Looks like you've been busy...I have also worked with trigger designs using 2020 profile..mostly single bar...machined some similiar to
HALO TRIGGER by Drone Trigger...(AKA..Mike from Kit Toys).
If you use Social media (I don't) he is on Facebook..
DRONE Trigger System...been a few years since he posted anything.I believe he had some health problems.
He went from Kit Toys to Drone trigger Systems in 2010.He usually sold his Trigger Systems on ebay.
I don't setup the DM10 very often anymore..I break it out for any troubleshooting that hasn't been addressed on this Forum..which isn't too often.
The Final Version of the Mesh Kits used a "Sensitivity Knob"..which is actually more of a Blend for the Center and Edge.
You could isolate each one or move the sensitivity to one or the other.
The same setup is on the STRIKE Kits and some others.
There were many designs/Versions for the Alesis Mesh triggers..I attached Pre-2016..which is 2015 and earlier DM10..and 2016 and later (STRIKE Design Not Included) which covers most of the Newer Kits after the Roland Patent expired.
The DM10 has 10 year old firmware and it's algorithm more than likely isn't going to interpret additional voltage changes from multiple Piezo Positions
along with an old sample pool that's not going to have multiple variations and the majority of all the more complicated trigger designs (which they are numerous now..and some quite elaborate/expensive) came after the DM10 lost popularity. .The Blue Jay Sound set may have had more variations or dynamics and the DM10 2.0 (AKA Pearl Red Box) which turned the module from a multiple Kits/Articulations samples module to a single Kit module with more dynamics etc etc. I haven't setup a Hi hat with eDRUMin and the original DM10 to check the performance or if the sample pool or the Hi hat Combinations have a full range Hi hat.
The eDRUMin can create a dual zone from a single Piezo (TS Cable) with it's edge sensing.
There is a
DIY section Triggers..switch pedals, Hi hat pedals, etc etc and Rob is constantly updating his products to accommodate a lot of them as much as possible.
You're in unknown territory...using an older module and it's Sample Base while using newer trigger designs....be careful not to go down the Rabbit Hole..
There were some members that spent a great deal of time creating kits for the original DM10..you can try some of those.
Their posts in the Forum..The .syx files are in the last/final download.
I posted/uploaded everything in one zip file including the Editor as it was abandoned including all of the links.
Introducing DMEditor (now version 1.1a and open source!)EDIT:Added images..Links