Author Topic: looking for dual piezo cymbals for my nitro mesh kit  (Read 1942 times)

looking for dual piezo cymbals for my nitro mesh kit
« on: February 02, 2022, 04:58:53 PM »
hii, im a newbie here. ive been looking around for dual zone cymbals to use as a ride on my nitro mesh kit and i found that all cymbal inputs only take one zone, so i realized i maybe could use the tom4 input for what's going to be my new ride. the thing is, the tom4 input only takes two piezo zones, not switches, so im looking for some dual piezo cymbals. ive looked for a little bit but it seems all the dual zone cymbals are piezo/switch and i didn't fin any triple zone with two piezos, only some diy things some guys did. i guess thats my last option, but to be sure im asking here. are there any dual piezo cymbals?