Author Topic: Happy New Alesis Drummer  (Read 12165 times)

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #25 on: June 28, 2019, 08:25:40 PM »
The new Ahead sticks are incredible! I love the feel!

Me too!  I thought about getting another set just to have a backup!


A Strike kit has made it's way firmly onto the top of my wishlist - either standard or pro, whichever I can afford at the time.

Again, depending on how the financing comes in, the Strike Multipad is in the next line but the two are swappable in regards to the amount of cash I can swing.

Also at the top of the list as a floating (buy whenever I can) option is either another DM10 module or a Pearl RedBox or both - just to help ensure that I never have to play without one.

Even when I get a Strike, I may just leave portions of my kit running through the DM10 module since I can change kit presets in the middle of a song without any form of hiccup. It just changes instantaneously and perfectly.

Another thought toward "wishing for things for the future" is to eventually build a kit at home using several multipads along with tom and bass pads and cymbal triggers to be set up for movie soundtrack/music writing purposes - playing it as other instruments that drums.

Again bringing up the point that, I can't wait to learn how to use the DM10's Chord and Arpeggio functions!!! :)
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Iggford

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #26 on: July 02, 2019, 11:46:24 AM »

A Strike kit has made it's way firmly onto the top of my wishlist - either standard or pro, whichever I can afford at the time.

Again, depending on how the financing comes in, the Strike Multipad is in the next line but the two are swappable in regards to the amount of cash I can swing.

Also at the top of the list as a floating (buy whenever I can) option is either another DM10 module or a Pearl RedBox or both - just to help ensure that I never have to play without one.

Even when I get a Strike, I may just leave portions of my kit running through the DM10 module since I can change kit presets in the middle of a song without any form of hiccup. It just changes instantaneously and perfectly.

Another thought toward "wishing for things for the future" is to eventually build a kit at home using several multipads along with tom and bass pads and cymbal triggers to be set up for movie soundtrack/music writing purposes - playing it as other instruments that drums.

Again bringing up the point that, I can't wait to learn how to use the DM10's Chord and Arpeggio functions!!! :)

The Strike Multipad is definitely on my list!!  It's about the last thing I am wanting to add to my gigging kit. 

I want to set up another Strike or A2E kit in a home studio, though.  That's my ultimate goal.  I'll have one for shows and one (probably bigger! :) ) in my studio.

I definitely like having my DM10 around.  I actually used my DM10 kit two weekends ago for a show in a smaller venue.  I still use my Strike module though.  However, I do keep the DM10 set up to mirror the Strike JUST in case I have a module failure.  I have both modules set up to work with the layout of both kits.  I've got 6 toms on my Strike kit but only 5 on the DM10.  The rack ran out of room!!

I agree, it would be cool to use the Multipads for instruments other than drums.  I've seen some video on all the different possibilities, and I can't wait to get ahold of one to try it out! 


Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #27 on: July 02, 2019, 05:43:01 PM »
Awesome! Keep Rockin' Brother!!!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #28 on: August 05, 2019, 10:38:53 PM »
I just had my first drumming woes from my DM10X Mesh - sort of.

The little pressed-in pin on my hi hat angle adjuster came out far enough that the thing was in a free-flow rotation. No biggies to fix, but to finish out the gig I just switched it with one of my crash cymbal pieces. Worked great.

Twas a fun (Fun!!!) Glam-80's gig! I haven't glammed out in over 20 years!

Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Iggford

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #29 on: August 07, 2019, 12:35:10 PM »
NICE!!!! :)

I hated those pins.  They used the same things on the Strike, but they changed them to where they could be tightened with the drum key.  I never had what I needed when I needed it with the ones on the DM10!


Offline Liko

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #30 on: August 27, 2019, 03:04:53 PM »
This thread has been a fun read.

I have recently purchased the Surge mesh and had figured that since I am 56 now and high school band was a long time ago I'd take much longer to get my groovy back ... but, that's not the case. I practice every day and it's like "yeah, I remember this" and the muscle memory is still in there somewhere. It's been quite a bit of fun.

I just started assigning "voices"(not the ones in my head) to my pads and I picked up some extension cables so I can move things around some. The Surge module is wired to their idea of where things go. Spacing the kit out required cables. Now I can put Tom 3 in "floor tom" spot and move the hi hat to the right where I prefer it. I had to put the frame together my way as "their way" just didn't work.

Anyhoo, assigning the sounds to the kit and changing kits on the fly is what I wanted to acknowledge and say, "yeah, I love that!" because I just started hanging around with a Salsa Band and some Jazz players here in the 55+ park where I live. The other part I like is that I can assign Tom 3 voice "1" just like my kick drum and now I can sneak in some speedy (double) bass drum action where I could not before. That, is super neato.

My only concern right now is that this surge kit was a neat place to start but I'll be swapping the module and ... well, I'm starting to look at a new kit by Christmas.

Thanks Dartanbeck for keeping us all in the know on your happenings as it's fun to be in the same mind with ya.

You cats have fun.

Offline AlanK

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #31 on: August 28, 2019, 09:17:26 AM »
hi Liko! fellow 56'er here   8)

Welcome to the forum and glad to read about your return to drumming. I also had to lose my old acoustic kit back in the early 80s due to marriage and apartment living. Quarter century later I get drawn back in and rekindle the love of playing, plus get in with a new great gang of grey-haired's.. started in with a cheap used ekit that looked like one step up from the Rockband kits.. the bug took hold and soon after I was shopping for the best deal and got into the DM10X kit because I couldn't beat the price for the size and amount of pads and cymbals.

Ended up buying into Addictive Drums so now I only play through midi and my PC with this software, it's phenomenal. My life (2 divorces later) is inspiring again!

Enjoy brother
DM10X with Addictive Drums 2, Pro X hi-hat, 4 crashes, foam cone conversion w Roland mesh heads, Laurin Drums snare and kick, Mapex P710W double kick pedal, Mapex 2 legged hi-hat, Behringer 8 channel USB mixer, Tascam 144MK AI, Samson Expedition Escape powered speakers

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #32 on: December 04, 2019, 08:31:09 AM »
Liko, glad you enjoyed my thread (so far)!

Yeah, getting the pads to where we really want them is the trick, eh? I've finally started suffering my first breakdowns on my kit... cymbals starting to go on Choke-only when I play them - so today I'll be trying to fix that. I'm not worried though because, even if I can't fix the cymbal pads, I can really use anything to trigger the cymbal sounds. I do love my cymbals though, so I'm going to try really hard!!! :)

But this is teaching me that I need to start a special collection jar for myself since I know, deep down, that e-kits are finite in lifespan. I need to save up and replace this amazing thing eventually. Honestly, as many live gigs as I've played with this, I can hardly believe how well it's holding up. Some of these shows get pretty energetic and I get to hitting those pads pretty darned hard!

The cool thing is that there will always be something from this kit that will work on my next one, and so on - that is, unless things make a really drastic change. But triggers can always send some kind of signal to something, so....

Oh man, Happy Drumming, my friend!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #33 on: December 04, 2019, 08:50:30 AM »

Yeah, I downloaded a trial version of some of the midi drum packs out there. I think it was Addictive Drums that I looked at mostly. I love hearing/reading feedback on using that stuff - especially for live gigging.

Two things have kept me from taking that direction: A - lack of 'extra' sounds and B - cost of a higher-end (and tough) laptop.

As for B, I play quite a few parties over a year, and weather doesn't always play nicely with e-gear. I have a nice and quick method for covering my module, but laptops can die so much easier. And for something like this, I'd want a pretty decent laptop, I think (?).

For A, I love the immense catalog of sounds in the DM10 module from agogo bells and gongs to car skid and crash to bass and guitar, horns, FX, and then all of the drums including old e-drum sounds. Granted, I haven't been using a lot of these extra sounds, but the kits that I've built from a midi drum pack were always lacking some of the sounds I do have assigned to my current kit.

But then there's the internet, We can always add pretty much any sound file we find to out midi collection, am I right?

So even though I've been on-the-fence about all of that, it's still on my mind to go that route eventually. I can't recall if it was Addictive Drums or another one that I was really impressed with the most. I do know that I ended up really liking the possibilities.

So maybe my new collection jar will get me to that point as well, one day!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #34 on: December 04, 2019, 08:52:03 AM »
Holy smokes, I've played a LOT of live gigs with this drum kit without a hitch. So it doesn't bother (or surprize) me that I've finally experienced trouble. I am so impressed with this thing!!!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Iggford

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #35 on: December 04, 2019, 04:01:10 PM »
That's what I've said about my Strike kit.  Granted, I did have to get my module replaced early on, but I've put this thing through so many shows, it took until just two months ago to get the dreaded snare plate crack that's going around.

I definitely can say I'm satisfied with the kit.  As long as you have a backup option, you don't have to stress over possibilities.  My DM10 is a VERY solid backup module, so I'm able to go in confident at each gig!


Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #36 on: June 11, 2020, 11:41:30 AM »
I've been trying out various TRS cables as I started to experience some inconsistencies in my triggering. I soldered in some new transducers, etc., and replacing cables helped.

So I started looking into what it would take to replace all of the cables. Sheesh! I was almost thinking about making my own cable snake using Dobly's cool thing that he did with network cable - but I don't have a whole lot of DIY time.

Finally I came to my senses. I remembered the awesome experience I had replacing my bass drum head through Alesis support. I looked high and low for a bass head that I might like - but what I really wanted was the original. I love those heads. Alesis support got me one quick, and I love it.

So I contacted them. Now I have a new cable harness and two new cymbals for less that what it would have cost me to just replace all of the TRS cables! And I know it looks a LOT better this way than me trying to figure out what to do with all of the excess cable from having to order common length cables.

The hi hat cymbal has been improved with a kind of suspension system built into the center. Must be the way the new DM10 hi hat is. I love it. I didn't realize the change at first and was getting an echo from each hit. Turns out we need to tighten these all the way - the new cymbal center takes care of the rest.

New crash, new hi hat, new cable harness. Not bad for two years + of solid four-hour gigging!

Man I love this kit!!!
« Last Edit: June 11, 2020, 11:43:26 AM by Dartanbeck »
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #37 on: June 11, 2020, 11:54:52 AM »
...and I also still have the other cymbals to play with for making additional triggers. The choke isn't working on the older crash that I replaced, but it'll make a great china as the hi hat will likely be a splash - but it's a DM10X... these sounds with change as I like! :)

This is one helluva Live kit for what I do. I mean... I'm poor! LOL   I don't have a support team running things behind the stage - I do everything myself. So I love the way the DM10 module allows me to switch kits mid-song without missing a single trigger!

Just before the drummer (me) starts off the finale jam of Sweet Emotion, by Aerosmith, I trigger the DM10's car skid sound effect, which fits perfectly. Well every once in a while I feel like throwing that skid effect in other places. It's so cool that I can reach over to my module and tap it twice to get to my Sweet Emotion kit in an instant!

Same goes for my second kit, where I've layered random bongos onto my hi hat, so I'm playing percussion with every hit. This kit was mainly designed for Two Tickets by Eddie Money, but it's amazing how useful the added percussion can be - say, when the singer decides to talk for a while and I toss him a background beat.

I really want to get a Strike Pro as soon as I am able but this kit doesn't put me in a hurry for a different kit - that's for sure! When that day comes, it'll be really nice to have this kit set up at home permanently!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #38 on: June 11, 2020, 12:00:24 PM »
Other thoughts:
My Sample Pad Pro is also a real winner. It just works!
I have it in the Tom 1 position on my kit so that I have access to it with both hands freely. It has two tom toms on it so running the toms down to the DM10 heads is a very natural thing. It also sports my gong and vibraslap on the top two triggers, hand claps layered (A & B), cowbell layered with hi hat, snare rim and another random percussion mixed with a shaker.

It's running midi out into the DM10, so it's super easy to set sounds and it can change with each kit.

So before switching to a Strike Pro, I might end up adding the Strike MultiPad
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Chaser

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #39 on: June 12, 2020, 11:33:03 PM »
Other thoughts:
My Sample Pad Pro is also a real winner. It just works!
I have it in the Tom 1 position on my kit so that I have access to it with both hands freely. It has two tom toms on it so running the toms down to the DM10 heads is a very natural thing. It also sports my gong and vibraslap on the top two triggers, hand claps layered (A & B), cowbell layered with hi hat, snare rim and another random percussion mixed with a shaker.

It's running midi out into the DM10, so it's super easy to set sounds and it can change with each kit.

So before switching to a Strike Pro, I might end up adding the Strike MultiPad

You'll like the SMP.It will completely change your kit..makes a great hub for a clean MIDI rig..
What most don't realize is the SMP has USB Bi-directional(2-WAY) Audio and MIDI.
You can run the module outputs into the audio inputs (use the SMP as a pre-amp) add the Samplepad to the MIDI in on the module,run the MIDI out of the module to the SMP..Then fill the external triggers/pedal inputs on the SMP along with the 9 pads.You can also assign any sound/MIDI to any of the external triggers/pedal inputs without being struck or a trigger connected by using PAD CUE which will give you an additional 20 sounds/layers if you don't need or want to use the Pedals/Triggers .
PAD CUE pg 26
Pad Cue allows you to audition sounds directly to the Headphone Outputs.
This is useful for previewing sounds without playing them out to your audience. Additionally, when Pad Cue is active, you can use the Main Encoder to select any pad, trigger or footswitch. This is useful for editing parameters on triggers or footswitches that may not be currently connected to your Strike Multipad. To enable Pad Cue, press the Pad Cue button. While enabled: •The Pad Cue button and F1–F5 buttons will flash, and the Pad Cue window will appear on the display.
•Any  sound  playing  to  the  Main  or  Aux  Outputs  prior  to  enabling  Pad  Cue  will  continue  to  play.  Any  sounds  triggered after enabling Pad Cue will be sent directly to the Headphones Output.
•While enabled, only one pad will play to the Headphones Output at a time.
To select a sound, hit the pad, trigger or footswitch, or turn the Main Encoder.
To preview the sound, hit the pad or press the F6–Play/Stop button. While the sound is playing, you can press the F6–Play/Stop button again to stop it.

Connect the USB from the SMP to an iPad and stack,layer,play,trigger everything (apps,songs..Band Helper/switch sets etc) from the iPad,and only need to use the SMP 1/4" Main Outs.
You can do a straight forward MIDI Chain..or loop the SMP back to any one of the modules etc.
There is a lot of possibilities and since you are using the Original DM10 , you could take advantage of all those extra MIDI notes..

Guitar Center honors their 15% coupons for it so something to consider when ready to purchase.

If you missed my earlier post there is also an editor in Beta for the well,just remove the SD Card add all the samples/build your kits on Mac/PC..currently v5..v6 is almost ready

SamplePad/Pro/Rack/Kit Editor

How to use SamplePad Kit Editor
    Open SamplePad Kit Editor
    Insert your SamplePad SD card into your computer
    Click the "Load SD Card" button and select the root directory of the SD card

This will load any existing samples and kits on the SD card for you to edit. It's generally best to start with a blank SD card, as that allows for better filename organization.
Importing Samples
Imported samples are automatically formatted as appropriate (16bit, 44.1k 8-character wav.)
After importing samples through SamplePad Kit Editor you'll still see the original file name (in the case that its greater than 8 characters) allowing for better, more intuitive sample organization.

    Click import samples at the bottom of the sample section
    Select one or more .wav files, or a directory
    If a directory is selected all wav files located within it (or any sub directories) will be imported

Editing a Kit
    Select a kit from the dropdown to edit an existing kit. You can also import a kit from an existing .kit not on the SD card, or create a kit from scratch
    Search through samples on the left, and drag them on to an individual pad to set that pad's sample
    Tweak pad parameters by twisting knobs (click, hold, and drag an icon up and down to adjust values)
    Change mute groups by selecting 1 of 16 possible groups
    Access Layer B sample and velocity parameters by clicking on the dropdown icon on the right

Once you're satisfied, save your kit. Saving it as a new kit will create a new .kit file and not affect the original.
Put it into your SamplePad/Pro/Rack and try it out!

Midi Control
While creating or editing a kit, you can easily test it out by connecting a midi controller to your computer.
Once connected, select a device through the menu Edit > Midi Settings (or Scan for Midi Devices if it does not appear.)
Playing midi notes on the selected device will show you which pad is being played and triggers the sample attached to it.
Triggers are velocity dependent, and layer B is supported.

EDIT: 8/21/2020
Removed Dead link to Alesis Get Satisfaction Forum.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2020, 01:40:10 PM by Chaser »

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #40 on: August 20, 2020, 06:47:42 PM »
Wow! Chaser! Thank you So Much for this invaluable info/guide! I'm even more eager to get one (SMP) now!!!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #41 on: August 20, 2020, 06:52:41 PM »
Here's a video link to the Live Stream Concert we played last night. I'm not overly fond of the mix. This is the first time we sent individual(ish) outputs via the DM10:
Bass - MAIN L
Snare - MAIN R
Toms - AUX L
Cymbals and percussion - AUX R

Oh well. There has been discussion of me going all MIDI using Addictive Drums. As much as the thought thrills me, it also scares the crap out of me!!!

« Last Edit: August 20, 2020, 06:55:43 PM by Dartanbeck »
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #42 on: August 20, 2020, 07:00:38 PM »
The above video also shows how strange my kit is right now! (even though the B/W image is a standard DM10X Mesh setup)
  • Tom 1 is not there - Sample Pad Pro in its place, on a stand
  • Ride Cymbal is a Crash cymbal
  • Ride cymbal is played via a 12" DM10 drum pad/dual trigger
When I get the Strike MultiPad, I'll be placing that where the Sample Pad Pro currently resides, which will be relocated to where the Ride cymbal (Drum Pad) is.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2020, 07:03:31 PM by Dartanbeck »
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #43 on: August 20, 2020, 07:13:24 PM »
If you missed my earlier post there is also an editor in Beta for the well,just remove the SD Card add all the samples/build your kits on Mac/PC..currently v5..v6 is almost ready

SamplePad/Pro/Rack/Kit Editor

How to use SamplePad Kit Editor
    Open SamplePad Kit Editor
    Insert your SamplePad SD card into your computer
    Click the "Load SD Card" button and select the root directory of the SD card

This will load any existing samples and kits on the SD card for you to edit. It's generally best to start with a blank SD card, as that allows for better filename organization.
Importing Samples
Imported samples are automatically formatted as appropriate (16bit, 44.1k 8-character wav.)
After importing samples through SamplePad Kit Editor you'll still see the original file name (in the case that its greater than 8 characters) allowing for better, more intuitive sample organization.

    Click import samples at the bottom of the sample section
    Select one or more .wav files, or a directory
    If a directory is selected all wav files located within it (or any sub directories) will be imported

Editing a Kit
    Select a kit from the dropdown to edit an existing kit. You can also import a kit from an existing .kit not on the SD card, or create a kit from scratch
    Search through samples on the left, and drag them on to an individual pad to set that pad's sample
    Tweak pad parameters by twisting knobs (click, hold, and drag an icon up and down to adjust values)
    Change mute groups by selecting 1 of 16 possible groups
    Access Layer B sample and velocity parameters by clicking on the dropdown icon on the right

Once you're satisfied, save your kit. Saving it as a new kit will create a new .kit file and not affect the original.
Put it into your SamplePad/Pro/Rack and try it out!

Midi Control
While creating or editing a kit, you can easily test it out by connecting a midi controller to your computer.
Once connected, select a device through the menu Edit > Midi Settings (or Scan for Midi Devices if it does not appear.)
Playing midi notes on the selected device will show you which pad is being played and triggers the sample attached to it.
Triggers are velocity dependent, and layer B is supported.
I only use the Sample Pad Pro as pads. I MIDI OUT to my DM10 module, where I assign sounds from there.
The 'scroll right' button on the Sample Pad is getting faulty, however. So I may end up seeing if I can set the first kit the way I use it (User 004 on SD). I tried copying it to the first slot, but can only copy to User files (SD). That being a vital part of my kit right now has me a little nervous. If I can edit the first kit, fear will disappear - for now! LOL
Other thoughts - wondering if CRC Electric Cleaner would work, just blasting it on the edge of the button? Nervous to try that as well! :/
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #44 on: August 20, 2020, 07:15:44 PM »
...and now I find myself wondering: If/when I get a Strike MultiPad, will I end up using that as my main controller?
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Offline Chaser

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #45 on: August 21, 2020, 01:59:38 PM »
The 'scroll right' button on the Sample Pad is getting faulty, however. So I may end up seeing if I can set the first kit the way I use it (User 004 on SD). I tried copying it to the first slot, but can only copy to User files (SD). That being a vital part of my kit right now has me a little nervous. If I can edit the first kit, fear will disappear - for now! LOL
Other thoughts - wondering if CRC Electric Cleaner would work, just blasting it on the edge of the button? Nervous to try that as well! :/

I would disassemble and see if the cursor arrow/button is just a membrane switch and use a little rubbing alcohol to clean the area.
The Sample Pad pro may just have the buttons laying on top of the membrane switch and only held in place by the cutout.
I have seen a lot of equipment/hardware this way.

I forgot to ask which version...I have seen 2.
One has the volume knobs for main/headphones on the left and the other has large knobs on each side.
attached pics

I added the links to Instrumentalparts for the Samplerack and Samplepad pro.Some parts are probably interchangeable.
They show the "Navigation" buttons are available separately so it's either a membrane switch or maybe tactile type.
There is a "Function" board listed for $16.00 USD
If you do disassemble take a pic and send to them (or Alesis) to identify part.

SamplePad Pro


« Last Edit: August 22, 2020, 10:21:12 AM by Chaser »

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Happy New Alesis Drummer
« Reply #46 on: August 22, 2020, 02:09:02 PM »
Mine is the first one, the SPP1 image.
Thanks again for your incredible wisdom!!!
Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist