Author Topic: New Simmons Bass and cymbal triggers.  (Read 93 times)

Offline Hellfire

New Simmons Bass and cymbal triggers.
« on: September 27, 2024, 10:58:31 PM »
Didn't know if anyone saw this yet:
Simmons adds full-size kick, cymbals

- KP180 Kick drum pad
- MC13, MC16 and MC18 electronic 3-zone cymbals

I get a feeling that Simmons if finally starting to think a little bigger with their offerings. What I don't get is why not a full kit? Why only pieces? Also, only Digital Drummer has any info on these so I'm guessing Simmons reached out to Digital Drummer specifically with this information.

« Last Edit: September 28, 2024, 09:09:51 PM by Hellfire »

Offline Chaser

Re: New Simmons Bass and cymbal triggers.
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2024, 11:35:11 PM »
I received the Digitaldrummer mag a few hours after you posted..didn't find much more info online...patent filings etc etc( including Guitar Center) other than the "Explainer" manual for the Kick floating around (Attached).
The cymbals are the first "production" low volume models I have seen with a strike pad.
It looks like a 180 degree switch for the Edge and no image of the bottom.
I know some modules (including the eDRUMin) do not like the waveform produced by Metal Cymbals maybe the strike pad will affect the waveform for the better.
October is here so according to the info they will be on the market soon enough..
No idea why starting with Individual Pieces..maybe to get part of the DIY Market like Goedrum and Lemon..pricing is reasonable.
..I don't know about using the Brown/Tan color..


The New Accessories page was being worked on and Kit Pieces were being added to the SIMMONS website  while I was posting..currently links for the individual products are not working and the New Accessories page link may be hidden/stop working by the time you see this post.

Looks like they are targeting the DIY'ers..Upgraders etc..

"With Simmons Accessories you can easily upgrade almost any brand and model of e-kit. You are no longer stuck with what you have, upgrade your e-kit your way".

« Last Edit: October 01, 2024, 11:10:25 AM by Chaser »

Offline Hellfire

Re: New Simmons Bass and cymbal triggers.
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2024, 04:49:01 PM »
I received the Digitaldrummer mag a few hours after you posted..didn't find much more info online...patent filings etc etc( including Guitar Center) other than the "Explainer" manual for the Kick floating around (Attached).
The cymbals are the first "production" low volume models I have seen with a strike pad.
It looks like a 180 degree switch for the Edge and no image of the bottom.
I know some modules (including the eDRUMin) do not like the waveform produced by Metal Cymbals maybe the strike pad will affect the waveform for the better.
October is here so according to the info they will be on the market soon enough..
No idea why starting with Individual Pieces..maybe to get part of the DIY Market like Goedrum and Lemon..pricing is reasonable.
..I don't know about using the Brown/Tan color..


The New Accessories page was being worked on and Kit Pieces were being added to the SIMMONS website  while I was posting..currently links for the individual products are not working and the New Accessories page link may be hidden/stop working by the time you see this post.

Looks like they are targeting the DIY'ers..Upgraders etc..

I went looking in the patents as well and didn't find anything. I fingered if anyone could it would be you.  ;)

Your links are still working as of me posting this message. Of course the links in Simmons site on that page don't go anywhere yet. So you are right, they are working on the page still. I assume they went with the Brown/Tan color to better match the brass look of the cymbal. Honestly, with the first image I saw of the cymbals (Digital Drummer) I assumed the color was just off. But it does look like it might be Brown/Tan in color. I don't think it looks bad.

I had some ideas as to why only pieces and not a full kit, but I want to leave room for others to comment. Back when I was still talking to Simmons I was under the impression they never really had the budget to make a more capable module. Yes, Guitar Center is a large company, but (again, it was my impression) some of their brands are treated as a separated entities. So there are budgets in those brands. If I was to guess, it's easier to design and produces higher end triggers then the modules. That's why there is no complete kit. Pieces don't need computer hardware specs and software written.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2024, 04:52:35 PM by Hellfire »