Author Topic: DM10 module issue  (Read 899 times)

DM10 module issue
« on: June 18, 2024, 05:13:57 AM »
I notice the module doesn't memorise the previous kit I was playing and always powers on to kit 000. Is that normal?

Offline Hellfire

Re: DM10 module issue
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2024, 10:31:42 AM »
I notice the module doesn't memorise the previous kit I was playing and always powers on to kit 000. Is that normal?

Welcome to the forum! I'm assuming you have an original DM10 module and not an MKII module (because they are very different animals).

That is normal. However there is a work around to have a different start up kit (I know that is not exactly what you were wanting but it's all I've got). If you look at this topic it should show you how to set a different start-up kit:

[DM10] Setting the startup kit

Yes, I know it is technically on a Pearl RedBox, but the RedBox and DM10 are basically the same module. I hope that helps. Again, welcome to the forum.