Author Topic: Sample Sets, VSTs, kits with more than 4 toms?  (Read 2779 times)

Sample Sets, VSTs, kits with more than 4 toms?
« on: February 04, 2022, 02:49:32 AM »
I'm putting together a new kit with 8 dual zone tom pads. As I get ready for it (5 new Laurin Pads arrive next week!) I'm discovering that none of my sound sources have grouped tom sounds with more than 4 toms.
I have a Strike Module, DM10, NI Studio Drummer, Abbey Road Drums and Battery. All of these have a maximum of 4 toms per kit. I have tried adding two and 3 versions of samples and tuning them up and down, but I'd really like to find a couple of good sound 8 tom kits.

Most of the VSTs I've seen online only picture 3-5 toms. Full lists of sounds are not always available on line (and there are so many expansions out there its hard to search every one.

Two Questions:
Any suggestions on sample packs are VSTs with many toms?
Any suggested search terms to use to find these more easily? ("drum vsts with 8 toms" yields lost of results about 8" toms)

Offline Chaser

Re: Sample Sets, VSTs, kits with more than 4 toms?
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2022, 11:56:04 AM »
I'm putting together a new kit with 8 dual zone tom pads. As I get ready for it (5 new Laurin Pads arrive next week!) I'm discovering that none of my sound sources have grouped tom sounds with more than 4 toms.
I have a Strike Module, DM10, NI Studio Drummer, Abbey Road Drums and Battery. All of these have a maximum of 4 toms per kit. I have tried adding two and 3 versions of samples and tuning them up and down, but I'd really like to find a couple of good sound 8 tom kits.

Most of the VSTs I've seen online only picture 3-5 toms. Full lists of sounds are not always available on line (and there are so many expansions out there its hard to search every one.

Two Questions:
Any suggestions on sample packs are VSTs with many toms?
Any suggested search terms to use to find these more easily? ("drum vsts with 8 toms" yields lost of results about 8" toms)

In the STRIKE Module there is a Gretch Maple kit that has 6 Toms (8,10,12,13,14,16) in brush.. mallets..sticks..
BJYam black kit has 5..then you can add the 4 rototoms (8,10,12,14)
You can use remove/turn off all the FX and start with a dry base kit and build off of that.

The majority of Vst/Software is for 5-6 (3-4 toms) pc kits and a few for 7-8 pc (5-6 toms)
You typically run multiple instances of a Vst in a DAW if you want larger kits with toms then tune..or add a percussion expansion , rototoms etc.
Very few support large kits like Toontrack SD3 which allows a lot of cymbals or Fxpansion BFD3 which has the ability to build a single instance/kit up to 64 pc.
DrumForge has 6 Tom support, Samplers and Drumshotz.

There are 3rd party preset developers like Benoni Studios that made a number of Double Bass,6 Tom presets which require multiple expansions installed but there are very few expansion packs for "Monster" Kits with a high number of sampled toms as the cost for the additional sampling etc isn't justified as the demand isn't there especially considering Vst /software isn't actually intended for E-Kits ,but for Studio use.
Over the years support has been added(mapping) due to demand and 99.9 of E-Kits don't support kits of that size unless you start splitting triggers, adding additional modules/TMI's etc..which the vast majority of E-Kits users don't.There is also copyright/Licensing..most of the Monster Kits that are asked for specifically are "Artist" Kits.

You'll find some Artist and/or Producer presets available,but there are also a lot of pseudonyms being used by Vst/Software developers.
You'll see very few advertised as actual Artist kits,some are available through a few like Platinum Samples or Sonic Reality with FXpansion or Kontakt having the most support.
Sonic Reality released a Neil Peart DW Custom based on the "Snakes and Arrows" Kit that has 8 is available in multiple formats.
There's also a Terry Bozzio Kit that consists of 6 rototoms..and numerous Artists available on esoundz including (7) Tom Kits.. Bill Cobham Kit (7) Toms and Seventies EJ(Elton John) Kit (7) Toms

The Sonic Reality Infinite Player (Kontakt) was a limited release but is included with some expansions.

Added links..Fixed Neil..not NEAL!!
« Last Edit: February 04, 2022, 07:24:47 PM by Chaser »

Re: Sample Sets, VSTs, kits with more than 4 toms?
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2022, 04:39:22 PM »
Hi Chaser

Thanks for the super detailed answer!
I'll start digging into these.
This list will keep me busy for bit.

I had found Neil Peart drums, but infinite player is completely awol - so I think I may have to get that from IKMultimedia. It looks like it will run in their free version of SampleTank. My guess is that Sonic Reality killed infinite player because they appear to have been purchased by IKMultimedia.
I did find a free plugin called Royotoms that has 8 half decent sounding rototoms. Ive added these to one of my kits.

Offline Chaser

Re: Sample Sets, VSTs, kits with more than 4 toms?
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2022, 07:16:46 PM »
Hi Chaser

Thanks for the super detailed answer!
I'll start digging into these.
This list will keep me busy for bit.

I had found Neil Peart drums, but infinite player is completely awol - so I think I may have to get that from IKMultimedia. It looks like it will run in their free version of SampleTank. My guess is that Sonic Reality killed infinite player because they appear to have been purchased by IKMultimedia.
I did find a free plugin called Royotoms that has 8 half decent sounding rototoms. Ive added these to one of my kits.

Sonic Reality has been sampling for "partners" for years..IK Multimedia since 2001.I don't know which expansion includes the Infinite Player..I still have copies of the Infinite Player..I think it was a Licensing issue with Native Instruments and keeping up with Kontakt (now 6). Same thing has happened with a number of Alesis products as many came with Ableton..Melodics or Pro Tools etc and there are still some new products still available out there(on shelves,ebay etc) and those Licenses are Expired/Void..

The Best version of the Neil Peart Kit (most articulations etc) is the BFD2/3 version  (youtube examples)
Sampletank version..GM Mapping..only 8 velocities..8 round robins per velocity...I'll have to go double check..I have everything from IK Multimedia and I was going to check if the SampleTank drum expansions on iPad would allow an E-Kit as Alesis are Class Compliant and are currently supported iOS 15.2 .
I am currently private Beta Testing the New online Tone sharing that will be available for Amplitube 5..(trying for MODO drums)

Added Links
« Last Edit: February 04, 2022, 07:30:20 PM by Chaser »

Offline Dartanbeck

Re: Sample Sets, VSTs, kits with more than 4 toms?
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2022, 07:47:57 PM »
In response to Chaser's replies

Alesis DM10X Mesh - Laurin Drums & Cymbals - Strike Module Digital Artist

Re: Sample Sets, VSTs, kits with more than 4 toms?
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2022, 01:27:14 PM »
In SSD 5 you can create a 5 tom kit using a combination of the Pearl Reference and MMC kits - either 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 toms are available.