Laboratory > VST, MIDI, & Recording
DM10 Custom User Kit & Instrument Downloads Area (sysex or DMeditor files)
Welcome to the DM10 Custom User Kit Downloads Area. This area is dedicated to the Alesis DM10 Midi Sysex custom kit memory files and DMeditor kit and instrument files.
If you have a set of custom kits that you have programed for your DM10 and want to share them, then this is the place for you. Just reply to the topic, add your description of the drum sets you have made and then attach the Sysex midi file or DMeditor files to your post. Please be sure to leave comments about how well you liked the downloaded kits.
DM10 Custom User Kits:
DeeDubs Kit (4-1-10) Memory Slots (WIP)
Sounds great, but I thought single kits can't be sent/downloaded?
--- Quote from: Guinness on March 31, 2010, 11:57:16 AM ---Sounds great, but I thought single kits can't be sent/downloaded?
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They can't yet.. but we can start with full mem dumps until this function is put in place for those who dare to tread..
BTW if anyone has a stock memory (fresha outta da box), it would be good to have one posted just in case ;)
--- Quote from: DeeDubs on March 31, 2010, 12:48:13 PM ---BTW if anyone has a stock memory (fresha outta da box), it would be good to have one posted just in case ;)
--- End quote ---
Wouldn't that be available upon a Reset? I may be incorrect, but I thought the settings are in a ROM, and it can be reinitialized upon reset. So, no matter what sysex file you load, you can always get back to the OEM settings. Again, I could be wrong.
So.. for now, the process is Dump my sysex file onto my PC. Download yours, and install it. Then when I'm doing listening to your kits, I would reinstall my sysex file. I do hope we'll be able to eventually load individual kits. That sure would make things easier.
Good Point (sys reset..)
Yeah the process sounds about right, with an emphasis of backing up your own memory first.
From what I've read so far they are working on implementing the individual kit import/export - it's definitely in their best interest since it will create a buzz for the DM10 (driving sales), and they can assimilate all the best kits. It's like getting free development and marketing!
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