Mesh Kit and finally the X Mesh Kit all with the same results-no change

I turned off memory protect and reInitialzed All Kits, no change

I decided to up update the  firmware

The DM10 updater app will not run on a current Mac OS

I pulled out my old Mac, which has an older iOS installed the Alesis DM 10 updater followed all the instructions and no change.

I held down record while opening the boot syx  and nothing.

 it is stuck With the ?updater load the .SYX file into the updater program to install waiting USB ? Midi??
Absolutely nothing happens I tried different usb cables and ports, tried restarting. I tepid loadin every .SYX file and nada zip zero.

It is like the the App and the DM10 are not communicating

I looked into my MacBooks audio midi Setup and USB DM10 Midi interface is there so my Mac sees the the DM10?

I contacted Alesis last week and they basically blew me off. The tech was dealing with had never even seen an actual DM10 module then closed my ticket

Does anyone know get the original kits back into this module?

Offline Chaser

Re: DM10 help
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2024, 01:47:50 AM »
Hi,  Purchased this Silver DM10 module second hand. I have purchased the Correct power supply.
It has these strange kits/sounds in it.
It has 57 kits all label ?Lg1 AMb1b? or Lg1 Amb2b or Sm1 Amb1b etc. I can only assume this means Large 1 Ambient 1b and so on
If I go into the instrument menu, the kick is listed as Lg1AmbKik1 the Snare head is: Lg1AmbSn2 and so on

I wanted the original factory sounds.

I did the factory reset and got the ?SYSTEM REINIT? Screen then selected the studio kit and it went to the ?Lg1 Amb1b? kit again.
I tried the X Kit, then The Studio Mesh Kit and finally the X Mesh Kit all with the same results-no change

I turned off memory protect and reInitialzed All Kits, no change

I decided to up update the  firmware

The DM10 updater app will not run on a current Mac OS

I pulled out my old Mac, which has an older iOS installed the Alesis DM 10 updater followed all the instructions and no change.

I held down record while opening the boot syx  and nothing.

 it is stuck With the ?updater load the .SYX file into the updater program to install waiting USB ? Midi??
Absolutely nothing happens I tried different usb cables and ports, tried restarting. I tepid loadin every .SYX file and nada zip zero.

It is like the the App and the DM10 are not communicating

I looked into my MacBooks audio midi Setup and USB DM10 Midi interface is there so my Mac sees the the DM10?

I contacted Alesis last week and they basically blew me off. The tech was dealing with had never even seen an actual DM10 module then closed my ticket

Does anyone know get the original kits back into this module?

Re-initializing only sets everything back to Factory settings..
You need to be very carefull bouncing around trying different machines and attempting updates because if an update gets interrupted or only partially completed , you will surely brick the Module.
There are multiple post in the Forum of those that did brick  a working module because they did multiple attempts..or multiple updates an already updated module
If you have the option of 4 kits..DM10 Studio....DM10X..DM10 Studio Mesh..DM10X Mesh.
Then the module may be current and you only need to load the Sound ROM.
The Difference between the kits is the trigger settings for Mylar..Mesh..and Trigger/Pad sizes.
The Studio had all 8" Toms.

Check all the Versions (Trigger,OS etc) in the Module and compare to the final update.

The module has the Blue Jay Sound Set installed...making it a very rare/hard to find module to come by.
The Blue Jay Sound Set (Sonivox) was a paid for sound set and the only one ever offered by Alesis and discontinued over a decade ago and there were very specific instructions for installing..this was also when downloads required you to login to your Alesis account.There is no longer any info on it other than in this forum.Once will never get it back as it required a specific install process using the modules serial number and authorization which no longer exists.
There have been many searching for that Sound Set for years.
During this time period there was also the "DM10 v2.0"..which ended up being licensed to Pearl for the Red Box which essentially was the DM10 that could download Sound Sets.
These Sound Sets basically programmed the module to be 1 kit with a lot more dynamics than multiple kits with fewer the kit number total was about half and based on the same sound set.
I still have all of th e Pearl Red Box Sound Sets , but sold the Red Box (years..years ago)...thinking I could always just get another module..and never did and Pearl took down The Red Box Sound Set Section so the Sound Sets are basically worthless as they were tied to the Serial Number.

You may consider selling as is and purchase another module....probably get a very good price as there are less than a handful (if that) of modules out there that have this Sound Set.....
Personally I don't know of one module that has this Sound Set , as mentioned once can never install it again...Something to Consider.

When I download the Blue Jay Studios Drum Sound Library, will I still be able to access my original DM10 sound library?

Installing the Blue Jay Studios Drum Sound Library will override and replace your existing DM10 sound library.
The original DM10 sound library can be reinstalled at anytime

Here's a Topic that links to other posts and additional links that should cover a lot of info for updating.As mentioned previously..there are also many Topics/Posts for updating ..use the Search Upper Left.
Alesis recently updated the knowledge base and the original DM10 support pages along with Updating instructions etc etc were all removed however if you search Youtube you can still find most of the older instructions for Products under Note Repeat

Alesis DM10 - Update Step-by-step Walkthrough

Alesis DM10 - How to install the Blue Jay Sound Set

Alesis DM 10 Module with Blue Jay Sound Set DEMO

Alesis DM10 Studio Kit with mesh head conversion and Blue Jay Sound Library

ARCHIVED Blue Jay Sound Library Product Page

Added images,links,Audio Demos
« Last Edit: March 31, 2024, 12:33:16 PM by Chaser »

Re: DM10 help WOW! Blue JAY! Thank you
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2024, 01:06:21 PM »
Hi. Chaser,

Thank you for the information.

I remember the Blue Jay Sound set but never purchased it. This is my second DM10 Module. I have one on a Dynacord kit. So this DM10 already has it installed, great!

I did not brick it as I was unable to ?update? it at all so it is still fully functional.

This will actually work out because I bought this module for an acoustic to electronic conversion I had already built using a DDrum 5 piece kit that currently has an Alesis Nitro module that I wanted to upgrade to a DM10 and now it gets the Blue Jay sound set as well! Thanks Again!

If anyone is interested I am selling The whole Kit with the Module in SoCal.. I just have too many kits at this time. I think I am at 11 or 12 if you count the Russian pad set and I am building a wild Casio Kit with a bunch of DP-1 pads and a Casio RZ-1 with a multiple sound mod