Author Topic: Nitro mesh and Rock Band 3 midi adapter for Wii  (Read 2933 times)

Nitro mesh and Rock Band 3 midi adapter for Wii
« on: December 07, 2021, 05:58:06 PM »
Thanks in advance for any help given! Recently got Nitro mesh set and bought mad catz midi pro adapter for Rock Band 3 for the Wii. All things considered it sounded pretty easy to set up and yes I even remembered to get the MIDI cable! Problem is, I cannot get the Mad Catz adapter and the nito mesh module to communicate with each other at all! Midi chord is brand new but could it be faulty? Should I have the Alesis Nitro mesh module on a certain setting? Super new at all of this. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Offline Chaser

Re: Nitro mesh and Rock Band 3 midi adapter for Wii
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2021, 08:21:39 PM »
Thanks in advance for any help given! Recently got Nitro mesh set and bought mad catz midi pro adapter for Rock Band 3 for the Wii. All things considered it sounded pretty easy to set up and yes I even remembered to get the MIDI cable! Problem is, I cannot get the Mad Catz adapter and the nito mesh module to communicate with each other at all! Midi chord is brand new but could it be faulty? Should I have the Alesis Nitro mesh module on a certain setting? Super new at all of this. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Make sure Local Control is set to OFF

To adjust the MIDI settings:
1. Hit the pad whose settings you want to adjust, or press its corresponding Pad Select button.
2. Press Utility, then press Page/Select until the desired setting appears in the display:
 LOC (Local Mode):

 When set to ON, playing your electronic drum kit will trigger the sounds in the drum module.
 When set to OFF, playing your electronic drum kit will trigger sounds in a sound module
connected to the module's MIDI Out, bypassing the drum module's sound library...

Then you need to check/map the MIDI notes in the module to RB3.The Nitro should match up extremely close.Wii was discontinued almost 10 years ago and the Mini 5 years ago but there are still some sites around or groups on facebook etc that may have some support for Rockband/Madcatz gear.
Mad Catz RockBand 3 MIDI Pro Adapter for Wii Manual attached

Alesis Nitro Drum Module User Guide

Re: Nitro mesh and Rock Band 3 midi adapter for Wii
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2021, 06:56:27 PM »
Thank you Chaser! Your advice did come in very handy! I thank you so much. Also come to find out, the brand new midi cable that I had purchased? It was broken! Once I got a new one and plugged it in, that open the door and sent me on the way to utilize all the information you gave me! Just because something's brand-new doesn't mean it's not broken!