Author Topic: alesis dm10 cymbal chokes on ezdrummer .... How??  (Read 2976 times)

alesis dm10 cymbal chokes on ezdrummer .... How??
« on: November 12, 2022, 06:08:37 PM »
hello all  I'm using a dm10 module to trigger EZDrummer3 - all going well but for the life of me I can't get EZD3 to do the cymbal chokes on my crash and ride cymbals. There is plenty of info on this forum and also on "ezdrummer" forum but i still can't work out how to get the choke function to operate.

If i use the e-drum "learn" function and do a cymbal grab, EZD assigns a midi note, but in the case of the ride, i get a loud triggering of the "edge" sound rathger than a cutoff
- and with the crash the cymbal continues to sound as if it hadn't been grabbed. The chokes work fine when monitored within the dm10 via headphones. I'd be glad of any advice on this. Thank you.

Offline Chaser

Re: alesis dm10 cymbal chokes on ezdrummer .... How??
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2022, 11:00:17 PM »
hello all  I'm using a dm10 module to trigger EZDrummer3 - all going well but for the life of me I can't get EZD3 to do the cymbal chokes on my crash and ride cymbals. There is plenty of info on this forum and also on "ezdrummer" forum but i still can't work out how to get the choke function to operate.

If i use the e-drum "learn" function and do a cymbal grab, EZD assigns a midi note, but in the case of the ride, i get a loud triggering of the "edge" sound rathger than a cutoff
- and with the crash the cymbal continues to sound as if it hadn't been grabbed. The chokes work fine when monitored within the dm10 via headphones. I'd be glad of any advice on this. Thank you.

You didn't post which EZD3 kit you are using..or Ride Cymbal (Dual cable (triple zone) or single cable (Dual Zone)..
The EZD3 MIDI maps change "per kit" and from what I see is there are Mutes and "Muted Hits" assigned to the Choke Notes and not every kit/expansion has one for the Ride....probably applies to other cymbals as well.
It looks like they took everything off of the MIDI map we have here in the Module Section ...including the "X-tra" MIDI notes and mapped them.
Depending on the Kit..the Crash or Ride may have multiple MIDI notes assigned/mapped to to the zones (Bell Bow,Edge,Head etc).. 25,26..33.or 26 to Hi Hat open  etc can clear or remove those extras.Double click on the MIDI note to type a number,right click on it to change/remove,hover over the note and you'll see a drop down menu to the right.
The Crash Cymbal with choke for the DM10 (Cymbal 2..depends on kit) typically has 54 assigned to the Mute but you can change to 34 by typing it in or MIDI learn.
If the Crash or Ride doesn't have a Mute or Muted Hit Articulation assigned to the E-Drum MIDI map window but are shown on the Kit layout/DM10 MIDI Map (attached) can't Mute it , even tho from what I hear..the Mutes and Muted Hits aren't particularly.."good"....nothing like a choke at all..
The 3rd image shows a Kit that the Ride has a Muted Hit unassigned....MIDI Note 25 also assigned on the edge..mapped to a Hi Hat Open Edge 2 and 26 is mapped to Hi Hat Open Edge in the Layout.

There are only 2 choke notes that needed to be mapped...Right Click on the Kit piece and click on "Show MIDI Mapping Layout"
It is different per Kit..bottom right click on MIDI to edit the E-drum map , but it sounds like you have figured that one out already.

Original DM10 CHOKE NOTES..these Notes are cannot change them in the module
RIDE       26
CRASH    34

Added Images
« Last Edit: November 12, 2022, 11:41:02 PM by Chaser »

Re: alesis dm10 cymbal chokes on ezdrummer .... How??
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2022, 03:11:59 PM »
Chaser thank you so much for this. It sheds light on something I've spent many hours trying to understand! Reall useful. Thank you again.

Offline Chaser

Re: alesis dm10 cymbal chokes on ezdrummer .... How??
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2022, 06:06:21 PM »
Ezdrummer has had the same complaint for cymbal choke going back at least 15 years..
I don't use EZD3 very often..quick stuff..I tried to see if I could do anything..including importing a Choke wav file I made as you can import your own sounds.
It looks like the EZD3 program itself may create the Mute/Muted Hits articulations in EZD3 as I couldn't import one to any of them or assign the Choke wav to anything and the Mixer doesn't have individual controls for cymbals or zones so you could turn down the volume to zero etc for a Mute/Muted Hit.The mixer has mainly OH and Ambience for the Cymbals as a group.
SD3 has a lot of work done to it for Choking over the past few years...including Modes for Chokes recommended for Alesis and Medeli..

Re: alesis dm10 cymbal chokes on ezdrummer .... How??
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2022, 04:15:42 PM »
Thanks once more!!