They removed the ability to imports VST BFD3 sound was on the manual and never worked.
That was actually one of my questions for the Developers (Skot,Drew) as I didn't see mentioned that Presets etc could only be imported for "Existing" Expansions/Libraries for the PRIME Module..not just any Preset made up of any kit/combo from any expansion you have available in BFD3.
That would require including the articulations from that Expansion/Library
BFD3 Presets are comprised of 2 pieces of Library info along with Mixer Slot assignments (Instruments) and the rest of the Mixer..mics..FX etc etc.
The only "recognized" Libraries I see in the PRIME Module is BFD Dark Farm and BFD Percussion..
The Power Station Expansion/Library does not exist for BFD and the Electronic may be from the 8Bit library so unknown what Library info is being used in those Presets/Kits.
Any Preset..Custom Kit Piece etc created in BFD is saved as a "User"..not the original Library info.
You cannot interchange Kits or Presets from cannot load what you do not own.
If you load a Preset without having the required Expansion/Library the Instruments will be shown missing (if it loads at all in this module).
In BFD you can load the Preset or Kit specific to the library and have the option of loading the Kit,Mixer,Groove..along with keymap,Automation,Global settings..which each can be edited,replaced and saved as another Preset..but it will become a "User" preset..I presume Keymap,Automation,Global settings are not supported in the PRIME Module so those settings are probably ignored on loading.
I do not have a PRIME Module but if I had a Factory Preset from the Module I would know in just a few minutes how it works as apparently it is using BFD3 Kits/Presets and if the required info could be Manually edited in a BFD3 Kit/Preset to work properly.I have created Presets in BFD for the BFD Player , which after saving must be Manually edited for the proper library info and instrument/mixer assignments in order to load in the BFD Player as it does not load "User" Kits or any BFD Preset without the proper library info.
BFD Player has Dark Farm broken into and sold as multiple Libraries..each with it's own Library code and one instrument had a name change but for the most part identical except for articulation count.
I don't know if the PRIME Module has the same Instrument naming or if like the majority of modules , it has a character limit.
I would Presume since one of the Features was the BFD3 Preset imports etc that the naming stayed the same.
The attached email response shows
"Missing YS1 Snare and".... in the subject Line..
The YS1 Snare is in the BFD Yamaha Signature Snares Vol 1 Library...and that is not in any of the libraries currently in or available for the PRIME Module.
You can't load what you don't own.I presume all of the BFD3 Expansions will eventually be available for Purchase for the PRIME Module.
Currently the main BFD3 Program does not export multi-velocity articulations/samples/complete libraries. (There
was an export Feature for NFUZD Inspire).The additional expansions/Libraries will either have to purchase separately (smaller versions) just like the BFD Player or maybe BFD4 (under Development) will have an export Feature.
BFD3 (BFD4 under Development) Main program will then be the "Editor" so you can create all of the Presets.Kits,Custom Kit Pieces etc and then save/export and import/load into the PRIME Module....Unknown exactly which direction this is going.
If you know the individual have them take a copy of an actual default BFD3 Dark Farm Kit or Preset (not saved/exported) on SD Card and see if it imports/loads in the module...also try a saved Kit or Preset from BFD3 using only Dark Farm Expansion/Library..No others.
The Factory Kit or Preset will have factory Default Library info..the Saved/Exported Kit or Preset with have Library info saved as "User".
The Module may only load "User" Kits or it may recognize both and place them in different locations.The Expansions for the Module may have been assigned a New Library Code as is the case with BFD Player
I do not know if the module also requires the accompanying .png for the Kit or Preset..BFD Player does not as there are no graphics shown with the Preset it is just in a drop down list..
EDIT:Added Default Locations for reference
BFD3 Factory Preset locationsWindows C:\ProgramData>BFD Drums>BFD3>System>Presets.
macOS Library>Application Support>BFD Drums>BFD3>System>Presets
BFD3 Factory Kit locationsWindows C:\ProgramData>BFD Drums>BFD3>System>Kits.
macOS Library>Application Support>BFD Drums>BFD3>System>Kits