Author Topic: Crimson Snare and HH issues  (Read 2700 times)

Crimson Snare and HH issues
« on: January 12, 2021, 12:13:54 PM »
I have an Alesis Crimson Kit that I bought 2nd hand a year or so ago. Slowly my HH has begun to be intermittently responsive. Sometimes it is dead in certain spots, and then fine the next day. Anyone have any experience with this?
My second problem Doc, is I have this pain.....

OK problem #2 is the snare has developed a dead spot in the middle. I had to resort to playing on the rim as the snare got quieter and quieter. Now I've switch tom #3 over to use as a snare.

What I have tried: I tried emailing Alesis Canada. They don't respond. I did get through by phone once and the guy there told me to do the following 1. Factory reset - Didn't help   2. Try plugging in snare to a different drum - Found out the snare is the problem.
Any suggestions on how to fix the snare? OR a not too expensive replacement idea.

Thanks in advance Fellow Drummers

Offline Chaser

Re: Crimson Snare and HH issues
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2021, 01:29:32 PM »
I have an Alesis Crimson Kit that I bought 2nd hand a year or so ago. Slowly my HH has begun to be intermittently responsive. Sometimes it is dead in certain spots, and then fine the next day. Anyone have any experience with this?
My second problem Doc, is I have this pain.....

OK problem #2 is the snare has developed a dead spot in the middle. I had to resort to playing on the rim as the snare got quieter and quieter. Now I've switch tom #3 over to use as a snare.

What I have tried: I tried emailing Alesis Canada. They don't respond. I did get through by phone once and the guy there told me to do the following 1. Factory reset - Didn't help   2. Try plugging in snare to a different drum - Found out the snare is the problem.
Any suggestions on how to fix the snare? OR a not too expensive replacement idea.

Thanks in advance Fellow Drummers

The Alesis Crimson mesh drum heads include an added physical knob to adjust the sensitivity of the piezo pickups inside of the head.
The knob adjusts how much the module will respond to the inner vs. outer piezo's for the head.The rim is a separate piezo
Have you tried turning the knob in both directions to see which Piezo may be bad/loose wire?.Can you see if the Trigger plate has broken and needs repaired/replaced?

The Crimson came with the DMPad Cymbals...
The HH (DMPad 12 Hi Hat..single zone) may be the same issue...wire's from the piezo vibrating loose or broken..swap out with another cymbal and test.
If you don't want to do the repair/solder or new piezo and decide to replace and want to keep all the cymbals from the same series I would look for the DMPad 12" "Cymbal".(Crash)
I would provide a link but recently Alesis has been removing everything from their website including Legacy prodcuts so links I have posted in other topics are now broken 404.
The DMPad 12" "Cymbal" (Crash) is dual zone as the Crimson module actually supports a dual zone Hi Hat.

There are some on ebay but make sure it's not the DMPad 12" Hi Hat which is single zone.

Re: Crimson Snare and HH issues
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2021, 09:02:19 PM »
I took both the snare and HH apart today. I found a broken wire inside the snare right in the middle, so that explains that. I will try and soldier it back together. As for the HH I can't find anything that tells me why is isn't working but I may just replace the wire and see if that helps. For now I have plugged HH cable into the crash cymbal which works fine. I guess these kits aren't built to take a beating.

BTW anyone else find that Alesis customer service is quite poor?