Author Topic: Alesis Strike Pro module running 1.5 firmware but no new kits?  (Read 1628 times)

I purchased a used Strike Pro Module, love it.  It's running the latest firmware update 1.5 but I notice it does not have any of the new kits installed... Big Bird, Amp Room, Spank, etc... And I don't see the kits from previous updates, such as Power Station, etc. either.

Is there way (or place) I can download the updated kits and add these to my module without having to use the Strike Updater and reload the 1.5 firmware again?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.


Re: Alesis Strike Pro module running 1.5 firmware but no new kits?
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2024, 01:04:44 PM »
I would think you're fine to just reinstall 1.5.  don't forget to do the content update.  That is a separate install

Offline Chaser

Re: Alesis Strike Pro module running 1.5 firmware but no new kits?
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2024, 01:28:05 PM »
I purchased a used Strike Pro Module, love it.  It's running the latest firmware update 1.5 but I notice it does not have any of the new kits installed... Big Bird, Amp Room, Spank, etc... And I don't see the kits from previous updates, such as Power Station, etc. either.

Is there way (or place) I can download the updated kits and add these to my module without having to use the Strike Updater and reload the 1.5 firmware again?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.


You have a "Closet" Module...someone purchased years ago and put in a Closet and never updated..I have run into many of these where they were not properly updated and only the 1st part of the v1.5  update was done just to sell on ebay,Reverb etc as "current"

If the Power Station Kits aren't present then you have v1.2 you will need to start with v1.3 and proceed thru v1.5.

The links are direct downloads from Alesis/InMusic..eventually they will all be taken down as the last update.. v1.5..was  2019 and Modules sold since included all the content and v1.5 Firmware... all previous modules (from 2016-2019) are presumed updated as it has been 5 years since v1.5....6 years since v1.4 and 7 years since v1.3.

You can also add the Factory Content using the STRIKE EDITOR...which was used in some of the updates/instructions.

STRIKE Module Firmware /Editor Updates

v1.3 (Change log: Power Station New England Kit Expansion: Added two new preset kits.)..

v1.4 (New Sounds: Free for your playing pleasure are 15 brand new kits comprised of 28 new instruments and over 500 MB of new samples. Enjoy!)

New Kits: The following kits have been added:
001-Big Bird Kit
002-Amp Room
004-Reggae MK2

      v1.4                                   v1.5
Instruments   1,831        Instruments   1,902  (+71)
Kits                 131         Kits                  136    (+5)
Samples      16,308        Samples       17,234 (+926)

Added Links.Image

« Last Edit: April 30, 2024, 01:46:01 PM by Chaser »

Re: Alesis Strike Pro module running 1.5 firmware but no new kits?
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2024, 09:23:36 PM »
Chaser, thanks for your response I really appreciate you helping my Strike to come out of the closet?. I have a Mackbook Pro M1, will the Strike Editor run on it being that it?s pretty old too?

Would I just download the content or do I need to do all the rest of the firmware updates too?  Or is the content / firmware one and the same?

I really appreciate your help.


Offline Chaser

Re: Alesis Strike Pro module running 1.5 firmware but no new kits?
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2024, 09:58:57 PM »
Chaser, thanks for your response I really appreciate you helping my Strike to come out of the closet?. I have a Mackbook Pro M1, will the Strike Editor run on it being that it?s pretty old too?

Would I just download the content or do I need to do all the rest of the firmware updates too?  Or is the content / firmware one and the same?

I really appreciate your help.


If you have v1.5 Installed (DSP v1.50..Trigger v1.50)..and missing Kit's/Content back to Power'll only need the content.
Some of the Firmware updates used a different updater could use the STRIKE EDITOR. have waited too long.The Links were all active in of today I checked and updated as many links as possible ..v1.4 Mac is no longer working (including from Internet Archives). and as of late 2023 the STRIKE Editor and Firmware updater is not listed as compatible with macOS 13 Ventura ..M1..
Rosetta works for some apps..I can't confirm for any of the Alesis as I stopped using macs a few years back as I got tired of the annual system changes breaking everything.

Alesis | macOS 13 Ventura Compatibility

You'll have to find/use a Windows machine...Unknown how much longer those will last also..

Updated Links under Firmware Updates...added Links here and image.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2024, 10:16:11 PM by Chaser »

Re: Alesis Strike Pro module running 1.5 firmware but no new kits?
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2024, 05:03:01 PM »
Chaser, I really appreciate your help. I wish I?d realized the lack of updates sooner, but only recognized it via the missing newer kits.

I do have an older Mac Mini still running Yosemite? Would the Strike Editor run on that machine / OS?

If not, my wife is a PC person, so I could get her to help me with her Windows machine.


Re: Alesis Strike Pro module running 1.5 firmware but no new kits?
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2024, 03:25:15 PM »
Chaser, thank you so much for your help.  I realized that I had previously downloaded the following files off Alesis?s site a long time ago and I?m wondering if these will enable me to do the content updates on my 1.5 firmware updated Strike Module.

I have the following:

Alesis Strike Editor Mac v1.1.3

AlesisStrikeEditor OSX_1.1.3 dmg

Alesis Strike Firmware Updater_for Firmware 1.50 (updater 1.0.2) dmg

Chaser, so the question I have, with the files listed above, will I be able to add the missing content (sounds / kits) from the 1.3 firmware update, given that my module already is running 1.5?

And if so, what is the order and process I should take to add the 1.3 content, then the 1.5 content I?m missing?

I do not have the 1.4 firmware update nor the content that came with it.  But I?m wondering if the content / kits could be added to the module via some other method?  If someone had those sounds and were able to share them, is it possible to load them as new kits via the  SD card?  I would imagine when we download this stuff, the original files end up on your hard drive.  I?d be more than happy to share any of these files with anyone if they are no longer readily available through Alesis.

I appreciate your help / insights and I?m more than willing to share my experience with others that are in the same boat with non-up to date Strike Modules.

And finally, to recap. I have an older MacMini running Yosemite which I plan on using to perform the updates on my Strike Module. It that won?t work or be compatible using the updaters listed above, I?d sure appreciate your insights.


Offline Chaser

Re: Alesis Strike Pro module running 1.5 firmware but no new kits?
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2024, 11:50:03 AM »
Chaser, thank you so much for your help.  I realized that I had previously downloaded the following files off Alesis?s site a long time ago and I?m wondering if these will enable me to do the content updates on my 1.5 firmware updated Strike Module.

I have the following:

Alesis Strike Editor Mac v1.1.3

AlesisStrikeEditor OSX_1.1.3 dmg

Alesis Strike Firmware Updater_for Firmware 1.50 (updater 1.0.2) dmg

Chaser, so the question I have, with the files listed above, will I be able to add the missing content (sounds / kits) from the 1.3 firmware update, given that my module already is running 1.5?

And if so, what is the order and process I should take to add the 1.3 content, then the 1.5 content I?m missing?


The files you posted Alesis Strike Editor Mac v1.1.3..AlesisStrikeEditor OSX_1.1.3 dmg are just for the Editor and Alesis Strike Firmware Updater_for Firmware 1.50 (updater 1.0.2) dmg is Not is the installer for the v1.5 Firmware and the Content and is included in the download..all of which are still currently available in the STRIKE Downloads...
You need v1.3 UPDATE..and v1.4 UPDATE (WIN only)..the Updates include simple installation Instructions and the Missing Content.
All of the Instructions/links have been posted multiple Multiple Topics.
The procedure hasn't changed..use the Updater or the STRIKE Editor to install the Missing Content..(v1.3 was 2 part..2nd part used the Editor for Content install..v1.4 and later used the Updater for Content but you can still use the STRIKE Editor to install Content Only).
The longer you wait the chances of the UPDATES No Longer being available increase..v1.4 is gone for Mac..unknown when the rest will be taken down...not a matter of if..but when.

I do not have the 1.4 firmware update nor the content that came with it.  But I?m wondering if the content / kits could be added to the module via some other method?  If someone had those sounds and were able to share them, is it possible to load them as new kits via the  SD card?  I would imagine when we download this stuff, the original files end up on your hard drive.  I?d be more than happy to share any of these files with anyone if they are no longer readily available through Alesis.

I appreciate your help / insights and I?m more than willing to share my experience with others that are in the same boat with non-up to date Strike Modules.

And finally, to recap. I have an older MacMini running Yosemite which I plan on using to perform the updates on my Strike Module. It that won?t work or be compatible using the updaters listed above, I?d sure appreciate your insights.

You are back where you started..with the exception v1.4 for Mac is gone ..figure out what macOS was being used at the time of the update releases or find a Windows Machine as mentioned in previous post.."my wife is a PC person, so I could get her to help me with her Windows machine."

You are going on 2-1/2 months for something that could have been done in less than an hour.
The Sample Content is Copyrighted material and was never a downloadable Library and came preinstalled in the Module.
The updates added/and or replaced Content.
There was never an itemized list of Instruments/Articulations that were added per update and No One is going to take the time and try to figure out all of the missing Instruments and samples from specific Updates..then Zip..upload to a File Host and provide a link.You are looking at a couple Gigabytes (just for the updates)..5GB for the complete Data Base of Copyrighted material (Alesis will never host/provide a Public Link for download) and disassembly of the Module and removing the SD Card...while an update takes around 15 Mins including Content.

This user purchased a STRIKE Kit just for Video game use...then put away (closet) and years later attempted to do things his own way and eventually didn't like the answers he received and hasn't been back since.

Strike Pro Module Has No Audio Output

Added Links

« Last Edit: July 06, 2024, 12:09:58 PM by Chaser »

Re: Alesis Strike Pro module running 1.5 firmware but no new kits?
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2024, 01:45:11 PM »
Chaser, thanks again for your time and assistance, you?re a gentleman and scholar.  And per your advice I downloaded the windows versions of all the files as well before they get pulled so I can try to do the content updates under windows (especially getting the 1.4 content).

Back to Mac, I was able to connect the MacMini (Yosemite) to the Strike and reran the 1.5 firmware update (which also states it has the content)? Update worked fine, except the additional 1.5 kits still aren?t there.  Is there a separate content download for the 1.5 update? if so I could not find it.

I then ran the Alesis Strike Editor using the update factory content command, chose the 1.3 content binary, update failed.
The module prompt seems to be looking for sys.ex files, not binary yet the content seems to be binary format.

I will stop with the Mac and try it all again with an older Windows laptop running Windows 10 and the appropriate windows download files and see if it likes that better.


Offline Chaser

Re: Alesis Strike Pro module running 1.5 firmware but no new kits?
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2024, 03:46:26 PM »
The Content is included in the Downloads...the Kits,Instruments and wav files are in the Bin Files..syx is for updating the Trigger and OS MCU's using the Updater app and will not load using the Editor.

I know they all work as I picked up a "Closet"  Module cheap off Craigslist and just updated it before the July 4th Holiday.
It actually only had v1.0 and a Dead SD Card so I ran every update (I didn't need to as once you backup the internal SD Card you only need install a copy and Install v1.5.) since the STRIKE was released just to check if they were working properly.

The Updater apps must be installed in order as you'll receive a "The installed Alesis Updater app is newer than the old one and must be uninstalled"..if you go out of order and do v1.5 before the others v1.3 and v1.4.

The Updater is 32 bit so it and the Content Bin File will be under Program Files (X86)

Added Images..v1.3-v1.5
« Last Edit: July 07, 2024, 04:27:01 PM by Chaser »

Re: Alesis Strike Pro module running 1.5 firmware but no new kits?
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2024, 05:43:17 PM »
Chaser, that?s great feedback. Given that my module has 1.5 on it already, when I try to load 1.3, will the software give me the option to uninstall the newer update, then enable me to load them in sequence back up to 1.5?


Offline Chaser

Re: Alesis Strike Pro module running 1.5 firmware but no new kits?
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2024, 06:09:01 PM »
Chaser, that?s great feedback. Given that my module has 1.5 on it already, when I try to load 1.3, will the software give me the option to uninstall the newer update, then enable me to load them in sequence back up to 1.5?

BDrums will erase the MCU and install are not updating or rolling back a system..the MCU is erased and Trigger/OS re-installed with whatever version you are choosing.
It is Displayed during the process for Trigger and OS... "erasing MCU".
I still run v1.3 on a couple Modules (as do others)...Main difference..manual Control of the Hi hat settings , but you lose the Newer features like Pre-loading Kits in the background..and the "Kit on The Rug"

Re: Alesis Strike Pro module running 1.5 firmware but no new kits?
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2024, 12:12:45 PM »
Chaser, seriously, I really appreciate all of your help. I did the updates from 1.3 to 1.5 using an older Windows laptop.  I?d like to check to see that I have all the new content? I see the PowerStation kit and all the new 1.5 kits in the list of kits? The 1.4 update took much longer and I?m wondering which sounds / kits were part of the content in this update so i can check the list for them as well.


Re: Alesis Strike Pro module running 1.5 firmware but no new kits?
« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2024, 02:53:34 PM »
Chaser, disregard my previous post, I found the complete list as a download on the Alesis site. 


Re: Alesis Strike Pro module running 1.5 firmware but no new kits?
« Reply #14 on: July 16, 2024, 07:18:33 PM »
Hi guys. I'm thinking of getting used Strike module over time for myself. When browsing ebay I came across some LCD replacement units.
Does anyone happen to know if Strike module has known screen issues? Like old Roland TD12/20 screens that almost all went bad by now.

Offline Chaser

Re: Alesis Strike Pro module running 1.5 firmware but no new kits?
« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2024, 11:21:40 PM »
Hi guys. I'm thinking of getting used Strike module over time for myself. When browsing ebay I came across some LCD replacement units.
Does anyone happen to know if Strike module has known screen issues? Like old Roland TD12/20 screens that almost all went bad by now.

I have never seen "New" LCD Screens..only pre-owned.
Those are from those who purchased Non-Working  modules and thought they would be a simple fix...they are not and now the only way to recoup their money is to part them out.
There are (2) Boards..the Main Power Board (12v..5 v) which is typically the one that goes as it also has the Audio.
The other Board is the Motherboard (Black Fin Processors Ram etc etc)...both of these Boards are around $350-400.00 if you get one where one board took out the other...(Power Board takes out the Main Motherboard) will cost more for the (2) Boards than a New Module would have cost originally.
I have posted in many Topics...DO NOT Purchase a Non-Working Module advertised as "Maybe a Simple Fix"..
I have repaired quite a few combining parts from different modules with various problems as some Customer Returns hit the is not simple..and Cheap is expensive..

Re: I need a photo of the inside of a Strike Pro module please!

Re: Alesis Strike Pro module running 1.5 firmware but no new kits?
« Reply #16 on: July 17, 2024, 08:01:27 PM »
Thanks Chaser. Very much indeed.