I've recently dug out my old SR18 and found it was still on V1.01 firmware, so started looking around for a copy of V1.02. As far as I can see, this forum is the only site on the entire web that has a copy! So many thanks to Chaser for posting the firmware file (
ld-app-1.02.syx ) in this thread:-
https://www.alesisdrummer.com/index.php?topic=8867.0It also became apparent that the info available on the SR18 was fragmented with bits here and there and everywhere, so I put together a summary for my own benefit. Anyway, I thought it might be useful to put it on this forum as perhaps the obvious place someone might look. Some of it is well known but some is a little more obscure.
Display Software Version:Hold down [SYSTEM SETUP] during power up.
-> 'Alesis SR18'... -> 'VERSION Vn.nn'
- where n.nn = 1.01 or 1.02 (See firmware update below.)
Press [PAGE UP]
-> 'SOUNDROM V1.04'
Press [SYSTEM SETUP] twice to exit.
Diagnostic Tests:Peform basic tests of LCD, LEDs, switches, pads, footswitches, jog wheel,
audio outputs, MIDI, flash memory, EEPROM, board type, boot version.
Hold down [1] + [2] + [3] during power up.
-> 'Diags LCD'
[PLAY] to run test.
[STOP] to exit test.
[PAGE UP]/[PAGE DOWN] to select next/previous test. (Only when stopped.)
LCD: All segments on.
LED: Both LEDs on.
Switch: Press switches in upper panel one at a time. 'SWITCH > name -> Passed' when all done.
Pads: Press pads one at a time. 'PADS > pad number , velocity -> Passed' when all done.
Footsw: Operate footswitches one at a time. 'FOOTSW > Count / Start -> Passed' when both done.
Jog: Rotate dial both directions to check increase and decrease in number. [JOG 0 > nn]
Audio: Output tone. 'AUDIO All', [PAGE UP]/[PAGE DOWN] selects: All, MainL, MainR, AuxL, AuxR
MIDI: Connect MIDI Out to MIDI In, start. 'MIDI Passed/Failed'
Flash: Tests flash memory. 'FLASH Write > 100% > Passed' (No user data is overwritten.)
EEPROM: Tests EEPROM memory. 'EEPROM > Passed' (No user data is overwritten.)
Board: Checks two internal boards are compatible. 'BOARD ID Passed'
Vers.: Shows boot loader version. 'BootVers 1.00'
To return to normal operation, switch off and on again.
RAM Test:Hold down [PLAY] during power up.
-> 'RAM Test Wait..'
On completion:-
-> 'RAM Test Passed' (or Failed)
To return to normal operation, switch off and on again.
Factory Reset:Hold down [SAVE/COPY] + [ERASE] during power up.
After approx. 20 seconds, system re-starts with:-
USER locations 00-75 restored to the original factory patterns as shipped (76-99 blank).
USER kits 00-99 copied from PRESET kits 00-99.
SONGS 00-99 all blank.
All system and record settings etc. at default values.
Using MIDI to Backup and Restore User Data or to Update Software:- This requires software that can send and receive SysEx files.
(e.g. MIDI-OX for Windows - free download from:
Backing up patterns, kits, settings etc. using MIDI-OX:Connect MIDI cable from SR18 MIDI Out to PC MIDI In.
PC: Prepare to receive SysEx data:-
Options menu -> MIDI Devices...:
- ensure MIDI input device is enabled, click 'OK'
View menu -> SysEx...:
SysEx menu -> Receive Manual Dump...
Pop-up appears with byte counter. ('SysEx Receive')
Press [PAGE UP]/[PAGE DOWN] as required to select page 17
Press [REC]
PC: Byte counter starts incrementing.
Wait until data stops. (SR18 returns to -> 'SEND OUT MIDI?')
Click 'Done'
Display Window menu -> Save As...
- enter filename, click 'Save'
SR18: Press [SYSTEM SETUP] to exit
N.B. File size depends on amount of changes saved since factory reset.
- e.g. No changes results in a file length of only 30 bytes
- e.g. Moving all USER presets up 1 location results in a file >300 kbytes.
Empty patterns are not backed up.
Factory 'USER' patterns are not backed up unless saved (edited
or unchanged) since a factory reset.
Restoring patterns, kits, settings etc. using MIDI-OX:Connect MIDI cable from PC MIDI Out to SR18 MIDI In.
SR18: Prepare to receive SysEx file:-
Hold down [SAVE/COPY] during power up.
PC: Send SysEx file:-
Options menu -> MIDI Devices:
- ensure MIDI output device is enabled, click 'OK'.
View menu -> SysEx...:
File menu -> Send SysEx File...
- select file, click 'Open'
Transfer starts immediately.
Pop-up appears showing progress bar. ('File Progess')
SR18: -> 'RESTORE nnnn', REC LED flashing...
When transfer complete:
-> 'CLEANUP nnnn'...
To return to normal operation, switch SR18 off and on again.
Firmware Update to v1.02:Requires the firmware file: ld-app-1.02.syx
Connect MIDI cable from PC MIDI Out to SR18 MIDI In.
SR18: Prepare to receive SysEx file:-
Hold down [REC] during power up.
-> 'DOWNLOAD READY'... -> 'MIDI Baud' *See Note
PC: Send SysEx file:-
Options menu -> MIDI Devices:
- ensure MIDI output device is enabled, click 'OK'.
View menu -> SysEx...:
File menu -> Send SysEx File...
- select file ld32-app-1.02.syx , click 'Open'
Transfer starts immediately.
Pop-up appears showing progress bar. ('File Progress')
SR18: -> 'DOWNLOAD nnnK'..
When complete:-
-> 'DOWNLOAD 447K'
Switch SR18 off.
Hold down [SYSTEM SETUP] during power up.
-> 'Alesis SR18'... -> 'VERSION V1.02'
Press [PAGE UP]
-> 'SOUNDROM V1.04'
Press [SYSTEM SETUP] twice to exit.
* Note: Once 'MIDI Baud' is displayed, the [INC] button steps through higher transfer rates.
These are for manufacturing use only, via a separate high speed connection on the MIDI port.