Hi, Chaser!
First of all, many thanks for attemp to help and clarify setting up proccess!
Unfortunately, it seemed I have described problem not enough clearly and correctly, my bad, sorry for that.
Actually I am aware of midi mapping and basically it's clear for me.
That's why offered solution was not really helpful, sorry for wasting your time(
But still, your answer gave me some more inspiration to continue the research (or investigation

), and I found solution that works great. As there's hard to find any consolided information on the issue, I will desribe it here below.
So, let me make things straight and clear and put them in the order.
I use this setup:
E-Drum Kit => (USBtoPC) as MIDI to FL Studio => AD2
MIDI mapping works just wellin this setup, but the problem is that AD2 as a VST does not react to any CC from pedal (pedal postion does not change stroke of HH), cymbal after touch does not cause cymbal choke after hit.
I found this
topic, which gave me an insight, that AD2 itself will work with CC as well as VST in Reaper. Although, it discovered for me that FL requires some special settings for MIDI, at least, if it is even possible.
So, I tryed AD2 as standalone and WOW - everything started to work: hh strokes are changed by the pedal position, choke on cymbal works as well.
So, the problem is on FL studio.
How I solve it.
There's plugin for FL
MIDI OutputSomehow it helps to FL get CC signals and properly send them to VST. Although, I am not an expert, but I think I can present the solution for other people who face same issue.
I attach screenshot with settings which make all things work and comment on.
1. FL Studio > Settings > MIDI input / output devices:
- enable e-drum
- set input port to some free one, in my case this port 2
- other settings as I suppose do not affect functionality of MIDI and CC in this case
2. Adding instruments into project
- add AD2, track specifying is not necessary
- add MIDI out - FL built-in plugin
3. Open AD2 VST interface:
- go to vst settings - turn green gear in window title
- go to wrapper settings - plug and gear icon below window title
- set MIDI input port to specified in FL MIDI settings - 2 port according to this example
4. Open MIDI Out VST interface:
- go to vst settings - turn green gear in window title
- go to plugin editor - plug icon below window title
- set port to 2 accroding to port settings in this example
Since these settings are done, AD2 as VST in FL correctly receive MIDI CC from e-drum module.
Now, all is required - to map midi notes in AD2 settings, or load already defined mapping if you have one.
As for me, I've already had a mapping for kick, snares, HH, Crash, Ryde, Toms, pedal. It was made before I figured out how to enable CC functionality, but once I've done it - CC worked properly for my map without eny extra settings.
I also attach my current midi-map file for AD2.
All this works at least for AD2 2.1.9 and FL 20.7.2
Hope it will help some other people who are new into all this stuff.