So all the kits on 00-99 were put on my slots 100-199. ? I want to edit the kits 1-99 but I want to have the basis of all kits all ready there.( for example I only want to edit like 4 sounds on one kit but I don't want to take the time to edit every sound in the module. As an example If I choose kit 83 "Funk Pop", I want to be able to save it to 183(which I did) then edit it through this editor. Then I want to replace the original "Funk Pop" with the kit I edited in the editor. I want to have the base kits such as "Funk Pop" then make changes to them by using the Computer Editor. Is this possible? Is there an unedited listed of the kits 0-99 that I can replace with the default kits in the editor?
Unfortunately, there's no way to export the original kits from the module. I could put in support for that, but it was mind-numbing enough getting every setting of the "Default" kit... doing another 99 would probably drive me more insane than I already am.
Your best bet might be to fire up the module and DMEditor side-by-side (but not connected) and duplicate the kit in DMEditor, going screen-by-screen in the module. Once that's done, you could connect them and tweak the kit from there.
Sorry there isn't really a better way to handle that. If someone wants to go through and document every setting on every kit, I can put it into another build.