Author Topic: Surge mesh kit recording question  (Read 3513 times)

Offline ujtordai

Surge mesh kit recording question
« on: January 04, 2022, 06:59:02 AM »
Hi All,

I'm so sorry, by it is not clear to me, what is needed for recording Surge Kit plays on Win10 based laptop.
- I need a cable USB 2.0 type A and type B cable.
- I need to install the ASIO4ALL_2_15_Beta3_English.exe

But what is needed for recording on the laptop, EZDrummer 2.0 or Reaper or both?

In meantime, I installed ASIO and EZDrummer demo version.
I selected the following in the settings audio/MIDI setup
- Audio Device ASIO
- set the sound cart below the ASIO control
- apply all changes
- Selected the Alesis Surge below MIDI Device

Below the Menu\Settings\Edrums
- on the E-Drums tab select the Alesis

I play something I see on the EZDrummer screen when I hit a drum head, if I recorded and replay I did not hear anything az all.

Thank you in advance.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2022, 12:54:29 PM by ujtordai »

Offline Chaser

Re: Surge mesh kit recording question
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2022, 02:07:34 PM »
Hi All,

I'm so sorry, by it is not clear to me, what is needed for recording Surge Kit plays on Win10 based laptop.
- I need a cable USB 2.0 type A and type B cable.
- I need to install the ASIO4ALL_2_15_Beta3_English.exe

But what is needed for recording on the laptop, EZDrummer 2.0 or Reaper or both?

In meantime, I installed ASIO and EZDrummer demo version.
I selected the following in the settings audio/MIDI setup
- Audio Device ASIO
- set the sound cart below the ASIO control
- apply all changes
- Selected the Alesis Surge below MIDI Device

Below the Menu\Settings\Edrums
- on the E-Drums tab select the Alesis

I play something I see on the EZDrummer screen when I hit a drum head, if I recorded and replay I did not hear anything az all.

Thank you in advance.

Welcome to the Forum !

You can record your own tracks within EZDrummer 2 by clicking the Record button, then pressing the Play button.
You must make sure you properly set it up..
In EZD2 the Surge is selected as your MIDI device..ASIO4ALL is selected the audio device.
You must also setup/configure ASIO4ALL to use your computer?s sound card and set the buffer in ASIO4ALL if you experience clicks pops etc.The lower the buffer the better it is for latency , but also puts a strain on the computer so YMMV depending on you computers hardware.
Since your Laptop is the audio device if you are using headphones,the headphones must be connected to the Laptop..
Laptops are generally not recommended for recording without a separate Audio Interface as the onboard soundcards are poor and by using an interface you free up system resources for processing.

EZDrummer does not allow you to change MIDI note assignments in the kits,You have to change the MIDI note assignments on the module to match the Kit MIDI/Keymap that is pre-assigned for each kit.
The "Alesis" under the drop down E-Kit menu is generic and doesn't match all Alesis modules default MIDI note assignments which varies from module to module..I believe EZD2 DEMO comes with the Modern Kit.
You can view the MIDI/Keymap..Menu in upper right..About Sound Libraries..Pick a drum Kit and then MIDI Layout.
A keyboard drum map will open.You can save or print.

Sweetwater has setup a number of guides that are updated often and simpler to understand than most of the User Guides/manuals and include visuals/gifs etc to help out.

EZDrummer 2 Quickstart Guide

How to Trigger EZdrummer 2 with Electronic Drums and Recording drums with EZDrummer.

Installing and Using ASIO4ALL for Windows

Use the search in the upper left.There are multiple Topics on recording with Laptops including troubleshooting etc etc.

Offline ujtordai

Re: Surge mesh kit recording question
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2022, 02:45:41 PM »
Hi Chaser,

Thank you for your reply.

I set almost all, except for the kit MIDI\keymap .
It seems to me something was recorded but I did not hear it when re-play.
I installed a Reaper,(trial version) and install MT-PowerDrumkit, armet a track and recording, I see on the drumset image what drumhead was hit, but when I stop and re-play no sound, so I have the same result with EZDrummer.

Currently I am unable to figure out what can be the problem.

Offline Chaser

Re: Surge mesh kit recording question
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2022, 03:12:49 PM »
I see on the drumset image what drumhead was hit, but when I stop and re-play no sound, so I have the same result with EZDrummer.

Do you hear the kit piece being hit....through the laptop speakers or headphones and no sound on playback only ?Have you tried just setting the Laptop sound card as the primary?
ASIO4ALL is an ancient fix that came about during the Windows XP years/really bad laptop sound cards and sometimes causes more problems than it solves..It also has an "exclusive mode" when using apps..If no sound from ASIO4ALL..check this link

No sound using Asio4all - how to fix it

Offline ujtordai

Re: Surge mesh kit recording question
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2022, 06:10:10 PM »
Thank you for your help Chaser!

Offline ujtordai

Re: Surge mesh kit recording question
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2022, 04:25:25 PM »

Yesterday I set EZDrummer with ASIO and Reaper with ASIO.
Today what settings works formerly currently do not work.
It seems to me, a bit instable it works inconsistently
That is weird when I am able to record a minute, save it, restart EZDrummer, and create new and when I hit the drum head, I did not see it on the screen on the drum kit.
Before I begin the Install created a restore point, now I restore the clean OS state, and begin the install again.


Offline ujtordai

Re: Surge mesh kit recording question
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2022, 02:28:43 PM »
Hi All,

I tried the Reaper with MT PowerDrumkit 2 plugin without ASIO4ALL.
Almost everything works well except for the snare drum, I did not see on the drumkit picture when I hit the drum head, and not hear that on the computer speaker, but on the FX decibel gauge (on the Master decibel gauge I did not see), I see the level changes. The side-stick is working on the snare!
All other drums and cymbals work well.
Of course, don't record the snare.
My first taught was, there is some problem around MIDI map, but I download and apply the Alesis Surge preset for MT PowerDrum Kit 2, see below
Do you have somebody any idea what can be the cause of the problem, all drums and cymbals work as we expected, except for the snare?

Thank you in advance
« Last Edit: January 06, 2022, 02:32:33 PM by ujtordai »

Offline Chaser

Re: Surge mesh kit recording question
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2022, 06:36:24 PM »
Hi All,

I tried the Reaper with MT PowerDrumkit 2 plugin without ASIO4ALL.
Almost everything works well except for the snare drum, I did not see on the drumkit picture when I hit the drum head, and not hear that on the computer speaker, but on the FX decibel gauge (on the Master decibel gauge I did not see), I see the level changes. The side-stick is working on the snare!
All other drums and cymbals work well.
Of course, don't record the snare.
My first taught was, there is some problem around MIDI map, but I download and apply the Alesis Surge preset for MT PowerDrum Kit 2, see below
Do you have somebody any idea what can be the cause of the problem, all drums and cymbals work as we expected, except for the snare?

Thank you in advance

The MT Power kit does not use GM Standard MIDI mapping.
According to the MT Power2 mapping there are 4 MIDI note assignments for the Snare..37,38,39,40..
Standard mapping for a Snare is Head=38 (GM Standard)..Rim=40 (GM Standard)
Sidestick is 37 (MT Power Kit)..39=unknown (MT Power Kit) either head or rim or something else..
so if you're hearing the sidestick and not the head.. somewhere the mapping is wrong (preset,module,Reaper)

The page you downloaded the preset..there are no ratings for that particular preset and ..

"We need your help!
We would appreciate if you could create a preset file for your E-Drum model and share it with us, if it isn't available yet on the list above.
Don't worry if your preset has minor errors. We won't make you responsible for it.
Any help in building up this list of presets is welcome, even if it is not perfect."

I would check the preset mapping.. First..

I don't know why it's seen in the FX area unless you have Reaper doing some MIDI transposing..I don't use Reaper.

If you are going to use Reaper download The MT Power Drum Map (for DAWs... Drum Map / Note Names / Pitch Names) will allow the DAW to display the actual drum names (Kick, Snare, Hi-Hat etc.) in the MIDI editor instead of just the blank piano roll keys.

MT Power2 MIDI map..Surge MIDI map attached.

Offline ujtordai

Re: Surge mesh kit recording question
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2022, 06:04:24 AM »
Hi Chaser,

How can I do "We would appreciate if you could create a preset file for your E-Drum model and share it with us if it isn't available yet on the list above."?

I noticed all 24 preset kit works well, but I don't understand some custom kit snare does not work well.
I checked the differences between snare settings below the kit.
Which work well the selected song for snare is#69
but it does not work with song #52.

Thank you

Offline Chaser

Re: Surge mesh kit recording question
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2022, 10:22:23 AM »
How can I do "We would appreciate if you could create a preset file for your E-Drum model and share it with us if it isn't available yet on the list above."?

I don't know what you are asking.
This is a quote from the page pointing out they were accepting presets from anyone whether they worked properly or not.

I noticed all 24 preset kit works well, but I don't understand some custom kit snare does not work well.
I checked the differences between snare settings below the kit.
Which work well the selected song for snare is#69
but it does not work with song #52.

Thank you

Change the preset so the snare works the way you want and save as a different preset.
Check with their forum..this kit is over 10 years old and still being maintained so there should be a lot of support.

around the same period...(2008-2012)

Sennheiser had a FREE kit ..DrumMic'a!..(8GB for Kontakt/Player) which was a promo for their microphones.. Youtube Videos

Reaper had a FREE Kit SM MegaReaper Drumkit..

Mixosaurus had an A and B kit..some of the A Kit was a FREE download..but the link for the email Demo request may be dead..

Fixed Link
« Last Edit: January 16, 2022, 10:45:08 AM by Chaser »