Hey everyone! Just curious if anyone else has every tried or thought of this. I was messing with my acoustic set's hi-hat a week or so ago, wanted to angle the bottom cymbal up a bit from the front. Then a few days later I was on my DM10X and thought I'd try the same thing there.
Spun the collar around 180deg, gave the thumb screw a couple turns to angle the front just ever so slightly up.. sometimes I get klutzy and my right stick ends up in between the hats as I'm playing, esp if my timing's a bit off doing some barking or something. Will attach a couple pics.
Here's what I found out.. now it could be my imagination, or a hope based placebo effect, could even have been the drugs, but I feel like I've improved my hi-hat experience! It "seems" like its a bit quieter (and I've got the good or at least slightly more rubbery crash as the top hat instead of the crap that came with the Pro-X hat). Secondly, I don't get my stick stuck in the gap as often. Thirdly, I seem to feel like the chicking / foot stomping works better (less air resistance from the two hats being flat).
Finally, it just feels like I'm getting better calibration. Now, I'm using Addictive Drums so things are a bit different in sound and feel for me anyways, but I swear I was getting much smoother gradations of openness and the response just seemed a good amount better than previously.
But again, it may have just been my personal bias from the excitement of the new setup, hoping it would improve things somehow.. in any case, it feels to me like it did improve my sound, the action, and my enjoyment all with just a few turns of the angle adjustment knob.
Hope some of you try it out and see if it does anything, and let me/us all know what you think. It could all be just my imagination...