Author Topic: How to enable CC MIDI features DM10 MKII Pro Kit + FL Studio + Addictive Drums 2  (Read 2869 times)

UPD: changed title into more informational and related to the problem's been solved

Hello every one!
Firts of all, before joining this forum and creating this topic I've made a little reasearch on subject, and unfortunately have not found any related discussions about.
So, if my issues already solved - please, let me know where I can find necessary information. Forwadly thanks!

So, recently I've got my first e-drum kit, it's Alesis DM10 MKII Pro Kit as mentioned on the title and despite all confusing stuff I am really delightfull about that :)
I'd like to have some propper settings for it as a midi-instrument to use with Addictive Drums 2 VST.

It was easy to connect kit to PC and to set most of hits, but some of features of AD2 are not so clear to setup:

1. AD2 has a list of different stroke types on hihat, which depends on hihat-pedal postion (emulating real pedal postions) and zones of hihat.
As far as I understand, pedal might send different CC signals or some sort of, which would "tell the AD2", that pedal is some specific position and trigger hits have to match specific midi-key, which is set to specific hihat stroke.
I tried to set it, but unfortunately, it's seems that pedal has only 2 posions, like "open"/"close"  and there's no any easy way to use this feature of AD2. Is it so?
If there's some wasy to use stock kit-pedal with no any electrics modifications or complex programming - please, let me know.

2. This question is about pedal as well. It has a number of options, which properly work with a module:
- open position which causes load and open sound of hihats, matches to realeased position - actually, makes send some specific midi note from trigger hit
- step event which causes closing of hahits with specific sound as real hihats cymbals do, is triggered by single step on pedal
- close position which causes specific closed stroke sound as real hihats do, is triggered by continuosly pressing on pedal - actually, makes send another specific midi note from trigger hit
- hihat splash event, which is triggered by quick change position: open-close-open.

The problem is setting AD2 to have option play both step sound and splash. It seems like when I step on pedal, or do quik step-realease movement - it sends same midi note which I can only assign one sound in AD2:
- closing (step) sound
- splash sound
and can not set both, like module is able to properly interprete sequence of chaning positions on the only one midi-note, and AD2 can't.
Hopefully there's chanse to set and use both sounds.

3. This one is about crash cymbal trigger.
If I play module's sounds - I definetly can choke crash with grapping it's edge, and I see on modules screen signal caused by choking cymbal. But it seems to the same midi note, so I don't see any options to tell AD2 when crash choke is triggered.
Is there any option I can set crash choke trigger in AD2 as it works in module?

Althogh, listed issues relate to mapping problems, I guess, so if there is some really nice and well-configured map-file for AD2 and for this kit, which allowa to use most of it's features - Id be really glad to get this.
P.S. AD2 built-in map configure for alesis dm10 does not fit really well, I think, because it still requres remaping, like all toms sound like hihat, or hihat itself sonuds like a rim-click and so on... So this option is one I dont't consider.

I highly appreciate any attempt to help.
Anyway, thanks for attention!
« Last Edit: February 28, 2023, 03:50:28 AM by GOLDEN DREAM »

Offline Chaser

Re: Propper settings for Alesis DM10 MKII Pro Kit + Addictive Drums 2
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2023, 02:13:30 PM »
Hello every one!
Firts of all, before joining this forum and creating this topic I've made a little reasearch on subject, and unfortunately have not found any related discussions about.
So, if my issues already solved - please, let me know where I can find necessary information. Forwadly thanks!

So, recently I've got my first e-drum kit, it's Alesis DM10 MKII Pro Kit as mentioned on the title and despite all confusing stuff I am really delightfull about that :)
I'd like to have some propper settings for it as a midi-instrument to use with Addictive Drums 2 VST.

It was easy to connect kit to PC and to set most of hits, but some of features of AD2 are not so clear to setup:

1. AD2 has a list of different stroke types on hihat, which depends on hihat-pedal postion (emulating real pedal postions) and zones of hihat.
As far as I understand, pedal might send different CC signals or some sort of, which would "tell the AD2", that pedal is some specific position and trigger hits have to match specific midi-key, which is set to specific hihat stroke.
I tried to set it, but unfortunately, it's seems that pedal has only 2 posions, like "open"/"close"  and there's no any easy way to use this feature of AD2. Is it so?
If there's some wasy to use stock kit-pedal with no any electrics modifications or complex programming - please, let me know.

2. This question is about pedal as well. It has a number of options, which properly work with a module:
- open position which causes load and open sound of hihats, matches to realeased position - actually, makes send some specific midi note from trigger hit
- step event which causes closing of hahits with specific sound as real hihats cymbals do, is triggered by single step on pedal
- close position which causes specific closed stroke sound as real hihats do, is triggered by continuosly pressing on pedal - actually, makes send another specific midi note from trigger hit
- hihat splash event, which is triggered by quick change position: open-close-open.

The problem is setting AD2 to have option play both step sound and splash. It seems like when I step on pedal, or do quik step-realease movement - it sends same midi note which I can only assign one sound in AD2:
- closing (step) sound
- splash sound
and can not set both, like module is able to properly interprete sequence of chaning positions on the only one midi-note, and AD2 can't.
Hopefully there's chanse to set and use both sounds.

3. This one is about crash cymbal trigger.
If I play module's sounds - I definetly can choke crash with grapping it's edge, and I see on modules screen signal caused by choking cymbal. But it seems to the same midi note, so I don't see any options to tell AD2 when crash choke is triggered.
Is there any option I can set crash choke trigger in AD2 as it works in module?

Althogh, listed issues relate to mapping problems, I guess, so if there is some really nice and well-configured map-file for AD2 and for this kit, which allowa to use most of it's features - Id be really glad to get this.
P.S. AD2 built-in map configure for alesis dm10 does not fit really well, I think, because it still requres remaping, like all toms sound like hihat, or hihat itself sonuds like a rim-click and so on... So this option is one I dont't consider.

I highly appreciate any attempt to help.
Anyway, thanks for attention!

Welcome to the Forum !..

The MIDI Map for the DM10 MKII Pro is also the same as the Original Crimson so if you see the Crimson map in any software Vst etc you can use it ..NOT Crimson II.
Crimson II is entirely different mapping especially the Hi Hat.
I attached a MIDI map for AD2...It will get you going.
The Map also includes Edge mapping for a Dual Zone Hi Hat which the Dm10 MKII Pro and Crimson both support.
You can remove and save a new Map or reassign those notes if ever needed as they are just extra notes without a Dual Zone Hi Hat.
There is an option in the DM10 MKII Pro Menu for Hi Hat Controller selection for Realhat (Continuous/Variable..Pro-X (FSR)..experiment and see which works best for you.

Place the Map file into Documents\Addictive Drums 2\00100.
Then select the Map in "My Maps" under the Map Preset drop down.

Adjust the Hi Hat in the Map Window (CC to stroke..Velocity Curve etc) to your playing style as everyone plays differently and use different Hi hat Controllers which have different ranges and there is no universal setting or Preset that "works for everyone".There is a MIDI learn feature for each Kit piece including cymbal choke for creating Custom Maps if a MIDI Chart isn't immediately available.
The DM10 MKII Pro is Class Compliant and also has a USB Bi-Directional Audio feature , so you can select it as Audio in Vst/Software Audio settings and have the sound sent back to the module otherwise an audio interface is always recommended as it takes the stress off of the machine.
You're starting off with an Intermediate kit and Internediate software..there is a learning curve and you need to understand the basics of Drum modules,adjusting the settings,MIDI and how it applies to E-Kits and MIDI Mapping in software that doesn't include a specific MIDI Map but has MIDI learning features...along with the Terminology.
The software interprets the MIDI being sent from the module so the module/trigger settings needs to be setup/dialed in to your playing so you won't need to keep re-adjusting all the settings in the software every time you change a preset,kit or software.The module needs to be the constant so you only need to make minimal adjustments.
The Data base here (Use Search Upper Left) and Youtube is a great source for Videos/learning.

How to set up e-drums with Addictive Drums 2


Added Attachments and Links
« Last Edit: February 26, 2023, 03:32:59 PM by Chaser »

Re: Propper settings for Alesis DM10 MKII Pro Kit + Addictive Drums 2
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2023, 02:03:10 AM »
Hi, Chaser!
First of all, many thanks for attemp to help and clarify setting up proccess!

Unfortunately, it seemed I have described problem not enough clearly and correctly, my bad, sorry for that.
Actually I am aware of midi mapping and basically it's clear for me.

That's why offered solution was not really helpful, sorry for wasting your time(

But still, your answer gave me some more inspiration to continue the research (or investigation :D), and I found solution that works great. As there's hard to find any consolided information on the issue, I will desribe it here below.

So, let me make things straight and clear and put them in the order.
I use this setup:
E-Drum Kit => (USBtoPC) as MIDI to FL Studio => AD2
MIDI mapping works just wellin this setup, but the problem is that AD2 as a VST does not react to any CC from pedal (pedal postion does not change stroke of HH), cymbal after touch does not cause cymbal choke after hit.

I found this topic, which gave me an insight, that AD2 itself will work with CC as well as VST in Reaper. Although, it discovered for me that FL requires some special settings for MIDI, at least, if it is even possible.

So, I tryed AD2 as standalone and WOW - everything started to work: hh strokes are changed by the pedal position, choke on cymbal works as well.
So, the problem is on FL studio.

How I solve it.
There's plugin for FL MIDI Output
Somehow it helps to FL get CC signals and properly send them to VST. Although, I am not an expert, but I think I can present the solution for other people who face same issue.
I attach screenshot with settings which make all things work and comment on.

1. FL Studio > Settings > MIDI input / output devices:
- enable e-drum
- set input port to some free one, in my case this port 2
- other settings as I suppose do not affect functionality of MIDI and CC in this case

2. Adding instruments into project
- add AD2, track specifying is not necessary
- add MIDI out - FL built-in plugin

3. Open AD2 VST interface:
- go to vst settings - turn green gear in window title
- go to wrapper settings - plug and gear icon below window title
- set MIDI input port to specified in FL MIDI settings - 2 port according to this example

4. Open MIDI Out VST interface:
- go to vst settings - turn green gear in window title
- go to plugin editor - plug icon below window title
- set port to 2 accroding to port settings in this example

Since these settings are done, AD2 as VST in FL correctly receive MIDI CC from e-drum module.
Now, all is required - to map midi notes in AD2 settings, or load already defined mapping if you have one.
As for me, I've already had a mapping for kick, snares, HH, Crash, Ryde, Toms, pedal. It was made before I figured out how to enable CC functionality, but once I've done it - CC worked properly for my map without eny extra settings.
I also attach my current midi-map file for AD2.

All this works at least for AD2 2.1.9 and FL 20.7.2

Hope it will help some other people who are new into all this stuff.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2023, 03:21:46 AM by GOLDEN DREAM »