Author Topic: MIDI Map Presets - Addictive Drums 1/2 & Superior Drummer 2/3 (DM10 Studio Kit)  (Read 107982 times)

Offline Met

For Addictive Drums 1 & Superior Drummer 2
(Outdated and might Not work)

Hey Guys,

This Was posted in another thread awhile back and I've decided to Create My Own Thread For Midi Mappings of Addictive Drums and Superior Drummer For use with DM10 Studio Kit. (Pro Kit Users May Try if it Works out)

Please Note That These Midi Mappings Were Done on Microsoft Windows OS.

Nothing to worry About for Beginners or Future Users as I myself have been using these mappings Till Today and it was done By Me.

There's also a MIDI Nodes Mapping For Toontrack SD (Velocity Hi Hat Functionality for Using in DAW Softwares To Play Live)

Important For Superior Drummer Users: Select Your SDX or EZX Pack and Apply MIDI/MIDI Nodes Mappings each time you Select A Pack or Project Presets.

Update For Addictive Drums Users:
CC#4 Hi Hat MIDI Mapping has been added for use with the Standalone program of Addictive Drums That will give you a closed to opened hi hat sound. (To use this Midi mapping with proper Hi Hat Functionality such as Closed to Opened Sounds, Press the Utility Button on the DM10 Module and Select Trig, Highlight Hi Hat and switch to CC#4).

(This steps are for people who do not know how to load MIDI Mappings)
For Addictive Drums:
(Method 1) Click On "BEATS" tab/button and Select Map Preset (Mappings Found Under "User")
(Method 2) Click On "?" tab/button in Addictive Drums, Choose Map Window and Select Map Preset (Mappings Found Under "User")

Notes: Full Mapping is Done with Cymbal 3, and Xtra A, Xtra B Sounds Included in Tom2, Tom3 and Tom4 Rims. Tom1 Rim is left User Assignable.

Important: (To use this Midi mapping with proper Hi Hat Functionality such as Open/Closed Sounds, Press the Utility Button on the DM10 Module and Select Trig, Highlight Hi Hat and switch to Note Only).
Read the text document in the Toontrack Mappings attachment for similar instructions when using Superior Drummer MIDI/MIDI Nodes Mappings.

For Toontrack Superior Drummer:
Click On "Mappings" tab/button, Click On "Presets" Tab And Select Either "MIDI" for MIDI Mappings or
"MIDI Nodes" for MIDI Nodes Mappings (Mappings Found Under "User Presets")

Notes: Tom1 and Tom2 Rims Has been Assigned with Cymbals, Tom3 Rim Has Cowbell Added and Punch has Been added To Ride Cymbal. Tom4 Rim is left User Assignable.

Important: Select Your SDX or EZX Pack and Apply MIDI/MIDI Nodes Mappings each time you Select A Pack or Project Presets.

(The Best Way To Find The Directory For Toontrack SD MIDI Mappings)
In Superior Drummer, Click on "Mapping" Tab, Click "Preset" Drop down menu, Highlight "MIDI" or "MIDI Nodes" and select "Manage in Explorer" and Copy Midi Map Files to the Directory Accordingly.

(The Best Way To Find The Directory For Addictive Drums MIDI Mappings)
Click on the "?" icon and Select "Open the AD User Folder" and Copy Midi Map Files to the Directory Accordingly.

For Superior Drummer 3

Place MIDI Map Preset File in:
Documents\Toontrack\Superior3\EdrumPresets\(Your MIDI Map Preset File Here)


Click Settings -> MIDI In/E-Drums -> Preset dropdown menu -> Manage In Explorer/Finder and Place your MIDI Map Preset File there.

The MIDI Map Preset was created based on the existing Alesis DM-10 Preset.
DM10 module kit with default MIDI settings was used.

Changes and Alterations:

- Changed foot splash to closed pedal (foot splash will trigger likely if you step and release too fast however you can turn off the open pedal articulation to prevent this but must be done every time you load an instrument kit/preset).

Changed from Tip Trigger to Edge Trigger when striking the Hi-Hat in closed position.

Snare Rim - Changed from Rimshot to Sidestick.

Tom1 Rim - Changed to closed Hi-Hat Edge Trigger. Useful for double bass drum pedal drummers.

Tom2 Rim, Tom3 Rim, Tom4 Rim- All have been assigned to cymbals without conflicting notes so you can assign them to instrument kits/presets that has more cymbals.

Additional (Perc4/Tom5 Head, Tom5 Rim)
- Also have been assigned to cymbals.

*If you do not want to keep re-loading your desired MIDI Map Preset on every boot of Superior Drummer 3, Load your desired MIDI Map Preset, Make sure you are using your Default or desired instrument kit/presets, Go to main window and click File -> Set Current to Default Project.

For Addictive Drums 2

Directory location should be something like:
Documents\Addictive Drums 2\00100\(Your MIDI Map Preset File Here)

The MIDI Map Preset was created based on the existing Alesis -> DM10 Preset.
DM10 module kit with default MIDI settings was used.

Changes and Alterations:

- Changed foot splash to HH Foot Close.

Snare Rim - Changed from Rimshot to Sidestick.

Cymbal 2 - Added Cymbal 2.

Tom1 Rim - Changed to HH Closed1 Tip. Useful for double bass drum pedal drummers.

Tom2 Rim - Changed to Cymbal 3.

Tom3 Rim
- Changed to Flexi 1 Hit A.

Tom4 Head, Tom4 Rim - Added Tom 4 and Changed to Flexi 2 Hit A respectively.

(Perc4/Tom5 Head, Tom5 Rim)
- Added Cymbal 5 and Cymbal 4 respectively.

*Don't forget to save/load your MIDI Map Preset and click on "Set this as my default".
« Last Edit: January 26, 2018, 08:15:08 AM by Met »


  • Guest
Thank you very much, Meteo!!

Will give them a try in the next days!

Offline Met

@vaikl, No Problem.  :)

I hope it works well with Your DM10 set and Benefit Other Users As Well.

Offline MechanEvil

I really need some help with this...

I loaded the midi map. Everything works fine, except when I step on my hi-hat pedal, it triggers a crash every now and then. Also, the edge of my ride doesn't make any sound.

Some step by step help please!

- Jimmy
Warrior poet, guitar vocalist bassist drummer
... and inventor of the three-legged setup

Offline Met

That seems odd, are you using superior drummer or addictive drum?

Offline Trondster

I'd guess that the module is triggering a heel splash, and that that sound is mapped to a crash sound in your VST.

How does the edge sound on the module?

Always debug the triggering on the module first. :)
DM10 Pro kit with dampened rack, extra crashes, mesh heads, Gibraltar stands, P2002C and a dream cherry snare by Diamond Drums.

Offline Met

Thanks for pointing that out as indeed the heel splash was not mapped but was left as default as i rarely use it and am sure not much being used by other users as well.
All in all, that should be an easy fix.

as for the ride, the problem must be identified first.
also make sure problems with crosstalk are set well.

Offline MechanEvil

Sorry for being unclear, I use Superior Drummer 2.0. I can use the edge on the module without issues. Middle of the night here, so I'll check in the morning that I didn't switch it to 2-zone mode. As for the hi-hat pedal, I'm at a loss. I don't see how it could be cross talk because I'm stepping on the controller. The rack isn't shaking either.
Weird thing is, I thought if I deactivate the offending cymbal in Superior, I wouldn't hear that crash. But after I did that, the crash that I've mapped one of my cymbals to started triggering instead! I even tried deleting all learned notes and relearning em, but no banana. What's more, sometimes I get the chick, but more often it's the crash sound. Another thing: I'm trying this out on a new pc. When I struck the ride edge on the old one, I'd get a hi-hat splash. Ridiculous, I know, but I just can't figure it out for myself. Come to think of it, the ride edge was working when I played a couple of days ago through the pc. And if I remember correctly, there was that hi-hat splash going.
Will run a diagnostic tomorrow to see if I can decipher the ride mystery. But someone's gonna have to troubleshoot the hi-hat, I just can't figure it out. On the keyboard map, hitting the hi-hat and hitting the crash registers different notes. Let me see if stepping on the controller sends the same note, I haven't done my homework today. Suggestions in the interim are welcome.
Cheers, lads!
- Jimmy
Warrior poet, guitar vocalist bassist drummer
... and inventor of the three-legged setup


  • Guest
Jimmy, just an idea: Look onto the keymap in SD if there are more than only one key which will be triggered if you doing a chick on the hihat pedal. Depending on the drum software and the mapping templates there could be double or triple assignments of notes.

Offline MechanEvil

OMG,I think the edge piezo on my ride is spoilt. Checked the kit this morning and it doesn't trigger. I tried switching the cables around and I could trigger the edge where I would normally play the bell. I can also use the bow. Any ideas on anything I should try out to get it to work?
Vaikl, will do that and let you know. What a godawful morning.

- Jimmy
Warrior poet, guitar vocalist bassist drummer
... and inventor of the three-legged setup

Offline MechanEvil

Choke isn't working either. Could there be some setting I've missed?

- Jimmy
Warrior poet, guitar vocalist bassist drummer
... and inventor of the three-legged setup

Offline Trondster

Have you correctly configured the trigger settings three zone vs two zone?
And - the cables are correct, right? You're using two TRS cables? Could it be a cable issue?
« Last Edit: June 03, 2012, 01:00:16 AM by Trondster »
DM10 Pro kit with dampened rack, extra crashes, mesh heads, Gibraltar stands, P2002C and a dream cherry snare by Diamond Drums.

Offline MechanEvil

Weird thing. I used to be able to choke my crash the right way. But now when I grab the crash, it doesn't choke, it plays the sound again. I'm hoping this could be tied in to the ride issue. Some setting I've missed.

It's on three-zone, Trondster. Let me check my cables.
Warrior poet, guitar vocalist bassist drummer
... and inventor of the three-legged setup

Offline MechanEvil

Scratch that. I got the crash choke to work. No luck with the ride. Tinkering around some more. How many piezos are there in the ride? I thought there were two. Are there three? Could I have broken the edge piezo? OMG OMG OMG gah
Warrior poet, guitar vocalist bassist drummer
... and inventor of the three-legged setup

Offline Trondster

On my Surge cymbal there are two piezos - but a DMpad has one piezo and one switch sensor, right?
DM10 Pro kit with dampened rack, extra crashes, mesh heads, Gibraltar stands, P2002C and a dream cherry snare by Diamond Drums.

Offline MechanEvil

I think it's the piezo that's fried. The switch sensor seems to be a-ok, because I'm able to use the bow and the bell. Tried switching with the TRS cable on the chokable crash. No cigar. The cable itself seems to be alright, cause it triggers the sound of the edge when I pull it out of the socket.
Sad sad day. But somehow, mysteriously, life must go on. Thanks for the concern, people, I got this. Will let you know if I can sort out that hi-hat problem with Superior.

- Jimmy
Warrior poet, guitar vocalist bassist drummer
... and inventor of the three-legged setup

Offline Met

@MechanEvil, Noted.
I too had Problems once with cables while making a stereo TRS Cable of my own, I can't remember how many times i took to re-solder over and over even if it was the right way but surprisingly it just happened to work all of a sudden and it was a pain in a neck.
Try using a 3.5mm stereo cable with 1/4 inch stereo adapter at both ends to see if it works, provided you have the cables and stuff.

Has Anyone else tried the mappings and got the same Problems?

Offline Trondster

Or - even easier - just swap the cable with one that's already working - like the cable to the crash.
DM10 Pro kit with dampened rack, extra crashes, mesh heads, Gibraltar stands, P2002C and a dream cherry snare by Diamond Drums.

Offline Met

Disable the note of the crash that the hi hat is triggering and find which note it's sounding off in the Mapping window with the piano keys and delete that crash note.

The other suggestion i can give is Calibrate the hi hat to not trigger the heel splash.

Lastly adjust the Threshold of the cymbal that is link directly to that crash note.


Offline MechanEvil

I tried deleting all notes on the offending cymbal and the hi-hat to try and eliminate the problem. Unfortunately, that didn't work. Haven't really checked to see what note the controller is triggering. Will try out your suggestions, Meteoracp! Thanks

- Jimmy
Warrior poet, guitar vocalist bassist drummer
... and inventor of the three-legged setup

Offline Met

Also remember to re-apply the mappings at each startup and at each presets selection of superior drummer though i doubt it's with the mapping files making the problem and assuming you're on DM10 studio kit? it would be highly caused by hardware problems or so which i hope not.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2012, 07:44:35 AM by Meteoracp »

Offline MechanEvil

The mappings seem to be alright, it's most likely a hardware problem. I'm figuring some wire has shaken loose, which should be simple enough to fix, but my electronics skills wouldn't be up to it. Also, there aren't a lot of musical instrument shops here that are familiar with triggers and after my experience with the drumpad which I kept trying to get repaired for three-four months, I'm not sure I want the hassle. I'm comfortable using just the bell and bow. Maybe someday I'll get it fixed, if I find the right guy.
That damn hi-hat controller. I haven't had time to figure out what note its generating. Hardly use it, but it would be good to have it operating optimally.

- Jimmy Rage
Warrior poet, guitar vocalist bassist drummer
... and inventor of the three-legged setup

Since I'm such a noob, do I just load these files to my DM10 module? I use SD2 with Metal Foundry and the hi hat thing is making me crazy. It only plays closed. TIA!

Offline Met

Since I'm such a noob, do I just load these files to my DM10 module? I use SD2 with Metal Foundry and the hi hat thing is making me crazy. It only plays closed. TIA!

Load it with SD2 and make sure to read the instructions.

Since I'm such a noob, do I just load these files to my DM10 module? I use SD2 with Metal Foundry and the hi hat thing is making me crazy. It only plays closed. TIA!

Load it with SD2 and make sure to read the instructions.

I read the instructions but they still seem unclear. I loaded my library into a different location on my mac and the file path you show does not exist on mine. Is there a way to just add the location that the mapping file resides on to SD2?